What skills can a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street offer you?

When someone chooses to visit the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street at Harley Street Dental Clinic, they often have a treatment in mind. We also see people who know that they want to improve their smile, but they are not sure what is available or how to go about it. In either case, we are happy to help guide someone through the possibilities of cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetWho is the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street?

A cosmetic dentist in Harley Street is someone who has decided to focus their skills on improving the outward appearance of the smile. While they primarily offer treatments that are designed to boost the aesthetic quality of the smile, they are usually able to offer their patients the bonus of oral health benefits as well.

Some of the skills that a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street at Harley Street Dental Clinic can offer are:

  • Great communication – in order to create your perfect smile, the cosmetic dentist will ask you questions about your expectations. They will also gather information about your medical and dental history to ensure that your treatment will be effective and safe;
  • Aesthetic judgement – an attractive smile is based on aesthetic principles like symmetry and balance. Our cosmetic dentists have a strong understanding of what looks great as well as lots of experience transforming the smiles of patients into works of dental art;
  • Excellent hygiene – we apply the same stringent hygiene practices to cosmetic treatments that we do to any other dental treatment. One of the reasons why people often choose to have a treatment like teeth whitening or BTX with us rather than at a beauty clinic is because we offer a clinical environment for the procedure;
  • Aftercare – some cosmetic treatments will require aftercare from the dentist and at home. The cosmetic dentist will ensure you know what follow-up appointments to book as well as how to take care of your new smile when you get home. If you have invested time and money into creating a beautiful look, you want it to last as long as possible. There are usually ways that you can support the longevity of your treatment by incorporating new care techniques into your dental hygiene routine.