Should I get orthodontics in Harley Street?

Crooked, misaligned, gapped and crowded teeth are not only a concern of children and teenagers. As a matter of fact, more and more adults are affected by these oral problems and wish to address them with the help of orthodontics.

Even if you haven’t had orthodontic treatment at a young age, it is never too late to fix your teeth and improve your smile – at Harley Street Dental Clinic we offer a wide variety of discreet options to help you achieve your smile goals. Deciding to get orthodontics in Harley Street does not have to be complicated. However, you need to consider some factors before choosing a specific treatment – from the severity of your malocclusion to your lifestyle.

Orthodontics in Harley StreetHow severe is your oral problem?

Getting orthodontics in Harley Street is not only about aesthetics. You may suffer from bite problems, widely gapped teeth or other problems that create difficulty keeping your mouth closed or hinder your ability to chew and speak. If your malocclusion is making daily life difficult, it is almost certain that you will need braces or another type of orthodontic treatment.

Are you having difficulty cleaning your teeth?

If your teeth are not severely misaligned but you have difficulty brushing and flossing them properly, then you have to consider the option of orthodontics in Harley Street. Crooked, gapped and misaligned teeth are difficult to brush and floss properly, since the toothbrush can easily miss certain spots in the mouth. Moreover, the floss can become tangled in-between specific teeth. As a result, improper brushing and flossing can lead to the accumulation of plaque and gum disease. If that’s the case, maybe it is time to get braces before it’s too late.

Research your orthodontic options thoroughly

While our dentists will provide as much information as possible on all the orthodontic options available in our clinic, it is really important to do your own research before making a decision about your smile. Looking at the advantages and disadvantages of the different treatments available will help you make an informed decision. Equally, the orthodontist you choose can have a positive or negative impact on your treatment experience.

New patients will feel at home in our comfortable practice

When looking for a new dentist in Harley Street, what kind of things do you consider? Location is usually important, and if you are looking to have certain treatments you will want to know that the dentist can offer these. Expertise and qualifications may be important to you. One thing people don’t always consider, but which is an important factor, is the practice itself.

Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we aim to provide a peaceful, comfortable practice with friendly, helpful staff who will do their best to put you at ease. Our dental clinic in Harley Street is located in a renovated Georgian town house, giving it a homely, yet professional feel. If you are looking for a dentist in Harley Street, you will be given a warm welcome here.

Our team will find the right dentist in Harley Street to suit your needs

We have a number of dentists working in our practice, with many of them focussing on a particular area of dentistry such as cosmetic dentists, braces dentists and paediatric dentists. When you first make contact with our practice, our helpful reception staff will talk to you about your needs so that they can match you to the best dentist to suit your requirements.

We offer a wide range of services to suit every patient

Whatever your dental needs, we are confident that we will be able to help you. With many dentists working in our practice, we have a wide range of treatments on offer. As well as the usual general dentistry treatments, at our dentist in Harley Street you can find additional treatments including braces, laser dentistry, facial aesthetics and children’s dentistry.

Whatever your needs, we can help

We pride ourselves on our dedicated approach to offering personalised treatment to suit our patient’s needs. We have multilingual staff, who can assist international patients, and we have a deep understanding of nervous patients and several ways in which we can help them. When it comes to payment, we understand that dental treatments can be expensive and offer payment plans to help spread the cost and make it more affordable. Whatever your needs, talk to our staff and we will do our best to help.

W1 is the way to go

SW19 is famous for the tennis, E1 for the Indian food of Brick Lane and NW8 for Abbey Road of Beatles’ fame. But what about W1? W1 is of course home to Harley Street, a road synonymous with medicine and healthcare. But did you know it is also home to dental care? At Harley Street Dental Clinic, your dentist in W1, we strive to make W1 the home of excellent dental care.

Dentist in W1We provide a full range of services for patients in and around London. Whether Marylebone is your home or you are a busy commuter from the outer zones of the city, we are here to look after your dental health. Here’s how:

By keeping dental disease at bay

The old adage that prevention is better than cure works just as well in dentistry as it does in medicine. At your routine dental check-up our dentist in W1 will look out for signs of dental disease, signs you are unlikely to spot until any disease has advanced to the point where it is causing you pain. We aim to catch things early so you can avoid discomfort and get speedy, straightforward treatment. Our dentists work in partnership with our hygienists in the fight against dental disease. A thorough clean, scale and polish with a hygienist will remove harmful plaque, which can lead to both tooth decay and gum disease.

