Treating bad breath with the help of a dentist

Bad breath can be caused by many factors – from bad oral hygiene to gum disease and issues with your respiratory tract. Sometimes, bad breath – also known as halitosis – is the result of consuming specific foods or the side-effect of medical problems such as diabetes. If you’ve been experiencing bad breath for a long time, it is really important to understand the root cause and find the best treatment available to fit your individual needs.

Dental Clinic in W1In order to treat and cure halitosis in the long run, you should visit a dental clinic in W1. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer a wide range of dental hygiene services, including testing options to find the cause of your bad breath.

Common origins of bad breath

Halitosis is the result of many factors. These include – but are not necessarily limited to – bad oral hygiene, dry mouth, food remains stuck in-between the teeth and gums or on the tongue, strong foods such as garlic as well as certain medications. Some people develop bad breath because of specific health problems (e.g. diabetes, gastrointestinal problems). If you experience bad breath, it is really important to be evaluated by a dentist in our dental clinic in W1. Our experienced dentists can diagnose and treat bad breath with a variety of tools and remedies.

Oral hygiene is crucial

A thorough oral hygiene routine can help prevent bad breath by protecting your teeth and gums from cavities and gum disease. Regular brushing and flossing at home are necessary for eliminating the likelihood of bad breath, but is not enough on its own. In order to ensure that your teeth stay fresh and sparkling clean, you need to visit our dental clinic in W1 every so often for regular cleanings.

Targeting halitosis

Depending on your individual situation, we will try to help you overcome bad breath. The first step is to rule out any obvious cause such as a bad oral hygiene routine or dental problems.

Until they visit a dentist, many people suffering from halitosis are unaware of the oral health problems they may be experiencing. In most cases, once they receive proper dental care, their bad breath is treated.

Getting ready to go away at the dentist in Harley Street

When you are planning to travel abroad, you have a long list of things to do. Whether it’s for a 2-week trip or something longer, it’s worth have a trip to the dentist in Harley Street somewhere on your list. There are various ways that the team at Harley Street Dental Clinic can help prepare you to have a comfortable and happy trip with no distractions caused by dental issues.

Dentist in Harley StreetFull check-up

Unless you are already aware of dental issues that may need looking at, the first thing we will do is a full check-up with x-rays when you visit the dentist in Harley Street. The latter will allow us to see any potential issues that may not be visible with a normal inspection. Our goal is to make sure your holiday goes off without a serious dental issue arising. While this may be an inconvenience in some parts of the world, it can be a disaster in others if you do not have access to a high standard of dental care.

Cosmetic work

You can plan to have a brighter, better smile for you trip. Some cosmetic treatments require very little time from start to finish so you can make them part of your pre-trip planning.

Travel tips

When you visit the dentist in Harley Street before your trip, we can also give you tips on dental issues while you are abroad.

Depending on where you are travelling, you may wish to take all your dental equipment with you as there may be some items that are not available when you get to your destination. Pack these in a small case and take them with you on your flight. This means you have easy access to it when you want to freshen up mid-trip. Remember that your toothpaste and mouthwash need to be less than 100ml when you are travelling on many airlines. You can pack larger tubes of toothpaste and other dental liquids in the luggage that you intend to put in the hold. Finally, remember to use bottled water to rinse your teeth in countries where you do not intend to drink the water.

Key questions to ask your orthodontist in Harley Street

When you start any course of treatment, its all about communication with your dental practitioner. You need to feel comfortable enough to ask any questions that you want to. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we feel confident that any member of our team can put you at your ease.

Orthodontist in Harley StreetWe know that some procedures can seem daunting because they are complex or long-term. However, we also know that all our offerings have the goal of making you and your smile feel better, so we feel confident that we can help you to feel positive about any work that you need. Our orthodontist in Harley Street is standing by to apply this philosophy to your teeth straightening treatment.

Below we look at some of the key question that the orthodontist in Harley Street can answer for you.

Will my treatment be uncomfortable?

It’s natural to be apprehensive about discomfort. We are committed to ensuring that you are as relaxed as possible when you come for treatment. For some patients, this might mean a little extra care so if you are a nervous patient, make sure you mention this so that we can support you.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we also know that being honest about any potential sensations makes them easier to tackle and manage so your orthodontist will talk to you about anything you are likely to feel during fitting or while wearing your particular equipment.

