What do dentists offer in the way of preventative dental procedures?

When it comes to your keeping your teeth and mouth healthy, prevention is better than cure. It is always best to have your teeth examined regularly by a dental professional, in order to prevent more complicated issues from occurring.

Dentist in W1While most people are familiar with this idea being the reason for your biannual check-up, there are many other preventative treatments that our dentists in W1, Harley Street, can perform, in order to keep your oral health up to scratch.

Today, there are many preventative dental treatments available and our dentists in W1, Harley Street, will not only help prevent any dental issues from occurring, we can also help reverse them too!

Want to know more about our preventative services and how they can improve your oral health? Read on!

Sensitive teeth

This is a common problem that can be a real nuisance. Sensitive teeth can prevent you from eating that piping hot soup on a chilly morning.

Often caused by a loss of dental enamel, sensitive teeth can be treated, in order to prevent any further loss of enamel, which could then lead to other issues such as a cracked tooth or tooth decay. Our dentists in W1, Harley Street, can help stop sensitivity by applying a fluoride sealant to the surface of your tooth, which will block the nerves in your teeth from being exposed to temperature-based stimuli.

Scale and polish

This is a very important procedure if you have a history of gum disease. A regular scale and polish is essential, in order to prevent the build-up of stubborn plaque, above and below your gums.

Plaque accumulation can lead to swollen gums as well as gum disease. To prevent this, one of our hygienists will gently remove any plaque gently, and then polish or clean the tooth afterwards, to give you that dentist clean feel.

Pregnant women

When you or your partner are pregnant, there will be a fair share of healthcare professionals to visit. During this exciting time, the last place you may want to visit is your local dental surgery,  but due to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, this is vital in order to prevent further issues.

Calcium may wane during pregnancy, which can lead to decay, cracking or breaking of the teeth and also heightens the likelihood of gum disease. To keep you or your partner healthy throughout those important nine months, regular dental check-ups are essential.

Tooth grinding

Ever wake up with a sore jaw?

Tooth grinding can occur during the day, but typically occurs at night, and can be a side effect of many common medications or can even be due to temporo-mandibular joint disorder (TMJ).

Regardless of the cause, our team can provide you with a nocturnal mouth guard, to minimise grinding and the damage it can cause to the enamel of your teeth.  This damage can cause sensitivity and micro cracks to form in your teeth, while consistent tooth grinding has been linked to migraines, neck pain and headaches.

At Harley Street, our aim is to help you prevent dental issues, so contact our team today!

Have you been told you need a brace or aligner? Different types of orthodontics in Harley Street you may be suited for

Regardless of your age, nobody likes being told by their dentist that they need braces. While it is one of the most common procedures undertaken at a dental surgery, having braces fitted is also somewhat unpopular, due to how some types of brace alter the wearer’s appearance in the short term.

Orthodontics in Harley StreetModern dental technology has evolved to keep up with today’s image proud individuals, and now, when you have any orthodontics in Harley Street, you are able to choose from a wider range of braces or aligner than ever before!

In this article, we list the top 4 most commonly used types of orthodontics in Harley Street, so you can discuss which may be the best option for you with a member of our team.

Traditional braces

The most commonly used orthodontics in Harley Street is the traditional brace, which sits on the front of the teeth and uses a system of pulling, or ‘tightening’ to straighten your teeth.

This brace, although very visible to any onlooker, can deliver jaw dropping results and can straighten severely misaligned teeth in under 24 months.

Lingual braces

Similar to the traditional braces, lingual braces are also made primarily of metal and can also be used to straighten more complex misalignments, using a system of tightening and gently pulling.

However, this brace is placed on the back of the teeth and gently moves teeth forward as opposed to moving them backwards. For obvious reasons, this brace has a more pleasing cosmetic appeal, as it is more discreet than any of the traditional braces.

Clear braces

And now, we come onto the more cosmetic versions of traditional aligners.

Clear braces are increasing in popularity throughout dental practices, as they can correct issues such as gaps, crooked teeth, crowded teeth and overbites. While traditional braces can also achieve this, clear braces are visibly more discreet, despite them being fitted to the front of the teeth.

The brackets used to attach this style of brace are usually clear or matched to the tooth and the wires are usually thinner than those used in traditional braces; the appearance of this brace is minimal in comparison. At Harley Street, we proudly use the Incognito clear brace with our clients if their treatment is suited to it.

Invisible braces

Minimal in appearance but great for correcting mild to moderate misalignments, invisible braces are taking the dental world by storm.

