Your teeth, for the whole of your life

These days it seems that everything we buy has been designed to have built-in obsolescence. That new phone will only last three years before it gets too slow to be worth the bother. Your washing machine? Something irreplaceable will go when it’s about five years old. Built-to-last is almost impossible to find, so it’s no wonder if you think dentistry works the same way as most manufacturing. However, at this dental clinic in W1, we have a different ethos, we believe teeth are built by Mother Nature to last for your lifetime, and it’s our job to make sure they do.

Dental Clinic in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we call this ethos ‘teeth for life’ and if you look at our website, you will see we have a whole range of services that come under the title of preventive dentistry. But we can’t make your teeth last for a lifetime if you are not in on the partnership. In fact, you have to do most of the maintenance work to make sure they do. We are there as back-up, to spot and fix problems in their early stages, when they are not yet palpable, and to do a regular extra-deep maintenance.

Your teeth are like your car

If your teeth were your beloved car, you’d know you need to wash it, and fill it with oil and water to keep it on the road between services at the garage to replace oil and filters. Well, teeth are the same. You keep them going by brushing them twice a day for two minutes with a soft to medium brush and come into the dental clinic in W1 for a check-up and scale and polish every six months.

We have ways to preserve the exterior coating on your teeth too, which is super important for kids, who tend to suffer more from decay. We can coat them with fissure sealants and harden the enamel with fluoride treatments, rather like a good sealant to protect the paint on your car and a wax to feed the paintwork.

At this dental clinic in W1, we also offer other treatments that are preventive, such as help with bad breath and snoring and gum issues.