How long will my treatment take?

Fitting orthodontic work doesn’t take very long even if you are having a fixed appliance. All treatment courses require you to have a consultation and information gathering appointment. This takes less than an hour in most cases. Your equipment is then custom-made to fit you, and this take a couple of weeks.

Your overall treatment length can vary depending on what you are having done. Complex orthodontic cases can take a couple of years to complete and they lead to dramatic changes to the tooth alignment and your comfort. Cosmetic cases can take as little as a couple of months. Your orthodontist in Harley Street will be able to let you know early on how long your treatment is likely to take.

The secret power of dental implants in Harley Street

While you want your dental implants in Harley Street to have an impact on your life, you also want them to be seamless, invisible and indistinguishable from the real thing. It is these qualities that make dental implants your secret weapon when it comes to tooth loss.

dental-implants-in-harley-streetThe details of your dental implant treatment at Harley Street Dental Clinic are unique to your case. There are lots of variations and we can discuss the specific benefits of your treatment during your consultation process. However, these are some of the common positive traits that we see within many treatment plans.

The power of foundation

The real secret to dental implants in Harley Street is the foundation. This is the part of the equipment that is embedded within your jawbone during your fitting appointment. Once the bone has healed around the area, it securely holds the implant as though it were a part of the body. The shape of the implant and the material it is made from are all designed to assist with this process. It is this solid relationship that allows the implant to be used like a normal tooth.

The power of pressure

Once your dental implants in Harley Street have healed, you will be able to test their power. One of the huge advantages of dental implants above other tooth replacement method is the amount of pressure they allow you to exert when biting down. This is the primary reason why dental implants allow you such a wide range of food choices.

Your dentist will choose locations for your implants that are best able to support the application of force that you are looking for to feel like you have something close to a natural set of teeth again.

The power of aesthetics

We know that the way that you look is important. It’s not a shallow motivation – it’s a very important one. The impression that we make allows us to interact with the world in certain ways. When we have high self-esteem, we are more confident, and a full smile goes a long way towards creating this sense of wellbeing. Dental implants complete your smile and allow you to relax and use it freely again.

Cure bad breath with the help of your dentist in W1

If you are battling with bad breath (scientifically known as halitosis), maybe it is time to visit a dentist. Halitosis affects a considerable number of people around the world and although it is often the result of bad oral hygiene, other more serious reasons may apply.

Dentist in W1Bad breath is the third most-common reason for visiting the dentist in the UK, after gum disease and tooth decay. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we can help you determine the cause of your bad breath and offer effective solutions. Our dentist in W1 will examine your mouth carefully and conduct more examinations if necessary.

What are the causes of bad breath?

In short, bad breath can be caused by any of the following reasons:

  • Gum disease
  • Bacteria
  • Dry mouth
  • Medical conditions
  • Food
  • Smoking and tobacco
  • Gastrointestinal problems.

Poor oral hygiene and gum disease are the main culprits behind bad breath. If not removed properly, food remains to break down into odorous bacteria, eventually leading to the formation of plaque. Plaque can cause gum disease and tooth decay if not properly removed. Dry mouth, on the other hand, is another important reason behind halitosis. When your mouth does not produce enough saliva to clean up any food particles left behind, then a bad odour may build up. Similarly, certain medical conditions such as diabetes and liver failure can cause bad breath due to various metabolic chemical mixes that the body produces. Gastrointestinal problems can cause halitosis due to the regular reflux of stomach acids. Last but not least, foods such as onion and garlic can cause bad breath temporarily, whereas smoking and tobacco can cause chronic bad breath.

How can my dentist in W1 treat bad breath?

Unless bad breath is caused by a problem that your dentist in W1 cannot fix, chances are that you can overcome this problem with the help of your dentist. If gum disease is the reason for your bad breath, your dentist will clean and polish your teeth thoroughly and offer medication if needed. To help prevent the development of bad breath, avoid odorous foods, consider smoking cessation and do not drink too much alcohol.

