The impact of tooth loss and how Dental Implants Harley Street can help

The effect on your self-esteem.


In a society where appearances are of the utmost importance to many generations, the impact of a smile can be paramount. A healthy, happy smile can soften the chiselled jaw of a person or can brighten up another person’s day. The health benefits of a simple smile are endless. When a smile is impacted by tooth loss, whether through accidental damage or due to insufficient oral hygiene processes at home, the effect on the individual’s self-esteem can be considerable. This is why it is of extreme importance to visit your dentist as soon as tooth loss occurs.

Ignoring the tooth loss and leaving the gaps.

Whilst some people may wish to leave the gap where the tooth has been lost, it is important to know that this is not encouraged as the impact further down the line can be considerable to both the surrounding teeth and the facial definition. When a tooth or multiple teeth are lost, no matter the cause, when left the surrounding teeth can begin to slant and shift into the gap. A crooked smile can begin to form, further tooth loss can start to occur due to the jaw bone receding where the tooth or teeth once was. This all may sound extremely drastic, and whilst it does not occur within minutes of the tooth loss, in time this can be the reality of leaving the tooth loss to sort itself out.

How can Dental Implants Harley Street help?

A simple, long term but highly effective method to deal with tooth loss is to have the Dental Implants Harley Street procedure. These small titanium screws are inserted into the jaw bone and encourage the regeneration of the surrounding bone. Whilst this on its own is of high importance, the regeneration surrounding the post also secures the titanium screw into place creating a stable post for the tooth restoration.

Are Dental Implants Harley Street suitable for everyone?

Whilst in most cases the implant procedure is the best way forward, this is not always possible. The individual patient will attend a consultation with their dental team where a discussion will take place along with a thorough examination of the mouth. This along with x-rays, photographs and potentially digital scans will allow your dental team to ensure that the current bone structure is sufficient enough for the procedure. Another aspect that may impact whether or not the implant will be suitable is down to the overall oral hygiene of the mouth. For those with poor oral hygiene, the titanium post would not be a suitable choice for tooth loss and therefore other methods such as removable dentures may be discussed.

As with any treatment or procedure it is of the utmost importance that the patient understands what the process entails from start to finish. All patients are therefore encouraged to seek further information and advice on any mentioned within this article with their local dental team to understand the pros and cons to each method.