Made from a clear, flexible plastic, these braces fit over the teeth snugly and use a system of gentle pushing to move the teeth into their new position; these aligners are often removable too,  and are better suited to use with adults. Our most popular invisible brace at Harley Street is the famous Invisalign aligner.

Whether you need a moderate realignment of your teeth, or require something a bit hardier, our team at Harley Street can help you today!

Why should you visit a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street?

Dentistry these days isn’t all about restorative care, or in other words, drilling and filling. In fact, with the innovative new techniques and equipment that we have available, preventive care is proving to be one of the greatest assets that we have, allowing our patients to enjoy a healthy mouth and your natural teeth for your entire lifetime.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetAnother asset, that we are proud to be able to share with you, is the great advances in technology that your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can offer. We believe that every person should have a smile that they love to wear and share. There is no reason for a person to feel embarrassed about their smile and once you see what we can do for your smile, you will never look back.

A lot of us sacrifice our happiness for many insignificant reasons. Excuses follow more excuses, and until we awaken to this vicious cycle, this can go on for a long time. Thankfully, many people do realise that it is important to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. In addition, a beautiful smile is also a healthy one, so a visit to your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can be doubly beneficial as well.

We are eager to provide you with cost effective options that will suit any budget, as well as openly and candidly discuss with you some financing options that allow you to not have to settle for second best. Rather than focusing on making wealth and profits as a business, we are more interested in providing results that you are ecstatic about and that you would feel comfortable recommending us to your beloved friends and family. We know that our professionalism and transparency regarding costs will speak for themselves.

What procedures can we do on a budget?

If you are looking for cheap ways to transform your smile, then there are several that we are happy to offer you that we believe can make a huge difference.

Firstly, a simple professional cleaning and teeth whitening can really make your smile gleam. This is an effective way to boost confidence. We want you to learn to love your teeth, so that you can give them the time that they need to be healthy and, in return, they should last you for many years to come.

You would be surprised at the multiple teeth straightening options that are available today. It certainly does not need to cost you thousands, nor do you need to spend several years in metal wires. Modern devices can be clear, removable and can work in as little as a few months.

We like to offer every one of our patients a bespoke service. By taking a look at the overall condition of your mouth and offering advice and recommendations, we are confident that we can transform your smile into a healthier and more beautiful version, that is still uniquely your own.

By combining the skills gained from years of training and experience with a natural eye for beauty, our dentists are able to bring to life the smile that you have always wished you could have.

Does the thought of your next dental visit make you panic? How our dedicated dentists in W1 Harley Street can help

Whether you have had a bad experience as a child, or undergone an uncomfortable procedure from a less than efficient dental practitioner, having a fear of the dentist can be quite damaging. Even the most dedicated tooth brushers and flossers will have to visit the dentist at some point,  and delaying trips to see your dental team can lead to more basic procedures becoming more complicated.

Dentist in W1Our team of dentists in W1, Harley Street, are aware that dental phobias can be damaging to your physical and mental wellbeing and are able to provide you with a range of relaxing techniques to ease your anxiety in the dental chair.

During your first appointment with us, our team of dental specialists will treat you with a non-judgmental, compassionate approach, to help you feel more at ease from the moment you walk through the door.

When you are in the dental chair, we will aim to make you feel as comfortable as possible and can provide you with the following options to make the process easier to manage.

In house entertainment

Unfortunately, we don’t mean a live show, but our dentists in W1, Harley Street, can provide you with in chair headphones to listen to music, if the sound of the drill is too much, or even an audiobook. You can even watch your favourite film while our dental team examine your mouth- we don’t provide popcorn though!

Throughout your treatment, if you wish, our team can discuss each stage with you, and explain what they are doing before they do it, to allow you to decide which parts of the procedure you want to have done. We will also work on creating hand signals, so you can let our team know nonverbally if you want them to stop at any point.

Relative analgesia sedation

If this sounds too involved, we also offer relative analgesia (RA) sedation. This will involve you breathing in nitrous oxide and oxygen to help calm your nerves. You will be conscious but will be unaware of any procedures or discomfort.

After RA sedation, you will be able to go about your normal daily routine.

Intravenous sedation

We are also able to offer intravenous or IV sedation on site, which will be performed by our in-surgery anaesthetist. This involves a painless injection which will relax you. You will be partially conscious but unaware of your surroundings or smells.

We always advise that before undertaking IV sedation, you ensure you have a responsible family member or friend to escort you home after the sedation. You must not drive or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours post IV sedation; due to associated drowsiness you may experience.

Are you still worried about your next dental visit? Call a member of our friendly reception team and we will ensure that your dental visit with our team is a pleasant one.

Call us today!