Preparing for holidays with Invisalign

When you are planning a teeth-straightening treatment with Invisalign in Harley Street, you need to be prepared for the fact that most issues take at least a year to resolve. This means that you will be wearing your equipment over each of the major holidays. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we understand that this can be a concern, but we offer plenty of advice to help you fit your treatment into your life.

Invisalign in Harley StreetWhen you are wearing Invisalign in Harley Street, you come for regular check-ups, so we can keep an eye on your progress. These visits are a good time to ask about any specific concerns you have about events that are coming up. In the meantime, we offer some general tips below.

Check your calendar

The aligners used when working with Invisalign in Harley Street need to be changed roughly every 1-2 weeks depending on the course of treatment. We recommend that you mark your changeover days on an online or physical calendar so that you don’t forget. You can also consider setting a reminder on your phone. If you are going away for the holidays, you need to check that your when your next changeover date is so that you can take the aligners you need with you. If you forget, a few days without wearing your next aligner can really make a difference to your treatment. The pressure that is applied to your teeth needs to be consistent otherwise the body stops responding and you need to stimulate it to get the response you need. This takes time and could delay your eventual results.

Don’t worry about the food

With Invisalign, you do not need to worry about not being able to eat the delicious food that often accompanies special occasions throughout the year. As you take your aligner out to consume anything other than water, you can eat and drink what you like. Just remember to brush thoroughly before putting your aligner back in. This process might even discourage some of the random, in-between-meals snacking that happens a lot at these times of year so, if you’re lucky, you might come out the other side a little slimmer than you normally would.

What are the life benefits of a trip to the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street?

Getting a treatment with the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street is about more than making your teeth look better. There are lots of knock-on benefits that can change the way you view a cosmetic treatment. It becomes more than just a luxury when you consider how much it can improve your life in the short and long term.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetWhen you visit Harley Street Dental Clinic, we can go through all the life benefits of a cosmetic treatment with you. We offer you clear communication without trying to push you into anything. Our preference is to offer you the cosmetic treatments that you really want and that you will enjoy. Once you choose procedureS based on these criteria, you will find yourself looking forward to the treat of visiting the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street.

Increase in confidence

One of the primary benefits of a visit to the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street is an increase in the positive feelings you have about your smile. When this happens, you might feel more inclined to use it more often. This makes you look more confident and creates social connections.

Improved health for your teeth

The cosmetic dentist in Harley Street contributes to the health of your teeth in several ways. Some of these are direct while others are indirect.

Firstly, you normally need to have clean and healthy teeth to start a course of cosmetic treatments. This is so that your procedure does not make any issue worse and because most of them are more effective on healthy teeth. For example, whitening needs to act directly on the tooth surface. If there is any tartar in the way, it’s best if this is cleared off before you begin this process.

Next, many treatments contribute to the health of your smile as a by-product of the treatment itself. Cosmetic orthodontics, for example, lead to a smile that is easier to keep clean.

Finally, if you have made an investment in your smile, you are much more likely to take better general care when it comes to your dental hygiene. If you now have a better, brighter looking smile, why not show it off?

Fitting in facial aesthetics in our dental clinic in W1

Visiting the dentist in the 21st century is not only about preventive care. Some people wish to improve the appearance of their teeth and gums, whereas others start thinking a step ahead and wish to improve the overall picture – including the lips, cheeks, chin structure and forehead. Nowadays, this is easier than ever, since many dental clinics offer facial aesthetic services alongside their regular dental treatments.

Dental Clinic in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic, a well-rounded dental clinic in W1, we firmly believe that dentists are perfectly placed to offer aesthetic treatments. Unlike other healthcare professionals, our dentists are thoroughly trained in the face and head, and have experience in providing injections in this part of the body. Our aim is to make our patients achieve their best smile by combining facial aesthetics alongside other treatments at our dental clinic in W1.

Why do we offer facial aesthetics in our dental clinic in W1?

Apart from listening to our patients’ concerns, there are a lot of reasons why we offer facial aesthetics at Harley Street Dental Clinic. Firstly, we have a clinical environment that allows us to provide non-surgical services safely and effectively. Secondly, our experienced dentists have a variety of skills necessary for the provision of non-surgical aesthetic services such as facial aesthetics and dermal fillers. Our dentists are very knowledgeable in the anatomy and physiology of the head and have extremely accurate manual agility, meaning that they are comfortable treating small areas of the face. Last but not least, our cosmetic dentists have experience in the management of pain and sensitivity.

