Why people change from silver to white fillings

Have you had a look at your silver fillings lately? Probably not. But everyone else will have, every time you laugh or yawn, they are on display.

Go on, have a look at them in the mirror. Would you say they are silver? They’re not really, are they? They’re more of a dark, glinty grey. They don’t look very nice, do they?

Silver to White Fillings in Harley StreetAnd yet these are what you are showing to those around you every day. Your fillings. Would you rather not? Well, there is a way to get rid of all that evidence of a childhood of not too many skills with a toothbrush and a few too many dips in the sweetie bag.

You can replace those so-called silver fillings with white fillings, either all in one go or over time.

If you have all your amalgam fillings taken out and replaced with white fillings, it will probably take a few sessions, especially if there are a lot to replace. Whenever we remove an old silver filling, here at Harley Street Dental Practice in Harley Street, we are very careful to get all the filling out of your mouth so that you don’t inadvertently swallow any of it. Mercury, once it’s not safely stowed away inside your tooth, is a toxin and swallowing it can be harmful.

Or we can replace your silver fillings gradually, putting in a white one every time an old silver one wears out and needs to be replaced.

We can also just give you white fillings if you develop decay and need a new cavity filling in.

White fillings are much stronger and more durable these days, so they are in fact a better bet than silver ones. This is especially so because we don’t need to remove as much healthy tooth material to fit a white filling, which means your tooth remains stronger for longer. We can also sculpt white fillings to give you back your chewing surfaces, which is not possible with silver fillings.

Want to find out more? Give us a call or ask about white fillings next time you come in for a check-up.

Teeth deserve care

Visiting the dentist in W1 is an essential part of your oral healthcare routine. As experienced dental professionals, we can assess the condition of your teeth and gums and help you to make informed decisions to improve your dental health. At home, you can keep your teeth clean with regular brushing and other hygiene treatments. Unlike your dentist, however, you can’t spot the subtle signs of decay and disease in their very early stages.

Dentist in W1Our aim is to give you a healthy dental future. We offer the full range of dental treatments and services, and our payment plans give you the chance to manage the costs of your oral health improvements. You don’t have to be troubled by something before you book an appointment with us. We can examine your dental condition and provide tailored advice on how to improve your future oral health.

Services at the W1 dentist

As a W1 dentist, we take care of all sorts of existing dental problems. Dental decay might have damaged one of your molars, or you might have chipped one of your front teeth in a sporting injury. We can provide tooth-coloured fillings that restore dental function without spoiling your appearance. Veneers can be applied to the front of your teeth, restoring their proper outlines and maintaining the visual harmony of your smile.

Many of our patients come to the W1 dentist to replace lost teeth. Our high-quality solutions are long-lasting and natural looking. We offer custom-made dentures and crowns, as well as dental implants that integrate with your jawbone. You could regain the stability of your natural teeth and take pleasure in chewing your favourite foods without worrying that the replacements might come loose.

Cosmetic solutions

Modern cosmetic procedures are available at the dentist in W1. We can make a significant change to your appearance in many effective ways. If you suffer from dental discolouration, teeth whitening will give you a bright smile once again. In the longer-term, dental realignment will turn a crooked smile into a more visually pleasant one. We use contemporary braces and aligners that are designed with your comfort in mind. They stay hidden while they carry out their transformative work.

Better positions

If you’re concerned about the positioning of your teeth, you’d benefit from the attention of an orthodontist in Harley Street. There are several reasons people seek our services. Our innovative techniques and years of experience mean that we can straighten crooked smiles, correct misaligned bites, and improve your dental hygiene. We use contemporary appliances like hidden braces and invisible aligners that have almost no impact on your appearance. You’ll be able to continue working and socialising without suffering the unwanted attention that’s often associated with traditional, highly visible braces and aligners.

Orthodontist in Harley StreetImportant work

As a long-standing Harley Street orthodontist, we can treat all kinds of irregularities in your dental alignment. We know that aesthetic concerns are not always the biggest problem. Sometimes, badly positioned teeth can cause difficulties with biting into and chewing your food. Jaw strain may result from misaligned bites. Bacteria can build up in awkward spaces between teeth, increasing the chances you’ll develop tooth decay or gum disease.

