The value of a smile

What price would you put on your smile? How valuable is it to you? If you’ve always had good teeth, it may be something you’ve never thought about. However, if you have lost one or more teeth, you’ll know it’s not something to take for granted. As we age, it’s increasingly likely that we’ll need a replacement tooth at some point, so it’s worth thinking about your options before you get to that point.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetOur smile is one of the most treasured aspects of our appearance. When we feel happy to laugh and smile freely, it boosts our mood, leading to more smiling and more mood-boosting… you get the picture. And the great thing is, if we invest in making over our smile, we don’t need to do it again next season. Restorations with dental implants in Harley Street last 15 years plus. Forget the wardrobe makeover, this is one aspect of your look well worth investing in.

As well as boosting our self-confidence, a beautiful, natural-looking smile can do wonders for our interactions with others. Beyond clothes, hair, make-up or jewellery, what really makes a lasting impression on others is our smile. Human brains are geared up to notice and respond to a warm smile. It’s an instinctual subconscious response that happens in a split second. Smile a genuine smile and whoever you are with will instantly relax and open to you, and feel you are a trustworthy and decent human being. It’s is a shortcut to intimacy.

If you have or are about to lose a tooth, or if you have removable dentures that you aren’t happy with, dental implants in Harley Street can provide stable and long-lasting replacement teeth. As well as looking good, dental implants in Harley Street also restore the functionality of natural teeth, meaning you can chew, speak and smile as you did before and no don’t need to avoid chewy or crunchy foods.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, patients are our number one priority and if you are unhappy with your gappy smile, we will do all we can to help you get a grin that you can feel proud of again.