What can you find at the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street?

While general dentistry services are common knowledge (check-ups, fillings, root canals), what you might find at the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street isn’t so well known.

Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer the full range of dental treatments, including aesthetic ones to improve the look of the teeth and gums. Here’s a rundown of our cosmetic services:

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetGum lift

This uses a laser to cut away excessive gum tissue and reveal more of the natural tooth. It treats ‘gummy smile’, and because the laser seals as it cuts, bleeding is kept to a minimum.


These porcelain shells fit over the teeth much like false nails. A thin layer of enamel is removed from the tooth, then the veneer is bonded on top, using dental adhesive. Veneers typically last for 10 years, and are great for covering up cracks, chips, stains and small gaps.

Teeth whitening

This removes surface stains from the teeth that are caused by smoking and consuming highly pigmented food and drinks such as red wine, coffee and red berries. Teeth whitening can either be done in-clinic, which takes about an hour, or at home, over about two weeks. Either way, it’s important to talk to our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street before going ahead with teeth whitening. Over-the-counter gels maybe tempting, but because the whitening trays aren’t custom-made, as the ones you receive from us will be, there is the risk the gel will leak onto the gums, causing irritation. We can also offer a much higher concentration gel, so the treatment will be more effective.

Ikon white spot

This removes white spots from the teeth, creating a more uniform smile. It’s a gentle procedure that doesn’t require any drilling or injection. Using infiltration, the white spots are blended in with the colour of the surrounding tooth.

Smile makeover

Two or more treatments can be combined into a smile makeover. Our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will first ask you what you would like the outcome to be, take a look at your mouth, teeth and gums as a whole, and see what series of treatments would enhance the natural beauty of your smile the most.