Positive changes

At your first consultation with the orthodontist in Harley Street, we’ll talk to you about what you want your dental realignment to achieve. Then we’ll measure your mouth in detail so that we can meticulously plan your treatment. We use contemporary appliances and techniques that are comfortable, discreet and efficient. While plenty of time is needed for the work to take effect, you may still be surprised by the speed at which we can bring about your desired changes.

Whatever type of brace or aligner you decide on, your treatment will be customised to meet your personal needs. Visiting the orthodontist in Harley Street for regular monitoring will ensure your appliances are optimised for great results. Afterwards, you might be required to wear a retainer while you sleep. This finalises your realignment work, making sure your teeth settle firmly into their new positions.

Looking up

Everyone who visits the Harley Street orthodontist will have slightly different reasons for doing so. Our professional team provides a welcoming and discreet service to put you at ease throughout your treatment. Once everything’s complete, you’ll have many years in which to enjoy the range of benefits provided by the Harley Street orthodontist.

Caring for your children’s teeth is really important

Healthy teeth are important for children and adults alike. Healthy teeth help your children’s adult teeth grow properly, while enabling them to eat and speak without problems. Introducing your children to great oral healthcare from an early age, is the best thing you can do for their overall health.

Dentist in Harley StreetHowever, not every parent knows what to do in order to keep their children’s teeth healthy and free from plaque. Don’t feel overwhelmed – at Harley Street Dental Clinic we are here to teach you all the best ways to take care of your children’s teeth. But above all, you should trust our dentist in Harley Street, who will diagnose any problems with your children’s teeth early on.

Dental hygiene is not boring

We appreciate that dental hygiene can be monotonous. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. With a little bit of imagination, you can teach your children to brush their teeth without them being bored. For starters, help them choose a colourful toothbrush and the toothpaste they like. If they choose their own tools they are more likely to look forward to using them every day.

Your dentist in Harley Street will show you how to brush and floss your children’s teeth properly and once they are old enough to try themselves help them by guiding them and showing them videos or reading dental health books and magazines with them.

Last but not least, it’s really important to reward your children for trying, but don’t give them sugary treats. Instead, praise their brushing and flossing skills and offer them healthy fruit and vegetables.

The role of the dentist in Harley Street

Dental care at home is a great start for introducing your children to the world of dental hygiene, but it’s not enough. Your children should visit the dentist as soon as they have their first teeth, since cavities and gum disease can develop any time. Cavities, in particular, are very common in young children and only your dentist in Harley Street can help prevent them.

The earlier, the better

Visiting the dentist in Harley Street from an early age is a great investment in your child’s oral health. Book your appointment today.

Why we don’t love sugar here at this dental clinic in W1

If we could have our wish for 2019, it would be that all our patients would eat less sugar. Sugar is the main driver for so many ills, and in the mouth, it is the fuel for plaque, the bacteria that leads to gum disease and tooth decay.

You might think it would be the other way around and we’d be handing out free chocolate eggs in the run-up to the spring festivities, but here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, our mantra is ‘teeth for life’.

Dental Clinic in W1Sugar and plaque and the dental clinic in W1

Sugar is in almost everything we eat in 21st century Britain. Just take a look at the ingredients list on ready-made foods, or even low-fat foods. If you see anything that ends in -ose, it’s a sugar. Even so-called healthy sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup and coconut nectar are sugar. Put them in your mouth and the plaque bacteria will have a field day with them.

Some foods, such as dried fruits, even hold the sugar against your teeth when little bits get left behind after swallowing. This creates a kind of running buffet for the plaque bacteria there. This is why when parents give their children raisins and sultanas as a snack instead of sweets, they are not really doing them any favours at all. Any child who eats dried fruits as a snack should rinse well with plain water afterwards.

Sugar feeds plaque, which then goes into full-on reproduction mode, building up those furry layers you can feel on your teeth as the day goes by. As well as not feeling great inside your mouth, plaque gives off corrosive acids that attack your tooth enamel and your gums.

Back to that mantra of ours

We want you to have your teeth for as long as possible, even though there is more business mileage for us in people with bad teeth. As dentists, we need to make a living, it’s true, but we’d rather make it out of finding ways for you to hang onto your teeth. So turn up for your check-ups and deep cleans at your dental clinic in W1, and cut down on sugar in the meantime.