Your dentist in Harley Street and our promise

Your dentist in Harley Street is dedicated in providing you with the best quality care that is available, regardless of your situation, budget or timeframe. We work with you every step of the way, making sure that you understand what your options are, and agreeing together a treatment plan that ensures we are all going to be happy with the results.

Dentist in Harley StreetIt is important that we work together on healing your natural smile, and that you feel comfortable in discussing with us what your limitations are and what you are comfortable in undertaking, so that we can best support you to achieve your dental goals and desires. We believe it is important that you also understand the importance of having a healthy mouth and what the outcome of your chosen treatment might look like. Only by fully understanding your personal situation, can we be able to best achieve the positive results that you desire.

It takes a special kind of character to become a dentist in Harley Street. We ensure that every one of our professionals are approachable, friendly, personable, understanding, committed and professional. We are all highly trained and love what we do. Some of us revel in the technical side of restorative procedures, whilst others have that natural eye for aesthetics. Others have a magical way with children and work well in educating both kids, and adults alike, on the importance of preventive oral care.

We promise to always listen to what you need from us, to take the time to get to know who you are, your quirks, habits, lifestyle choices and your goals and desires. By having an emotional connection with all of our patients, we are able to best care for your overall health and wellbeing and we feel that this attentiveness to our patients is evident through our work.

You will feel comfortable, understood and never judged when you come in to our practice. No matter how many years of neglect you have given to your teeth, or how embarrassed you may feel, we are simply here to help, and to get you back on the right path to a healthier and happier version of you.

What kind of treatments do we offer?

Our dental clinic covers all kinds of necessary dental treatments, as well as many available cosmetic and preventive procedures that can improve your confidence and the health of your smile.

Every consultation that we have with you will be a bespoke service. We tailor make all of our sessions to ensure that you receive the right attention and so we can answer the questions that you need answered and can offer the treatments that you are interested in.

Once you understand that the body is a holistic organism and every part of the body can affect other parts, then you can begin to realise the importance of having a healthy smile and mouth. We are interested in ensuring that not only your smile is healthy, but your overall health and wellbeing is improved from our service as well.

We look forward to welcoming you to our family and sharing in the delights that you will find from having a healthy and clean mouth.

Do you need to wear braces as an adult? Worried about how they will look? Reasons to try clear braces in Harley Street

In today’s world, appearances are everything and nowhere is this more prevalent than in the workplace. With staff meetings, meeting colleagues, giving presentations etc, it seems that almost every job requires you to look your best at all times.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetWhen your dentist tells you that you need braces to correct a misalignment in your teeth, the first thing you may do is panic. Images of orthodontic braces shoot across your brain and you have decided against any form of orthodontic work before your dentist can even explain what the benefits are.

Luckily, there are many different types of braces on the market today, and in this article we will be looking at the benefits of trying clear braces in Harley Street.

What are clear aligners?

Clear braces in Harley Street are used to correct a myriad of dental misalignments and can help with conditions such as crowding or gaps.

While most are non-removable, clear aligners are fixed to the front of your teeth, using a bracket that is usually tooth coloured or clear, with wires that are slimmer, and therefore more discreet than other braces. At Harley Street, the most commonly used brand of clear aligner is the Incognito aligner.

So, what are the other benefits of choosing clear braces in Harley Street?

Shorter treatment time

Long gone are the days when dental realignment took years to complete. Today, many dental realignments can be started and finished in under a year and the Incognito brace used by our team is no different.

On average, the treatment of this brace takes between 9 to 15 months, depending on the complexity of the misalignment or any other potential condition.


Another worry many patients have when they are told they need braces is about comfort; how can having a protruding metal attachment fitted in your mouth be comfortable?

Most of our patients who have used our clear, Incognito brace have reported minimal levels of discomfort (if any) and as this aligner is customised to fit every tooth it is attached to, they are more comfortable when they are adjusted by your dentist and in day to day wear.

They also have the added benefit of having minimal impact on speech; inflection and pronunciation were unchanged in most of our wearers, meaning confidence was not impacted.

Fewer dental visits

Due to the customisation of this aligner, the realignment process is more efficient and thus, less adjustments or tightening procedures are needed throughout the course of the treatment.

This means, as an adult, you will spend less time in long winded appointments and will be able to focus on your life away from our dental chair.

Remember, in modern dentistry, braces can be discreet, fast and produce amazing smiles. If you have been told you need braces, then don’t hesitate to contact a member of our team today to discuss having clear aligners fitted.

Why choose dental implants in Harley Street?