By keeping you smiling

Healthy teeth are great for good oral function but they may not always look their best. Chips, stains, cracks and discolouration of your teeth can all leave you more hesitant to smile. The same goes with crooked, misshapen or altogether missing teeth. Thankfully our dentist in W1 can offer you a range of cosmetic dental treatments to get your teeth and smile looking great again, including teeth whitening, invisible braces, dental implants and veneers.

By keeping you happy

A visit to the dentist is not something many people look forward to but we’ll do our very best to make your visit as enjoyable as possible, from our friendly staff, welcoming modern setting and the fact that we offer weekend and evening appointments to work around your schedule.

Making the right decision – clear braces in Harley Street

Wearing braces is a very important decision and some people have difficulty choosing one type over the other. Braces not only correct crooked and misaligned teeth, but they can also repair bite issues that can lead to serious dental problems in the long run. Overall, braces provide you with the added confidence to match your improved oral health, but with so many choices out there, it can be tricky picking the right one.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we provide our patients with different types of braces – from traditional metal braces to clear braces in Harley Street. Clear braces, in particular, are designed for adults who wish to repair their teeth inconspicuously. If you are trying to figure out whether clear braces in Harley Street are the right choice for you, here is what you need to know about them.

Considering clear braces in Harley Street?

It is important to understand that clear braces and treatments like Invisalign are two separate things. Invisalign employs a series of removable, transparent aligners to help the teeth move into their correct position gradually, whereas clear braces in Harley Street consist of tooth-coloured brackets, which are made to blend seamlessly with the rest of your teeth for a natural result. Clear braces are attached to your teeth but are less visible than metal brackets due to their discreet design. If you are interested in this teeth-straightening method, our dentists will examine your teeth carefully, providing an expert opinion on the teeth-straightening solution that will fit best your situation.

Are clear braces better than other types of braces?

Each type of braces serve a different purpose, therefore it is difficult to say that clear braces are better than metal braces or Invisalign. In general, clear braces are ideal for patients who are not eligible for Invisalign and wish to straighten their teeth unobtrusively – provided that their teeth are not severely twisted, rotated or misaligned. Clear braces are quite discreet, creating a more appealing look than metal braces.

Your choice

Ultimately, choosing the right type of braces is a personal one. However, we can help you make the best decision possible.

Say cheese

Does your heart sink every time someone utters the words ‘Say cheese’? Does the thought of yet another photo of you covering your smile fill you with dread? With the help of the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street you don’t ever need to shrink away from photos for fear of showing off your less than stellar smile.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetFrom stains and discolouration to chipped, cracked and wonky teeth, there are endless reasons why you may not want to put your teeth on display. But thankfully, at Harley Street Dental Clinic, our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street has a solution for pretty much anything that may be troubling you about the appearance of your teeth.

Your dental health comes first

While we provide a range of cosmetic dental treatments, we’ll always put your dental health first. There is no point investing in teeth that look great on the outside but are crumbling away on the inside. Not only is it a waste of money, it can significantly affect your quality of life if your teeth aren’t in good shape.

So first things first, we’ll always check your dental health when you come to see our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street. If all looks well, we’ll then move onto helping you create the smile you’ve always wanted.

What can we do for you?

For stained and discoloured teeth, you can try teeth whitening. The effects are temporary, so if it isn’t your cup of tea you can just wait for it to fade. But if you like what you see, then you can come by for a top-up treatment. Using a clinically safe whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide, surface stains will be lifted off, restoring the natural gleam to your teeth.

For stains that teeth whitening can’t handle, we offer veneers. These porcelain sheaths are also great for camouflaging chipped, cracked, slightly rotated, gappy or misshapen teeth. It usually takes just 2 appointments to fit your veneers: the first to prepare your teeth and the second to fit your veneers.

We also offer gum lifts, dentures, bridges, dental implants, white fillings and more. Get in touch with our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street today to find out what you need.

When is it the best time to visit the dental clinic in W1?

