Keeping up with your dental care in W1 during pregnancy

If you are pregnant, dental care is especially important as you are carrying a new life inside you and want to ensure that your child is as healthy as possible when born. Regular visits to the dentist are encouraged as they can take proper care of your oral health.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic in W1, dental care for pregnant women is offered by our experienced dentists. Pregnancy is an important period in a woman’s life and is characterised by complex hormonal changes, which may affect oral health. Preventive, diagnostic and restorative dental care in W1 is safe throughout pregnancy and is effective in improving and maintain oral health.

Protecting your oral health

Because pregnant women are at a greater risk of gum disease due to the increased levels of hormones in their bodies, it is essential to brush your teeth twice a day or even as much as three times – after each meal.

Moreover, it is important to floss once per day to remove as much of the food remains between your teeth as possible. Flossing is an excellent habit to include in your everyday oral care routine, as it will decrease the possibility of developing gum disease. Gum disease can be particularly dangerous during pregnancy as it has been associated with premature birth. Finish off your oral care routine by using an antibacterial mouthwash.

More importantly, make and keep regular appointments to see your dentist for cleanings and any examinations you might need. Even if you are a diligent brusher and flosser, you will not get a better cleaning than when you visit your dentist. Moreover, technology has evolved to the point where you can get an x-ray if necessary, even if you are pregnant. However, most dentists advise delaying elective dental treatments such as dental implants until after you give birth. Dental fillings, tooth extractions and wisdom tooth removal can be performed even if you are pregnant; however, these treatments should ideally be performed during the second trimester.

If you are pregnant and you would like to learn more about dental care in W1, give us a call and we will be happy to answer all your questions.

Improve your smile by visiting our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

Reading through the pages of magazines or watching TV, it becomes obvious that many celebrities receive cosmetic dental work to improve their smile. Nowadays, having bright and shiny teeth, a straight smile, perfectly-shaped teeth or a smile with no gaps, should not be a privilege. If you have any feature of your smile that you wish to change, a cosmetic dentist can help.

Using innovative techniques, materials and technology, our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can repair many dental problems, including worn, chipped or fractured teeth, stained and discoloured teeth as well as misaligned teeth. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer a wide variety of treatments including veneers, teeth whitening, white fillings and ceramic crowns.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetDental veneers

Dental veneers are custom-made tooth-coloured porcelain shells that are bonded to the front of the teeth. They are natural-looking and enhance your smile by covering imperfections such as cracks, fractures, stains and gaps. Dental veneers are quite versatile and can be used to cover more than one imperfection at a time.

Teeth whitening

One of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures, teeth whitening is an affordable, convenient and non-invasive way to effectively whiten and brighten your smile. Teeth whitening can either be performed in the dentist’s chair or at home with the use of customised, bleaching trays. A cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will examine your teeth and help you to decide which treatment is ideal for your dental needs.

White fillings

These metal-free, tooth-coloured fillings are strong and durable, and create natural-looking restorations that blend in with your natural teeth. Unlike metal restorations, white fillings are sculpted directly onto your teeth and are hardened with a special light. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but they are also very durable.

Dental crowns

Strong porcelain crowns are often the best when it comes to protecting teeth that have been compromised by decay or large fractures. Crowns act like caps, protecting teeth from bacteria and restoring their strength and chewing ability.

Call us today

If you are interested in achieving a beautiful smile that restores your self-confidence, give us a call and schedule a consultation appointment.

How to decide if you need to visit an orthodontist in Harley Street

If you have been thinking about orthodontic treatment for yourself or someone you care about, you may be wondering when is the right time to visit an orthodontist. In general, you should see an orthodontist if you have questions about the alignment of your teeth or if you experience any problem that causes pain or discomfort. These include having difficulty biting, chewing or speaking.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, our orthodontist in Harley Street closely collaborates with our patients to help them determine the best treatment for their oral health needs. What signs do you need to look out for that could indicate orthodontic treatment is needed?

Orthodontist in Harley StreetCrowded teeth

Crowded teeth is an obvious sign that you need braces. Overcrowded teeth do not just create an aesthetic imbalance in your smile, but can also harm your teeth. This is because food remains are more easily trapped in crowded teeth and it is harder to remove with regular brushing and flossing. Trapped food remains release bacteria that can cause tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath.

