Bad oral habits and how to change them

Many people are guilty of using their teeth to do things they are not supposed to do – opening bottles, biting and trimming nails, crushing ice and clenching are only a few of them. Unfortunately, bad dental habits can be dangerous for your oral health and putting an end to them will help you maintain healthy teeth for longer.

Dentist in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we appreciate that bad dental habits are not easy to stop – especially if you have been performing them for years unconsciously. However, our experienced dentist in W1 will help you get over them and never be tempted to repeat them again.

Sipping, crunching and sucking

If you have been sucking or biting the leftover ice from your drinks, you need to stop. Ice cubes are cold and brittle and they can cause your teeth to crack, chip or even break if you are not careful enough. Moreover, ice cubes can cause tiny fractures on the surface of your teeth, encouraging bacteria to enter your tooth enamel. Other foods that put unnecessary pressure on your teeth include popcorn kernels and fruit pits. Sipping sugary drinks can also have the same effect on teeth and this is particularly important for babies who should never be left with a bottle to sip on. If you cannot quit one of these habits on your own, your dentist in W1 can help by providing a mouth guard.


This may seem like an obvious habit to avoid, but many people are not aware of the consequences of tobacco on their teeth and gums. Smoking not only causes bad breath but can also compromise your taste buds and encourage gum disease. Moreover, smoking can cause bone loss in the jawbone and oral cancer. If you find it difficult to quit smoking, your dentist in W1 can offer smoking cessation information.

Grinding your teeth

Grinding your teeth can be damaging your tooth enamel and can even cause jaw problems. Often people grind their teeth when they find themselves in stressful situations, leading their teeth exposed to decay. Speak to your dentist in W1 about dental options available to lessen the effects of grinding your teeth (e.g. a mouth guard or stress-reducing exercises).

Orthodontics in Harley Street has no age

Although we often think that orthodontics is simply for children and adults, braces can be used by patients of all ages. Ideally, orthodontic treatment should start at a young age, but if this is not possible, treatment later in life will be effective as well.

Orthodontics in Harley StreetHere at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we welcome orthodontic patients of all ages and we offer a wide variety of teeth straightening options to cover every dental need possible. Whether you suffer from gapped, crooked, misaligned or protruding teeth, you can learn more about orthodontics in Harley Street by simply asking our experienced orthodontists.

Orthodontics for children

Parents are advised to bring their child to the orthodontist no later than the age of 7. At this age, they will have already developed most of their teeth and any irregular bite patterns will be easy to discern. Early orthodontics in Harley Street lessens the chance of dental problems becoming more severe and requiring more serious treatment.

Orthodontics for adults

Nowadays, it’s becoming more commonplace for adults to straighten their teeth in an attempt to improve their smile and overall quality of their life. If you are an adult seeking orthodontics in Harley Street, technology is your friend. Instead of relying on the old and trusted but much unattractive metal brackets and wires, you can now improve your smile inconspicuously with the help of discreet orthodontic devices such as Invisalign.

Is there a difference in orthodontics based on age?

The biggest difference between children and adults when it comes to orthodontic treatments, is that children’s jaws are still developing, therefore they can have their jaws realigned more easily. Adults, on the other hands, have immobile jaws and are more likely than children to experience bone loss because of gum disease or tooth decay. Moreover, many adults who received orthodontic treatment as children or teenagers, never completed their therapy and this can have a profound impact on the current state of their teeth.

Orthodontic treatment for all ages

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, you are our priority whether you are 6 or 60. To learn more about our orthodontic options, please schedule a consultation.

Preparing for the placement of dental implants in Harley Street

Congratulations on your upcoming dental implant surgery. In a short period of time, your oral function will be completely restored and your new teeth will look and function just like your natural teeth.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we believe that you made the right choice when you decided to have dental implants in Harley Street. Unlike other options, dental implants are very reliable and will last for many years without the need to be replaced. However, we also appreciate that preparing for oral surgery can be a daunting experience and we will do our best to make you feel at ease through every step of the procedure.