Choosing the right cosmetic dentist in Harley Street shouldn’t be hard

If you are looking for quality cosmetic dentistry services, you should trust Harley Street Dental Clinic, a high-quality and experienced cosmetic dentist in Harley Street. In the capable hands of our caring, talented and skilled dentists, you can finally achieve the smile you have always wanted.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetCosmetic dentistry is not out of reach

If you think that cosmetic dentistry is destined only for the rich and famous, then you should book a consultation appointment with one of our talented cosmetic dentists in Harley Street.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer a wide range of affordable and effective cosmetic treatments – from teeth whitening to dental veneers and white fillings.

Our patients can even combine more than one treatments for the ultimate smile makeover.

Your journey to an attractive smile starts with the right cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we’re all about patient care and we like to approach our customers on an individual basis. Your cosmetic dentist will be there to offer support and advice throughout your treatment – whether your treatment requires one visit to our dental clinic or more.

Here are some things to ask yourself before choosing a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street:

  • What is the dentist’s experience? How many times have they performed the treatment you are interested in during the past months or years?
  • What is the dentist’s education?
  • How long have they been in practice?
  • Will you able to see pictures of their past work?
  • Does your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street provide patient education and aftercare?
  • Are there strict health and safety measures?

Most importantly, you should feel comfortable with your cosmetic dentist. If you are afraid to ask questions or if you don’t like their behaviour, then they are certainly not the right match for you.

If you are an anxious patient, you can discuss sedation options with your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street. From routine teeth whitening to complete smile makeovers, our dental team at Harley Street Dental Clinic will work with you to ensure that your dental requirements are met.

Transform your smile with confidence

Invisible braces in Harley Street are a convenient way to realign your teeth. You might be suffering from the effects of dental misalignment but concerned that braces will become a prominent part of your appearance. Our range of contemporary braces and aligners are designed to stay hidden while they efficiently improve the positioning of your teeth. Using ingenious construction and precise customisation, our modern braces will improve your oral hygiene as well as your smile.

Invisible Braces in Harley StreetVarieties of invisible braces in Harley Street

Incognito is a type of dental brace that, as you might imagine, uses wires and brackets to apply gentle pressure to your teeth. Its innovative feature, however,  is that we attach it to the backs of your teeth. It stays virtually hidden while your treatment is ongoing. You can smile for photos without wanting to hide your teeth.

By minimising disruption to your self-confidence during social occasions, invisible braces in Harley Street allow you to carry on with life as normal. Your teeth will slowly move into better positions as time goes on. Treatment proceeds according to a detailed plan, and regular monitoring ensures things stay on track. You might be surprised by how quickly the treatment takes effect.

How to acquire invisible braces in Harley Street

Our friendly dental team will discuss your realignment options after an in-depth consultation at our practice. You’ll be able to describe how you’d like your smile to appear after treatment, and we can decide on the most suitable ways to achieve this. Some of our braces focus on the teeth at the front of the mouth, while others are designed to treat all of the teeth.

Aside from making the smile more harmonious, invisible braces in Harley Street can help you to keep your mouth cleaner. This is because they’ll reduce the number of awkward spaces that your toothbrush finds difficult to access. The benefits of invisible braces in Harley Street go beyond the cosmetic. This treatment can provide you with a better dental experience as well as vastly improved aesthetic appeal. Payment options mean that you can spread the cost of this transformative work over many months.

How to protect your dental implants in Harley Street efficiently

You have probably heard that dental implants can last for a lifetime but that is an exaggeration. If you take good care of your dental implants, chances are that you won’t have to replace them for many years. However, just like real teeth, dental implants are susceptible to infection and accidents.

When you choose to invest in your oral health and have dental implants in Harley Street, the experienced dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic will give you as much information as possible about the aftercare and maintenance of dental implants.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetDon’t neglect to brush and flossing

Dental implants are not susceptible to tooth decay because they are not made of tooth enamel. However, they are prone to infection caused by a specific type of gum disease – peri-implantitis. This infection can be caused by bad oral hygiene and affects the soft tissue and ligaments around the dental implant sites. As the disease progresses, the dental implants may eventually fail, therefore it is really important to brush and floss your teeth daily and book frequent schedules for professional cleanings.