Gapped teeth

Gaps in between teeth often suggest that the upper and lower jaw are not fitting together properly, a condition also known as malocclusion. Genetics, thumb-sucking, mouth tissue formation, and other conditions can also cause gaps between the teeth. Closing these gaps not only helps to improve the appearance of your smile, but also decrease the risk of gum disease and inflammation.

Jaw problems

Jaw pain and jaw problems can be the result of misaligned teeth. When your jaw is not fitting together properly it can slip out of place easily, causing tension and headaches. During your consultation with our orthodontist in Harley Street, they will evaluate your teeth and jaw alignment to see if your jaw pain is a result of misalignment and determine if you need braces.

Can I have orthodontic treatment at any age?

Orthodontic treatment can be successful at any age. Plus, with the growing availability of clear aligners, translucent ceramic brackets, and lingual braces, teeth straightening has become more discreet than ever. To learn more about your orthodontic options in Harley Street, contact us today.

All you need to know about dental implants in Harley Street

Dental implants have revolutionised modern dentistry by allowing dentists to replace your missing teeth without damaging your natural teeth. Unlike fixed bridges and removable dentures, which need to be replaced every few years, dental implants are durable and long-lasting.

In Harley Street Dental Clinic, dental implants in Harley Street are our treatment of choice when natural teeth are lost due to trauma, decay, poor past treatment choices or bad hygiene. Our experienced dentist will examine your teeth in detail and help you determine which implant solution is right for you. With dental implants in Harley Street, we can replace one, several or all of your missing teeth.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetWhat are dental implants?

Dental implants are small titanium posts which are surgically fixed into the jawbone. Typically dental implants are made from materials that are biocompatible, such as titanium. Titanium is not recognised by the body as foreign and therefore, the body does not reject it. Once they are attached to the jawbone, dental implants fuse with the bone tissue and create a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth such as crowns, bridges and dentures.

Am I a good candidate for dental implants?

Dental implants have been successfully used in dentistry over the last 30 years. Their success rate is greater than 90% and in those rare cases where they fail, they can usually be reattached. Rather, it is the lack of an adequate amount of bone in which to place the dental implants, which can prevent their use.

Few medical conditions can prevent the successful placement of dental implants in Harley Street. Even if your jawbone is not adequate, there are implant techniques that allow us to replace your missing teeth with dental implants. Nor is age usually a factor. Dental implants can be as successful in young adults as they can be in elderly patients.

Do dental implants require special care?

Dental implants require the same care that your natural teeth need. Visiting the dentist for regular dental check-ups, proper oral hygiene, and a healthy diet are the best ways to ensure your dental implants stay strong and healthy for longer.

Get in touch

To learn more about dental implants in Harley Street, give us a call today.

Preventive dental services for children in W1

Establishing healthy oral habits at an early age is crucial and has many benefits. While proper brushing and flossing, along with healthy eating habits, are extremely important in helping children achieve healthy teeth and gums, you shouldn’t forget to visit the dentist at least twice a year.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we believe that prevention is better than cure and we aim to make dental care for children a positive experience with long-lasting results. Our dentist in W1 offers a wide variety of preventive services for children including routine dental cleanings, fluoride applications and sealants.

Dentist in W1We generally recommend that you bring your child in for a visit within six months of the appearance of their first tooth. Since decay can occur in even the most recent of teeth, the earlier you bring your child, the more likely they are to avoid problems.

Our dentist in W1 will look for signs of early problems, such as tooth decay and misalignment, and educate you on the best ways to care for your little one’s teeth. Remember that preparing for each dental visit with a positive attitude is going to prepare your child for a lifetime of healthy oral habits.

Dental cleanings

Dental cleanings are as important for children as they are for adults. Our dentist in W1 will remove plaque build-up from your children’s teeth and gums and ensure that their teeth are properly polished. Moreover, they will teach them how to brush and floss their teeth correctly.

Dental sealants and fluoride applications

Dental sealants are the most effective way to prevent tooth decay – the next most effective treatment is fluoride. Children and young adults are more prone to tooth decay, because brushing and flossing on a daily basis is not among their priorities.

Our dentist in W1 recommends dental sealants, since they are firmly attached to the surfaces of the teeth and protect them from decaying food remains bacteria for many years. We can also apply fluoride to your children’s teeth in gel or foam form. For most patients, we will leave the fluoride on the teeth for four minutes or less.