We are here to answer all of your questions

As a general rule, the more you know about your upcoming implant surgery, the more prepared you will feel. In general, dental implants operations are not uncomfortable – most patients describe them as less painful than root canals treatments. However, each patient is different and different people react in their own way. If you have specific questions about dental implants in Harley Street, we will answer them. If you have questions about the process, we will also try to give you a good understanding of how things are going to work. Moreover, if you think that you will feel uncomfortable during any stage of the treatment, you should let us know in advance.

Get ready for recovery

While it is difficult to relax before oral surgery, you can take a few steps towards ensuring that you will feel as stress-free as possible after your operation for dental implants in Harley Street. Arrange to take a few days off work and make sure that a friend or relative accompanies you to the dental practice on the day of the operation. If you are being sedated this is particularly important, since they can take you home after the procedure. Making all these preparations in advance will also help you to prepare mentally as well.

Dental implant surgery may seem scary, but it’s all worth it when you see your improved smile. If you are in need of dental implants in Harley Street, we invite you to schedule a consultation.

Preparing your child for their first visit to the dental clinic in W1

Whether your toddler has a mouth full of teeth or only a few coming through, it is time to start thinking about visiting the dentist. Baby teeth are not permanent, but it is really important to keep them clean and healthy.

Dental Clinic in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic, your trusted dental clinic in W1, we offer a wide variety of dental care services for children. From their first teeth to impacted wisdom teeth, we help parents and children understand the importance of good oral hygiene and prevention within a warm and comfortable environment.

First dental visit

At your child’s first dental visit to our dental clinic in W1, we will examine their teeth for early signs of disease and also look for potential problems with the head, neck or jaw. We will also evaluate the bite, facial growth and development of your child’s teeth and determine whether they will need teeth straightening treatment in the future.

If needed, we will clean their teeth gently and demonstrate various tooth brushing techniques and positions to help you maximise your child’s oral care.

Bringing your child to the dentist early often leads to a lifetime of good oral care not to mention that your child will become familiar with the dentist, and are thereby less likely to exhibit symptoms of fear or anxiety.

If your child’s teeth are prone to cavities, we will suggest preventive treatments such as fluoride applications and dental sealants. X-rays may also be necessary to establish the degree of development of their teeth and determine whether there is any hidden tooth decay.

How should I prepare my child for their dental visit?

Parents should be as casual as possible about visiting the dentist and be able to explain things in a way that is truthful and informative yet non-threatening. Role-playing is a great idea since it will help your child learn what to expect at the dental practice. You can also explain to your child the procedures they will undergo, but avoid frightening or intimidating words.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we want treatment to be as pleasant as possible. Our dentists will listen to your concerns and help you create the best treatment plan for your child.

How can dental sealants protect your children’s teeth

Protecting your children’s teeth is one of your most important roles as a parent. Children are more prone to cavities and tooth decay than adults and, while their teeth are not permanent, it is absolutely necessary that they remain healthy and disease-free.

Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we provide many preventive treatments against tooth decay in children, including dental sealants. These thin, plastic coatings are painted by our dentist in Harley Street on the surfaces of your children’s teeth, protecting them from the effects of tooth decay.

What are dental sealants and how do they work?

Dental sealants are very thin, plastic coatings that are painted onto the surfaces of the back teeth. They are impermeable to food remains and bacteria. Your dentist in Harley Street will paint them carefully on the surfaces of your children’s back teeth. Once dry, the will completely protect all these nooks and crannies that your child’s toothbrush cannot reach. This simple and quick treatment can save you money and time in the long run.

Do dental sealants guarantee a cavity-free smile?

Dental sealants are the best possible protection against cavities for children’s teeth. However, they are not a miracle treatment. If your child fails to take good care of them, ignore their dental hygiene routine and continues eating lots of sugary treats, their effectiveness will reduce over time. However, research has shown that dental sealants can dramatically reduce the risk of tooth decay on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, as long as your child takes good care of them.

How long do dental sealants last?

Dental sealants are very strong and are designed to withstand chewing and biting pressure. With proper care and maintenance, they can last up to 10 years. Your dentist in Harley Street will need to check them every so often. If you decide that dental sealants are the best protection for your child’s smile, then we will closely monitor them with every visit to the dental practice to ensure that they are still doing a proper job.