Most people are not thrilled to visit the dentist, even if they’re just visiting for a routine examination and cleaning. However, aiming to visit the dentist at least twice a year is pretty important for the health of your teeth and gums.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, your trusted dental clinic in W1, we appreciate that not everyone is delighted to see the dentist, therefore we will strive to make your experience as enjoyable as possible. Here are some pointers for scheduling your next visit:

Dental Clinic in W1Is there a better time in the year for visiting the dental clinic in W1?

As crazy as it may sound, dental clinics have busy and slow seasons, just like most businesses. According to research, new patients are more likely to join a dental clinic at the end of the summer in preparation for the new academic year. Other busy months include December, January, February and April when most breaks occur. If you wish to plan your bi-annual examination without stressing about the number of people you will encounter, then scheduling a visit during the autumn, late spring or early summer and winter may be a good idea.

Is there an ideal day or ideal time in the day?

If you are not bound by a 9-5 job and you have to schedule a dental appointment, chances are that you will be better off scheduling an early day appointment. The dental clinic in W1 can be busy throughout the week – however, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays tend to be busier days than others according to various studies. If your appointment is expected to last longer or you need to undergo treatment for a complex problem, your dentist will ensure that there will be plenty of time for your appointment.

When should I see a dentist?

While scheduling an appointment at 9.00 am on a Friday might be ideal, we will provide great care whenever you come in – even if you ask for an emergency appointment. Instead of looking for an ideal day and time to see us, you should schedule an appointment as soon as possible if you haven’t seen a dentist in more than 6 months or if you are suffering from pain.

A helping hand for your dental health

Do you remember that carefree, sparkling smile you had as a child? As an adult smiling with such ease probably isn’t so easy. Some of that is down to the stresses that come with balancing work, family and all those other obligations. But often your dental health has a hand in it too. Perhaps gum disease has left you in discomfort, maybe missing teeth have left you feeling self-conscious or it could be that your teeth simply don’t look as great as you wish. Don’t dismay, there is help at hand with the dentist in Harley Street.

Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we have a Harley Street dentist to take care of every dental need. As well as general dentists we have dentists who have undergone further training for several additional years, on top of their dental degree, to focus on a specific area of dentistry.

Dealing with gum disease

Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss, which is why we have a dentist in Harley Street who has trained in treating gum disease and getting your gums back into good shape. Whether you have early stage gum disease, known as gingivitis, or more advanced gum disease, known as periodontitis, we have the skills to treat your condition and will also advise you on how to avoid gum disease going forward.

Dealing with infected teeth

When plaque gets the better of your teeth, bacteria can find their way into the sensitive pulp of your teeth that lies beneath the hard, outer enamel. Rather than lose the only teeth you’ll ever have, our dentist in Harley Street can carry out root canal therapy to remove the infection.

Dealing with missing teeth

There are several ways to restore missing teeth but by far the most reliable is dental implants. Our implant dentist can assess your oral health to determine if implants will work for you. Then during minor oral surgery, your implants will be placed into your jawbone and after a period of healing replacement crowns attached.

And there’s more

At our London practice, we also have dentists skilled in cosmetic, children’s and braces dentistry. Whatever your dental needs, we’re here to help.

Get the most out of Invisalign in Harley Street

Invisalign is a teeth-straightening option that has become quite popular in recent years due to its unique design and effective results. Unlike metal braces which are attached to the teeth for months or even years, Invisalign aligners can be removed in order to eat and brush your teeth.

Invisalign in Harley StreetInvisalign in Harley Street is still a teeth-straightening treatment and in order to make the most out of it, you need to use it carefully and according to the instructions provided by your dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic. Below are some tips and tricks to help you make the most of this treatment.

Do not forget to brush and floss daily

You may already brush your teeth twice daily, but flossing is equally important to ensure that plaque and bacteria are not accumulating in-between your teeth and below your gums. With Invisalign in Harley Street, proper oral hygiene is more important than ever, since keeping your teeth clean and plaque-free will also help keep your aligners clean and hygienic.

Do not fail to wear your aligners consistently

In order for Invisalign in Harley Street to work properly and offer the best results possible, commitment is key. Patients who fail to wear the aligners consistently for 20-22 hours per day are less likely to get positive results and they may even be compromising their treatment.