Invisalign in Harley Street – know before you go

With so many people yearning for straighter teeth, why aren’t more of them investing in braces? This really isn’t a difficult question to answer. Most adults do not want to wear traditional braces due to aesthetic or other considerations. Metal braces draw attention to the mouth, they look bulky and unattractive and are difficult to clean.

Luckily, modern dentistry has evolved over the years and now you can achieve straighter teeth discreetly with Invisalign in Harley Street. Invisalign aligners are barely noticeable since they are made of high-quality, transparent plastic. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are happy to treat patients with Invisalign as long as they are eligible for this treatment.

Invisalign in Harley StreetHow does Invisalign work?

Invisalign aligners are customised to fit your teeth. Each and every Invisalign aligner is uniquely design to fit to your mouth and reposition your teeth little by little over time, without any discomfort. Every time you switch to a new aligner (every 7—10 days), your teeth are gently moved to the next step towards your prearranged ending position, leaving you with a beautiful and functional smile.

Treatment time varies from patient to patient and depends upon their individual condition and the initial state of their teeth. Most Invisalign treatments for adults take about a year from start to finish. Once your dentist has examined your teeth and determined that you are a good candidate for Invisalign, they will take precise digital impressions of your teeth and use these to create your bespoke aligners. For best results, Invisalign aligners should be worn for 20—22 hours every day.

Can everyone have Invisalign?

There are many factors to consider before deciding that Invisalign in Harley Street is the right treatment for you. The first is how crooked your teeth are. Invisalign can correct crowded or gapped teeth, and even overbites, underbites, and crossbites. However, depending on the severity of your dental problems, it may not as effective as metal braces. Another factor is age. As human teeth continue to grow during early teenage years, children and young teenagers may not be eligible for Invisalign in Harley Street.

Shield your oral health by visiting the dentist in Harley Street

Regular dental care is perhaps one of the best gifts you can offer to your health. Regular examinations, check-ups and professional cleanings will ensure that your teeth and gums are free of plaque, cavities and gum disease. More specifically, cleanings will allow your dentist to remove plaque and other bacteria, prevent problems and improve your oral health in the long run.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we believe that prevention is better than cure and for this reason, we urge our patients to visit the dentist in Harley Street at least every six months. Though our first goal is to prevent oral conditions in the first place, if we detect them early, we can often address them effectively.

Dentist in Harley StreetWhat to expect during a dental check-up

During your dental appointment, your dentist in Harley Street will thoroughly examine your teeth and prepare them for a deep clean. Professional cleaning involves the removal of bacteria and hardened plaque from the surfaces of the teeth and below the gum line. Your dentist may also take x-rays to look for cavities, dental misalignment, and other concerns that might otherwise go unnoticed. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we will also screen your mouth and throat for oral cancer, especially if you are over 40. If we notice anything unusual, we will recommend the most appropriate treatment.

Oral care and dental health

While regular brushing and flossing can remove a significant amount of harmful bacteria and plaque from the teeth and gums, it cannot eliminate all of them. Over time, these bacteria will stick to the surfaces of the teeth, form plaque and start eroding the dental enamel, causing cavities or even tooth loss. Therefore, to keep your teeth healthy, it is essential to visit the dentist in Harley Street on a regular basis. This way, if you do develop cavities or gum disease, your dentist can diagnose them early before they cause serious discomfort or more extensive damage.

Schedule your appointment today

It is really important to be prepared and talk to your dentist in Harley Street about any changes you may experience in your oral health. Contact us today and we will book an appointment for you.

Children’s dental care in W1

Dental care is as important for children as it is for adults. Most dentists will agree that regular dental care should begin as soon as children have their first teeth (usually at aged one), with a dental check-up at least twice each year. Some children may need more frequent examinations, especially if they are vulnerable to tooth decay.

Dental Care in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic we offer dental care in W1 for adults and children alike. No matter what your age, our experienced team will create a customised treatment plan specifically designed to address your unique dental needs. We dedicate ourselves to creating a friendly, positive, educational and family-oriented environment that is ideal for children. We provide preventive early dental care and teach our young patients about excellent oral hygiene habits.