Don’t wait to protect your children from cavities. Practice prevention by scheduling an appointment with our dentist in Harley Street today.

Are clear braces in Harley Street effective?

If you want to have clear braces but you are concerned they won’t be as effective as metal braces, there is no need to worry. Clear braces work just as well as regular braces, however, they cannot fix all types of dental problems.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer innovative clear braces in Harley Street, most of which are very improved technologically. Clear braces in Harley Street have many benefits and not all of them are related to your appearance.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetCan everyone have clear braces?

Unfortunately, clear braces can only address minor and moderate alignment issues. If your teeth have severe alignment problems or you experience serious problems with your jaw, then your dentist will suggest alternative treatments. In most cases, severely misaligned teeth can only be treated with metal braces. Many patients start their treatment with metal braces and switch to clear braces once the more severe problems have been resolved.

Clear braces are invisible

Whether you choose to have fixed clear braces or invisible aligners (ie. Invisalign) you will enjoy inconspicuous teeth straightening treatment. All these treatments employ transparent or tooth-coloured materials that are difficult to discern against your teeth. With clear braces in Harley Street, you will have more reasons to smile.

Clear braces can even treat bite problems

If your teeth are in the wrong position, then the chances of having a bad bite are very high. Some types of clear braces – such as Invisalign aligners – can address these problems effectively. However, always remember that just like alignment problems, bite problems should be moderate in order to be fixed by clear braces in Harley Street.

Clear braces are more affordable than ever

The demand for invisible braces in recent years has led to the development of many brands. While some believe that clear braces are pricier than regular braces, truth is that clear braces are now more affordable than ever. Not to mention that you are spoilt for choice.

If you have decided to improve the appearance and function of your smile with clear braces in Harley Street, give us a call to discuss your options and book a consultation appointment.

Considering the non-dental aspects of cosmetic dentistry

In a world that is full of reasons to feel inadequate about ourselves, cosmetic dentistry can restore our confidence in our smile. With a wide range of solutions available, it is never too late to give your teeth a makeover.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we think that cosmetic dentistry is not just for the rich and famous and for this reason we offer a wide range of affordable cosmetic treatments. If you are ready to step up your smile game, contact our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street for a smile makeover consultation.

Is cosmetic dentistry suitable for everyone?

Cosmetic dentistry is a personal affair, therefore, we cannot make your decisions for you, although we can advise you. Depending on your experiences and the way you feel about your teeth, you may have one or more cosmetic dentistry treatments. However, as with any medical procedure, it is important to understand why you seek the help of the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street. Knowing more about your motives, smile goals and aspirations can help us shape the best treatment plan for you.

Ready to change your smile?

If you think that your teeth are an important part of the perception you have of your smile, you are right. However, an experienced cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will take into consideration other characteristics as well in order to ensure that you reach the best effect possible.

These characteristics include your facial height and width, your age, your skin colour, your lip shape and the overall state of your teeth and gums. You may not realise it, but some of these characteristics can determine whether a cosmetic treatment will offer an overall aesthetically pleasing result. For this reason, all of these factors need to be weighed up by a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street before they create a treatment plan.

Bottom line

Cosmetic dentistry choices are now more diverse and numerous than ever.

By now you should have understood that there are many factors to take into consideration when preparing for cosmetic dentistry and sometimes these may not be entirely related to your teeth.

Always talk to your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street about your options and be clear with your smile aspirations.

How preventive dentistry can keep your teeth healthy

It is a sad fact that a lot of people will only visit a dentist in W1 when they have a dental emergency, but the truth is that if you have regular check-ups, you less likely to experience any dental emergencies. Like many dentists, at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we believe that preventive dentistry is the best way to keep your teeth healthy.

Dentist in W1Types of preventive dentistry

Preventive dentistry covers a number of things. Hygiene is an important aspect. Regular visits to a hygienist at our dentist in W1 will not only keep your teeth looking good, but will also keep them free of plaque. A build-up of plaque can lead to decay and gum disease if you are not careful.

Good dental hygiene can also help to keep bad breath under control. If this is something that concerns you, talk to one of our hygienists. There is no need to be embarrassed. They will be able to give you brushing and flossing tips.