Our facial aesthetics treatments

During your first visit at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we will try to learn as much as possible about you and your dental needs. Depending on the type of treatment you wish to pursue, we will examine your teeth thoroughly and offer valuable advice. Our aesthetic procedures include chemical peels, PRX-T33 (a peeling treatment that doesn’t involve any scarring), anti-ageing therapies that use natural substances (Biorevitalization and Biostimulation), facial aesthetics, dermal fillers, FLEXR soft surgery for dermal scarring and soft face lifts amongst others. To learn more about our services and financial plans that can make your treatment more affordable, contact us today.

All you need to know about wisdom teeth

When you come to Harley Street Dental Clinic in London, you are taking advantage of our in-depth of knowledge about your teeth, gums, mouth and supporting structures. While you don’t need to know everything that we know to place your trust in your dentist in Harley Street, sometimes it helps you get comfortable with a treatment when you know more about what’s going on.

Dentist in Harley StreetA bit of extra knowledge about your teeth also helps you identify any issues you might be having. It can also help you to take better care of your smile. Today we are looking at wisdom teeth.

What are wisdom teeth?

A wisdom tooth is the third molar at the back of your mouth. It grows in last and there’s one in each of the four corners of your arches. Most people get their wisdom teeth in between the ages of 17-25. The dentist in Harley Street can see wisdom teeth on an x-ray to check how they are coming through.

What are the common issues with wisdom teeth?

As wisdom teeth are right at the back, they are the teeth that are hardest to clean. This means they are prone to decay. To take good care of them, you need to be using extra cleaning tools like floss or interdental brushes.

The most prevalent issue that occurs in relation to wisdom teeth is impaction. This is where the tooth begins to grow through crooked or there is no room for it to grow in at all. If this happens, your dentist in Harley Street may recommend extraction.

What happens when a wisdom tooth is extracted?

Wisdom tooth extraction is a relatively simple procedure and usually takes less than an hour. It can often be done using local anaesthetic alone. For particularly complex cases or for nervous patients, a general anaesthetic or extra sedation may be necessary.

After wisdom tooth extraction, it is important to be gentle with yourself and the areas where your teeth have been removed. You may feel a little sore or swollen for a while afterwards. When you have wisdom tooth extraction at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer you plenty of care advice and tips on making yourself comfortable.

Reminders when it comes to clear braces in Harley Street

It’s great when you have decided to get your teeth straightened at Harley Street Dental Clinic. When we talk to you about treatment, we want to check how you feel about going ahead, not just the clinical details. This is because, with modern equipment like clear braces in Harley Street, there’s no need to grin and bear it throughout the course of your treatment. We prefer it if you just grin instead.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetWe always aim for our patients to walk away from our clinic with a positive memory and outlook about their treatment. While we know that dental treatment can have a negative image, the team at Harley Street Dental Clinic are committed to turning around the perception of procedures like teeth straightening, using the tools at our disposal like clear braces in Harley Street.

What are the great qualities of clear braces in Harley Street?

Perhaps the first thing that sets clear braces in Harley Street apart is right there in the name. They are made from clear or tooth-coloured materials. This hasn’t always been possible as the materials were not strong enough to do the same job as traditional metal braces. However, with plenty of study and innovative techniques, dental professionals have discovered components that do the job.

Many treatments with clear braces in Harley Street are shorter than you might expect. Clear braces are mostly focused on cosmetic improvements. This means that they are adjusting the teeth that are visible when someone smiles. Due to the narrow focus of the treatment aims, the overall treatment length is reduced.

Clear braces allow people to make a commitment to the health and appearance of their smile without compromising too much of their look in the meantime. It is just one of the options we have available at Harley Street Dental Clinic for those who are concerned about the aesthetics of braces. We also work with clear aligners and lingual braces, so we are often able to offer people a range of options. Clear braces are good for patients who want a fixed appliance that they can just have fitted and then get on with their day-to-day tasks.