What to expect during a dental visit

By the age of three, your child will usually have most of their primary teeth and this is a good time for the first dental visit, but if necessary, we are happy to see your child earlier. The doctor will familiarise your child with the people, sights, and sounds of our dental practice. Our goal is to make young children feel comfortable and welcome so that later in life, they have no reservations about dental care in W1. At the first visit, we will examine your child’s teeth and gums thoroughly and look for signs of tooth decay and gum disease. We will also demonstrate to you how to clean their teeth properly and offer advice on diet.

Preventive dental treatments

If your child’s teeth are prone to tooth decay, then our dentists will recommend fluoride treatment or dental sealants. To administer fluoride, we usually offer a mouth rinse or paint it over the teeth. Fluoride is a mineral that, in very small doses, attracts other minerals to strengthen tooth enamel. Sealants are clear plastic coatings that create a barrier between tooth enamel and bacteria. Because children often find it difficult to keep their molars clean, sealants are ideal for the back teeth. Sealants, fluoride supplements, and daily brushing and flossing will go a long way toward preserving your child’s oral health.

Am I a good candidate for dental implants in Harley Street?

Dental implants are considered a very effective treatment for tooth loss. Not only can missing teeth affect your appearance and self-esteem, but they also allow the teeth to shift in the jawbone, becoming tilted or crooked. Dental implants fill the gap with attractive, natural-looking restorations and help maintain the integrity of the jawbone.

Most healthy adults are good candidates for dental implants at Harley Street Dental Clinic, but there are certain things to consider before having the procedure. Our experienced dentists will examine your teeth thoroughly, inspect your jawbone and ensure that you are strong and healthy enough to have surgery. Patients with not enough bone left in their jaw or other problems can still be candidates for dental implants in Harley Street as long as certain things are done to improve their oral and overall health prior to the implant surgery.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetWhat are dental implants?

Dental implants are made of titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone to create a stable foundation for replacement teeth. There is a healing period after any implant surgery that allows the bone time to integrate with the implants. When your dental implants are ready, your dentist will customise your replacement teeth to match your natural teeth and complement your smile.

People at risk of implant failure

Uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol or uncontrolled gum disease are all risk factors that can affect the successful outcome of your dental implants. Patients facing one or more of these issues can still be good candidates for dental implants in Harley Street, but we will want to thoroughly assess your situation and work with you and your doctor to increase your overall health and oral function prior to the surgery.

Patients who take certain medications, such as steroids or drugs that suppress the immune system, may not be suitable candidates either.

Contact us

Overall, dental implants have a very high rate of success and patients tell us how happy they are with their new smile. If you are considering dental implants in Harley Street, we will complete a careful examination to determine which options are best for you.

Achieve a beautiful smile with clear braces in Harley Street

People who used to wear braces as children or teenagers often find that their teeth move later in life. This is a common condition and can be easily treated with additional teeth straightening treatment. However, many adults are reluctant to wear metal braces due to aesthetic and practical considerations. Luckily, dental technology has evolved in the last 30 years and you can now achieve a beautiful smile without having to wear metal brackets and wires.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are pleased to offer clear braces for our patients who would like to straighten their teeth discreetly. These braces are the same size and shape as metal braces, but they have tooth-colored or clear brackets. Clear braces in Harley Street are comfortable to wear and blend naturally with the rest of your teeth.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetHow do clear braces straighten your teeth?

Just like regular braces, clear braces are fixed to the front of the teeth with a special glue at the beginning of the treatment. Over time, steady but gentle force is put on them, making the teeth gradually shift into their right positions.

Because they are made of tooth-coloured ceramic, they look much more discreet and aesthetically pleasing than regular braces.

Clear braces cannot be removed for eating and brushing your teeth. However, they are more effective than most discreet teeth straightening options, since the dentist has direct control over them. You don’t have to remember to take them out, clean or replace them.

Do clear braces require special care?

Caring for your clear braces in Harley Street is just as important as maintaining your teeth and gums, even more so because you are wearing braces which can make it trickier to clean your teeth. Brushing and flossing your teeth every day is essential. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging the wires and brackets. If you are prone to tooth decay, consider using a fluoride toothpaste.

Ready to have straighter teeth?

Now that you know more about clear braces in Harley Street, give us a call and we will book a consultation appointment for you. If you are still trying to decide between metal braces and clear braces, make a list of questions to ask our dentists.