What happens when you visit the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street?

There are lots of different treatments available when you visit the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street at Harley Street Dental Clinic. The exact course of your treatment depends on which treatments you choose. Some take just an hour or so to complete while others can take months.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetThere are some steps that are common to almost every treatment plan when you visit the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street at Harley Street Dental Clinic. These are:

  • Consultation – the consultation has a number of different functions. It is where the cosmetic dentist will gather information about you and the treatment that you want. They will also check the condition of your teeth and your mouth. Typically, health is a priority over beauty and, if there are any problems, you will need to have these addressed before you go ahead with cosmetic treatment. You may be able to benefit from a plan that incorporates clinical and cosmetic elements;
  • Planning – your dentist will make a treatment plan for you. This might be a one or two step process, or it could combine treatments and be more complex. Some procedures, like teeth whitening or fitting veneers, require you to have an appointment when you are measured for equipment then you need to wait while it is custom-made for you. You have your actual treatment at a follow-up appointment. Once your treatment plan is settled, you should be able to get a fairly accurate assessment of the costs involved.
  • Implementation – this is the stage where you get your planned treatment. This stage will look different for each treatment. When you visit the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we make sure you have all the details about your treatment before you go ahead. This means you are prepared. For some treatments, we will also talk to you about aftercare. You may need to be cautious with your teeth while you body recovers from treatment or you may be able to go back to all of your normal activities straight away.

Whatever the circumstances, Harley Street Dental Clinic are here to help you at every stage of the process when you have cosmetic treatment with us.