Always change your aligners according to your dentist’s instructions

Failing to change between one set of aligners to the next per your dentist’s instructions, can compromise your treatment with Invisalign in Harley Street. In general, Invisalign aligners should be changed every 7-10 days, however, only your dentist will make this decision. Changing your aligners faster will not make your teeth straighter faster.

Learn how to take good care of your aligners

It is imperative to clean your aligners every time you remove them to eat or brush your teeth. Saliva, plaque and bacteria can create a residue on them, which can affect the way they fit on your teeth. Rinsing your aligners with warm water and/or a special cleaning solution is the ideal method to ensure that they stay clean and hygienic. Avoid using a toothbrush or toothpaste, since they may scratch the plastic.

Please mind that gap

Tooth loss is never a good look. Perhaps if you’ve lost a tooth at the back of your mouth, you’re thinking you can get by, after all it doesn’t affect your smile. Except, it will, eventually. When untreated, tooth loss causes your jawbone to degenerate, which puts neighbouring teeth at greater risk of damage and of falling out. That triggers a vicious cycle of tooth loss and before you know it, your smile is full of gaps, your cheeks are sunken and your jawbone is diminished. So, whether you have lost one tooth or several, it is worth investing in dental implants in Harley Street.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we’ve seen countless patients walk away with a brand-new smile and renewed confidence in their oral function after getting dental implants in Harley Street.

So how does the whole process work?

Getting started

Your first step should be to schedule an appointment with one of our implant dentists. You will have a thorough examination of your mouth, including x-rays, as well as a good chat about your dental and medical history. The latter is just as important as the examination of your teeth and gums as certain medical and dental conditions can prevent you from getting dental implants in Harley Street straight away.

Gum disease needs to be resolved, as do conditions that affect healing, such as uncontrolled diabetes or heart disease. If your jawbone has deteriorated considerably, you may also need some preparatory work to strengthen it.

The implant procedure

When you are ready for your dental implants in Harley Street, we will carry out some minor oral surgery to place your implants directly into your jawbone. This anchors them securely in place as new bone tissue will grow around them. This is always carried out under local anaesthetic, but dental sedation is also available if you are feeling especially anxious. After a period of healing, we will attach your replacement crowns.


Dental implants in Harley Street, as elsewhere, do not require any special care. You should treat them as you would your natural teeth, with twice-daily brushing and flossing, regular dental check-ups and hygienist deep cleans.

How to prevent gum disease during your pregnancy

Being pregnant is different for each woman, yet some common standards apply. Pregnant women should maintain a healthy lifestyle, get regular exercise, avoid unhealthy food and stay away from drinking alcohol and smoking. Pregnant women should also visit the dentist frequently. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to many unwanted dental problems, such as gum disease.

Dentist in W1If you are pregnant and you are worried about the state of your teeth and gums and the effect your oral health may have on your unborn baby, our experienced dentists at Harley Street Dental Clinic are happy to help. Your dentist in W1 will examine your teeth carefully and help you find out more about the effects of pregnancy on your oral health.

Is pregnancy-related gum disease a real threat?

Studies have shown that there is a correlation between gum disease and babies born prematurely or underweight babies. Though the reasons of this anomaly are not thoroughly understood, women who have gum disease during their pregnancy are more likely to give birth prematurely; the fluids that induce labour are somehow connected with this condition. If gum disease turns into periodontal disease during pregnancy, then the chances of premature birth are even higher.

Researchers will keep exploring this association in order to reduce the number of premature births and underweight babies related to gum disease.

Oral health care and pregnancy

While you are pregnant, your dentist in W1 will ensure that your teeth and gums are clean and protected. In order to keep your mouth at an optimal condition, brush and floss your teeth regularly and do not forget to have your teeth checked at least once every trimester. Many pregnant women fail to understand that a traditional oral routine is not adequate during pregnancy. Instead, they need the help of the dentist in W1 in order to ensure that bacteria and toxins that irritate the gums and cause gum disease are adequately removed.

Protect your oral health while pregnant

If you want to receive the best dental care possible while pregnant, let us help you. Contact us today and we will book a consultation appointment for you.