Sudden dental pain? What you should consider a dental emergency

With the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, it can be hard to know whether something is an emergency or not. With healthcare generally, especially dentistry, what one person considers an emergency may not constitute what another person defines as an emergency.

Dentist in Harley StreetFor example, if on a warm day, you are eating an ice lolly and you get a sharp pain shooting through a tooth, this indicates sensitivity, which does warrant a trip to your local dental surgery for exploring the cause, but is not considered an emergency.

It is important to know what may signify an emergency trip to the dentist is necessary, as emergency dentistry is not an option at all surgeries and you don’t want to waste your time with non-emergency issues.

Which issues do warrant a trip to our emergency dentist in Harley Street?

Excessive pain

Are you experiencing a sudden relentless pain in your mouth? Do you have a pulsating pain under a tooth that even the strongest over the counter painkillers won’t get rid of? Is the pain keeping you awake? Book an emergency appointment with our dentist in Harley Street!

While unyielding pain is symptomatic of so many issues, it can indicate a serious issue like a dental abscess – these can be caused by infected pulp and can be unbelievably painful. You need to get to a dentist to have the cause of the pain identified and may even need a course of antibiotics.

Chipped tooth

Common amongst athletic individuals, a chipped tooth is one of the most common dental injuries seen by our dentists in Harley Street..

If you have a chipped tooth, it is important to have it seen to as soon as possible to prevent any infection and to stop it spreading or causing further damage to the remainder of the tooth.

Uncontrollable bleeding

If you have a constant flow of blood coming from your mouth following an impact or injury, you need to see a dentist to determine the cause and to seal the wound.

If you have recently had a tooth extracted or have undergone another procedure, such as a dental implant and you are now feeling light headed and are bleeding, it is worth calling an emergency dental surgery to identify why the bleeding has not ceased and if there is an infection.

Lost filling

If you have had a filling in the past that has now come loose, even if it is not hurting, you need to get it replaced as soon as possible, even if it is only filled with an emergency filling from one of our out-of-hours dental practitioners.

Loose fillings can be painful and can even lead to abscesses if left untreated, so it is always best to seek emergency dental treatment the moment you notice that a filling has been lost or is loose.

If you are worried you have a dental emergency, please contact our emergency dentist today and don’t delay.