Dental implants in Harley Street can restore your smile to its full functionality, meaning that the common side effects of missing teeth, such as having poor nutrition, pain, damage, infection and a receding jaw bone, can all be avoided or even eliminated entirely.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetThe faster that you seek assistance in replacing your teeth with dental implants in Harley Street, the quicker your body can adjust, and the less side effects you will experience with less lasting damage.

We understand that losing a tooth can be seriously detrimental to your self esteem and confidence. We also know that it can cause lasting damage to your overall health and wellbeing. So speak with us today about replacing those missing teeth and having your old smile back again like new.

How does it work?

This treatment has been honed and perfected over many decades and we can now bring to you a treatment plan that has such high success and satisfaction rates that we can confidently say that you will see a real difference once you have undergone your treatment

By using high grade titanium, we surgically insert a rod directly into the jaw bone, where, over several months, it is left to bond and fuse with the bone itself and the surrounding tissues. No other metal is able to do this, and we are pleased to offer you only the best materials and the strictest of hygiene and surgical procedures throughout this entire service.

We may be able to immediately attach a crown or a bridge onto this titanium rod whilst we are inserting it, meaning that you can walk away with a brand new smile on the same day. Or we may need to wait for a few weeks, in order to ensure that the site has healed appropriately before we attach your new, permanent crown.

If you have several adjoining teeth missing, we can easily attach a bridge so that your teeth can be replaced without the need to implant many of these rods. For those of you who have dentures, then we offer a same day teeth service, which means that your ill-fitting dentures can be replaced by a new system, that has comfortable dentures attached to four implants, placed strategically around your mouth.

There are so many different ways in which this procedure can help our patients, including those who have lost a single tooth, many teeth or have had dentures for many years. There is even some previous treatment options for those of you who have lost a significant amount of bone in your jaw, meaning that implants would otherwise be unviable.

A bone graft is a simple procedure which involves adding either human, animal or synthetic bone directly into your jaw so that you can have a strong and secure site in which your new teeth can be placed into.

This is, undoubtedly, one of the greatest dental achievements that we are able to offer our patients, allowing you a permanent solution to lost teeth and ultimately providing you with a great improvement in your quality of life.

Want to give your smile a makeover? Reasons to visit our dentists in W1, Harley Street, for your cosmetic dentistry

As cosmetic dental procedures have advanced and become more popular, they have also become more affordable. Today, more people than ever are visiting dental surgeries to undertake cosmetic treatments and Harley Street is no different.

Dentist in W1Our dentists in W1, Harley Street, can provide you with an array of dental cosmetic procedures to beautify your smile. Depending on how you want your final smile to look, be it an ice white, Hollywood ready smile or just a brief whitening, we can help!

Our cosmetic dentists in W1, Harley Street, will combine our unique set of skills and extensive experience of cosmetics, in order to give you a truly glorious, unique smile, that you will want to show off for years to come.

How do we do it? Read on to explore our most popular cosmetic procedures.

Teeth whitening

A great way to spruce up your smile quickly; teeth whitening is one of our most sought after cosmetic procedures.

At Harley Street Dental, we offer four different types of teeth whitening, which includes Zoom whitening and Enlighten whitening systems. Our team can advise you on which is best suited to helping you achieve that gleaming smile, and we can even offer you an at home whitening system, which will give you that whiter smile in 2 weeks.

Porcelain veneers

A perfect option, if your teeth are a bit chipped, worn, stained or slightly misaligned.Veneers can help give you a white and more symmetrical smile.

Similar to a false nail being placed on a finger, veneers are placed over the top of your teeth and can be shaped to fit gaps, hide chips and even whiten your teeth multiple shades in one visit.


A cosmetic option that is taking the dental world by storm are dental implants. Implants can fill gaps in your smile, caused by missing teeth, and are deemed a more stable option for strengthening your bite than dentures.

At Harley Street Dental, we are able to attach a single implanted tooth, a set of bridges for a few missing teeth, and even a complete set of dentures, to give you a realistic and functional set of teeth.

White spot treatment

White spots or mottling on your teeth can give your smile an uneven and unusual look.

At Harley Street Dental, our team uses a treatment known as Icon, which infiltrates the tooth painlessly, causing these spots to blend in colour to the rest of your tooth, eliminating traditional procedures like applications of topical creams.

Smile makeover

The grand finale of all cosmetic dentistry is the smile makeover.

Depending on the look you want to achieve, our team will use all of the aforementioned treatments (and others) to give you that smile of your dreams. Depending on the clinical situation, you may be advised by our team to have a mix and match of treatments, or just a couple of procedures, to leave you with that gleaming smile.