Don’t expose your dental implants to dangerous habits

Just like natural teeth, dental implants in Harley Street are susceptible to accidents and trauma. Minor chips and cracks can be easily fixed, but substantial trauma can even cause implant failure. To ensure that your implants stay healthy and strong, avoid grinding your teeth, always wear a protective mouth guard when you play sports and avoid chewing on ice or eating very hard and chewy foods.

Communicate with your dentist effectively

Good communication with your dentist is important when it comes to the maintenance and wellbeing of your dental implants in Harley Street. If you don’t know how to take good care of your dental implants or you think that there’s something wrong with the way they feel in your mouth, it is imperative to visit your dentist. Ideally, your dentist should check your dental implants twice a year. However, some patients may need to have more frequent dental check-ups because of health problems or other complications.

Want to keep your dental implants in Harley Street as healthy as possible? Contact us today.

Enhancing oral health

Your teeth and gums are an important part of your body. You need to keep them in good condition so that uncomfortable problems don’t develop. Going to a dentist in W1 is a crucial aspect of looking after your oral health. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we have plenty of contemporary treatments that will keep your teeth and gums in great condition.

Dentist in W1When to visit the W1 dentist

We can always do something to enhance your oral health and hygiene. Going to the dentist in W1 isn’t only what you do when you’ve noticed a worrying change in your dental condition. Come to us for a routine examination and we’ll be able to steer you towards a healthier dental future. Our hygiene advice is tailored to your specific needs, and we keep our knowledge up to date by following the latest industry innovations.

If things do go wrong, we can fix them for you in a variety of ways. We provide cosmetic treatments that will boost your visual appeal. Many of our patients enjoy having their teeth whitened. You can choose the shade of white you’d like to see in your smile, and we’ll create that shade for you in a comfortable and straightforward process. We know how minor changes can have major effects on your self-confidence.

Transforming your dental experience

You might be seeking a W1 dentist because you’re looking for a long-term change. Realigning your teeth can be a major step forward into improved oral health and hygiene. Our modern braces and aligners are produced with your comfort in mind. They use transparent and tooth-coloured materials to maintain a very low visibility. This means you’ll avoid the social scrutiny that can often make the thought of wearing braces seem daunting.

Perhaps you have lost some teeth and are now wondering how to replace them. Our methods include precision-crafted dentures and bridges that look natural and feel comfortable. We also offer dental implants, which integrate with your bone structure to provide long-lasting stability and convenience. Going to the dentist in W1 gives you access to many different ways of enhancing the appearance and condition of your teeth.

Moving on

Having orthodontics in Harley Street will improve your teeth in several ways. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is the increase in aesthetic appeal that occurs when teeth are straightened. A more visually harmonious smile is more pleasant to look at and may help you to feel better about your overall appearance. Then there’s the improvement in oral hygiene that Harley Street orthodontics can bring about. Your toothbrush will have an easier time scrubbing your dental surfaces when they’re in a more orderly formation. Plus, you’ll be at less risk of jaw strain once your bite is properly aligned. You may find that chewing your food is much easier.

Orthodontics in Harley StreetModern treatments

Harley Street orthodontics offer a discreet and comfortable experience of modern dental realignment. The appliances we use to reposition your teeth are designed with precision and constructed from low-visibility materials. We won’t insist that you wear highly visible metal braces attached to your teeth. Our low-hassle solutions help you to avoid the unwanted extra attention that people still imagine is a necessary part of dental realignment. Contemporary Harley Street orthodontics are kind and efficient.

Your Harley Street orthodontics journey

The first thing to do is to come and speak to us in our friendly dental practice. We’ll have a good look at your teeth and you can tell us how you’d like to improve them. Then we can discuss the most appropriate ways of achieving your desired outcome. You might want to focus on your front teeth, the ones that are most visible when you smile. Alternatively, you might want to adjust all of your teeth. Our range of treatment options includes clear aligners and invisible braces, and they’re all delivered according to a customised treatment plan.

Typical treatment times range from 12-18 months, but this timeframe could be shorter or longer depending on the amount of repositioning you need to achieve.


You’ll continue to enjoy the benefits of Harley Street orthodontics for many years after your treatment is completed. This important work will change your dental outlook for the better. Contact us today and we can get you started on your journey towards a better-looking smile.