It is just as important to look after your gums as it is your teeth. If you see blood in the sink when brushing your teeth, it could be a sign of gum disease, known as gingivitis. If this is not treated it can develop into periodontitis, which can lead to tooth loss.

If you have sensitive teeth, it is best to make an appointment with our dentist in W1 as there are several causes, some more serious than others.

Grinding the teeth and clenching the jaw are common habits that can lead to not only problems with the teeth, but also headaches, neck and shoulder pain. You may not be aware that you do it, as many people grind their teeth while asleep, but if you find yourself waking up with a headache or jaw pain, visit our dentist in W1 as there are few different solutions.

It is important for pregnant women to keep a close eye on their oral health, as hormone changes can have an effect and increase susceptibility to gum disease.

Everyone should schedule regular check-ups with a dentist in W1, as well as regular visits to a hygienist. This is the best way to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Frequently asked orthodontics questions

Most people have an awareness of what a regular dentist does, but when it comes to orthodontics in Harley Street, it can be a bit of a mystery. Here are some answers to common questions regarding orthodontics.

What is the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist?

Orthodontics in Harley StreetOne of the most common questions is regarding the differences between a general dentist and an orthodontist. The main difference is training. In order to specialise in orthodontics in Harley Street, our orthodontists have completed at least 2 years of postgraduate training. This training gives them more in-depth knowledge of all the problems that can be corrected using orthodontics, and the treatments involved.

Eating with braces

Many people considering braces want to know how their diet will be affected. This will depend on the type of brace. If it’s a particular concern, you may be better suited to clear aligners such as Invisalign, which are designed to be removed when eating. If you have traditional style bracket and wire braces, you do need to be a bit careful about what you eat, as the braces are somewhat delicate and can be damaged by biting into very hard foods. Particularly chewy and sticky foods should also be avoided. Remember it’s only temporary though – it’s worth avoiding certain foods for a year or so in order to get the smile you want. If you come to us for orthodontics in Harley Street, the team will explain which foods you should avoid.

Playing musical instruments

It is a myth that you can’t play brass or woodwind instruments with braces. However, it may take you a while to get used to the changes you may need to make to accommodate the braces in order to play. Musicians considering orthodontics in Harley Street should make sure to discuss this with the orthodontist as they may be better suited to some systems than others.

At what age can I have orthodontics in Harley Street?

Children, teens and adults can all benefit from orthodontic treatment. Usually, treatment isn’t started until most of the adult teeth have come through. Adults can be treated at any age as long as their teeth are healthy.

Choosing the right cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

If you have decided to take the plunge and invest in cosmetic dentistry, the next step is to find the right cosmetic dentist who will help you achieve your smile goals. Cosmetic dentistry is not only about skill – your cosmetic dentist should also appreciate your vision of your ideal smile and share your concerns.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we have gathered together a talented team of cosmetic dentists, who are willing to help you design your new smile. Your personal cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will examine your teeth carefully and will take into consideration various parameters before creating a treatment plan. Patient satisfaction is our primary goal and we collaborate with our patients to help them achieve their new smile based on what they desire.

Begin your search well in advance

There is no reason for postponing your search for a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street if you have already decided that you need to enhance your smile. Having time to explore different options will help you make a better decision.

General dentists are not trained to perform cosmetic dentistry

While it is true that general dentists performed minor cosmetic procedures such as white fillings, aesthetics is not their priority. It is really important that your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street specialises in cosmetic dentistry treatments and has the educational background and experience to prove it. All of our cosmetic dentists in Harley Street Dental Clinic are highly trained and have extensive experience in different cosmetic procedures, some of which are more complex than others.

Don’t trust your friends and family blindly

Just because a friend or family member had a great experience with a specific cosmetic dentist, it doesn’t mean that it is going to be the same for you.

Before you trust a cosmetic dentist based solely on a personal recommendation, make sure that you check their credentials, visit their website, do some research on the treatments they offer and the materials they use and read as many recommendations as possible. You can also request to see before-and-after pictures of former patients for the treatment you are interested in.