Interested in some cosmetic straightening for your teeth? The top 5 benefits of having Invisalign in Harley Street

As we get older, with the pressures of modern life, we often forget to look after ourselves; what this means varies from person to person, but who doesn’t deserve a bit of TLC now and again?

Invisalign in Harley StreetHaving straighter teeth may not be high on your agenda but, for adults unhappy with how their teeth look, having straighter teeth can really have a positive impact on your confidence! So, if you are prone to closing your mouth when you smile for the camera, it may be time to try the famous Invisalign in Harley Street.

Tell me more!

Although relatively new to the world of dentistry, Invisalign in Harley Street is a very sophisticated aligner, that corrects mild to moderate misalignments of teeth. As its name suggests, it is classed as an invisible brace, meaning its discretion will not draw unwanted attention from friends and co-workers!

What are the other benefits of invisible braces? Read on to find out our top 5!

Time effective

When you choose to undertake treatment with Invisalign in Harley Street, you may be surprised to hear from our team how fast this brace straightens your teeth in comparison to the traditional metal braces. Many people who have worn this aligner have had their teeth straightened within nine months, making the entire process very quick.


Predictability with any cosmetic procedure can be a worry, as obviously, you want to complete the treatment looking better than you did before you started! Our team are trained in how to use the sophisticated computer software that accompanies this brace, and can break down each step of treatment to you, predicting accurately how your teeth will move with each aligner.

Better oral health

As this brace is removable, you can easily maintain your dental routine, and can simply put them back in once you have finished brushing. This reduces the risk of conditions such as gum disease or cavities, meaning you won’t suffer for your gorgeous new smile!


As you have to wear this aligner for 22 hours a day to gain the most from it, you will need to wear it as you sleep. This aligner is made from a flexible, clear plastic that is custom fitted to your teeth and does not have any protruding parts, allowing maximum comfort while you are both asleep and awake!


Of course, when you undertake a cosmetic procedure that is difficult to spot, you will feel an increase in your confidence, especially as your teeth begin to realign. Your smile will not give away any sign of the brace, and will allow you to get on with your day to day life without hassle.

Therefore, if you think you want a straighter smile to show off, book an appointment with our team at Harley Street and we can achieve your gorgeous new smile together.

Contact our team today for your free consultation!

Your dentist in Harley Street can provide preventive care for the whole family

It’s not all about drilling and filling at your modern day dentist in Harley Street. The latest equipment and innovative techniques and tools, that we are constantly investigating and putting into use at our practice, allows us to provide you with extremely insightful advice and quality care.

Dentist in Harley StreetThis means that we can identify the smallest signs of decay quickly, using high magnification and intensive lighting, that is routinely in use during general check ups. We can accurately and quickly diagnose an issue that you have, through the use of digital scans, that not only reduce the amount and impact of radiation on your body, but they also provide clearer, sharper and more detailed images than ever before.

At your dentist in Harley Street, we firmly believe that preventive care is the way forward in all modern dental clinics. By putting a lot of focus, attention, research and money into this area, we can ensure that your smile can remain strong and healthy for your lifetime.

A goal that all of us should have is keeping our natural teeth right into our older years, as they are capable of providing every one of us with the ability to eat and chew comfortably.  Technology, until recent years, hasn’t been developed enough for us to be able to apply appropriate preventive care until now, meaning that there are many of us who require some dental intervention. This is an exciting prospect for our future, and for the smiles of our children and grandchildren, because undoubtedly, this technology and equipment will only develop further, meaning that our natural smiles can be maintained for a lifetime with proper care.

Why is it so important for children to visit us?

Only by starting preventive care early, and establishing good oral hygiene techniques, can we aim to ensure that teeth are strong and healthy for life. By bringing your child in to see us at an early age, we are able to establish a positive relationship, which can greatly reduce the chances that dental fear or anxiety will develop in your child.

The younger that we begin a good oral hygiene routine and can guide parents in how to correctly help their children to brush their teeth, the more likely these habits are to stay and become a part of the everyday lives of children.

Even though milk teeth fall out, significant damage can be done to the growing adult teeth and to a child’s gums if these baby teeth are left to rot and decay. If milk teeth fall out prematurely, adult teeth can grow through crooked and diseased, causing many complications later on in their lives.

What can we do for you?

Preventive care is for the whole family. We have several preventive treatments that both children and adults can enjoy in order to protect their teeth from unnecessary damage or exposure.

One of the main treatments is a simple scale and polish that should be performed at least twice a year to remove residual plaque and food debris. Other treatments, such as a fissure sealant, can protect those deep grooves in biting teeth from accumulating filth, which is one of the leading causes of decay.