Revitalise your face through facial aesthetics at a dental clinic in W1

Advancements in cosmetic dentistry have revolutionised many dental treatments and have made it possible to achieve a better smile in many different ways. But now that your teeth are looking much better aesthetically, isn’t it time to consider your face and the areas around your smile? Beautiful teeth are the main focus of your face, which can also be transformed with the help of facial aesthetics.

Dental Clinic in W1For a few years now, we have offered facial aesthetics at Harley Street Dental Clinic with success, enabling adults to complement their smile and regain a more youthful appearance. Non-surgical facial aesthetics such as Botox injections and dermal fillers available at our dental clinic in W1, can help you reduce your fine lines and wrinkles considerably.


Botox (short for Botolinum Toxin), is used widely as a muscle relaxing injection for the treatment of wrinkles and deep lines. When injected in the face, the toxin temporarily blocks the muscles responsible for wrinkles by interfering with the nerves that connect to them.

Botox treatment can take up to a week to show its effects and then can last anywhere between 3-6 months. So if you want to maintain the same look, just book in a top-up treatment with us.

Dermal fillers

As we age, our skin loses its natural elasticity and becomes less flexible. As such, lips can lose their plumpness, fine lines and wrinkles may appear around the mouth and nose area and cheeks can start to look recessed and hollow. Dermal fillers, which are made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance found in the body, are a popular aesthetic treatment in our dental clinic in W1. They are used to restore volume to the lips and cheeks and reduce facial lines and wrinkles.

What’s great about dermal filler treatment is that the results are instantaneous. So as soon as your short treatment is over you can walk away looking younger and fresher-faced. The effects of dermal fillers last for months, depending which areas of the face are treated.

Both Botox injections and dermal fillers are straightforward for our skilled general dentists to administer, given their years of study into how the nerves, muscles and other tissues of the face work.

Straightening out your teeth with invisible braces in Harley Street

Are crooked and overcrowded teeth keeping you from displaying your smile with confidence? You are not alone. Every year, an increasing number of teenagers and adults in the UK seek teeth straightening treatment.

Some patients are fine to use traditional fixed metal braces, whereas for others metal braces are just not an option. Quite a few adults are in favour of more discreet treatments. In these situations, your dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic may recommend Invisalign invisible braces in Harley Street, a tried and tested discreet teeth straightening treatment with impressive results.

Invisible Braces in Harley StreetWhat is Invisalign?

Traditional braces move teeth into their desired position by pulling them along via a wire. Invisalign employs a series of clear, invisible, plastic aligners to gradually push teeth into their correct position. The final number of aligners included in the treatment varies across patients and depends on your specific problem.

As you go through treatment, you will wear each of the aligners for approximately 7-10 days before replacing them with the next set in the series. When you finish with the last set of aligners, you will have achieved a straighter set of teeth that will enhance your smile.

Benefits of Invisalign invisible braces

Invisalign invisible braces in Harley Street are popular among adults because they offer many advantages such as comfort, aesthetics, convenience and ease. They can treat a wide range of mild to moderate dental issues, including crowded and spaced teeth, crossbites, overbites and underbites.

Invisibility is one of the biggest advantages of Invisalign. The aligners are made of clear, medical-grade plastic, which is virtually invisible to the naked eye. With Invisalign invisible braces nobody will notice that you are undergoing dental treatment unless you tell them. This invisibility will allow you to continue your daily activities without having to deal with the aesthetic and practical implications of sporting the train track look.

At the same time, Invisalign invisible braces are comfortable to wear due to their smooth plastic design and they exert gentle pressure on your teeth.

Last but not least, Invisalign invisible braces are removable. They can be taken out when brushing, flossing, eating or drinking, making daily activities much easier and convenient.

Dental implants in Harley Street – setting things straight

Pain is a common fear among patients who are considering dental implants. The mere thought of an operation can make anyone cringe, yet the placement of dental implants is far less painful than other dental procedures. Your dentist will perform the operation with the help of local anaesthesia so that your jaw and gums are numb. If you are really afraid of dental procedures you may opt to have sedation too.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetOur dental team at Harley Street Dental Clinic has successfully carried out many dental implant operations offering excellent care and catering for the special needs of patients who may feel anxious about the procedure.

Are dental implants painful?

But how painful are dental implants in Harley Street? Local anaesthesia is more than enough to keep patients comfortable. However, the amount of discomfort varies from one individual to the next. If you have dental phobia, then just seeing a needle can be anxiety-inducing and that is why you should talk to your dentist in advance so they can help put you at ease.

It helps to know that the jawbone has fewer nerves than tooth roots, which means dental implant is less painful than you may think; certainly less painful than a root canal or extraction.

Generally, most patients who get treatment for dental implants in Harley Street agree that post-operation pain is not so bad. However, pain and discomfort after an operation for dental implants will be dependent on the complexity of each individual case. Nonetheless, with the prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication, pain and discomfort are entirely manageable.

If you bleed after the operation, your dentist will ask you to bite lightly on a gauze pad that will be placed over your dental implants to stop the bleeding. You may need to replace the gauze and repeat the procedure for a few hours after the operation. Finally, make sure you get plenty of rest in order to facilitate healing.

Find out more

To find out if dental implants are the right course of treatment for you, talk to one of our implant dentists. All you need to do is get in touch with our friendly administration team to book your consultation.

A smile to exhibit

Our teeth are like paintings. When they are well looked after, nicely framed and kept free from dust and discolouration, they will be admired on a regular basis. If they become neglected, unpleasant to look at and worn out, it is easy to ignore them and keep them hidden. It is important to keep your teeth healthy and clean for the sake of your smile, so it can admired by you and by others.

Dentist in W1Maintaining a consistent routine for your teeth is just as important as your visit to the dentist. In W1, Harley Street Dental Clinic will encourage patients to come and see us now and then to make sure your teeth are as healthy and beautiful as they can be. By visiting regularly, usually around every six months, you will also be familiar with us and our friendly environment. That way, we can also get to know you and your teeth properly.

Repairing and restoring

In that sense, you could say that the dentists are the restorative artists for the pretty painting that is your smile. During your check-up appointment, you teeth will be thoroughly examined so that any potential issues can be spotted early. If a build-up of plaque is seen by the dentist in W1, it could be that a scale and polish will do the job. This could save you from any problems progressing, and having to get treatment for gum disease or tooth decay.

Your check-up appointment is also a chance for you to voice any concerns you might have about your teeth. This might be if a problem is causing you discomfort or if something about the appearance of your teeth is getting you down. This could be where cosmetic treatments such as teeth whitening and porcelain veneers come in handy for the aesthetics of your grin.

Teeth are for life

If needs be, the dentist in W1 can also advise you on beneficial brushing techniques and discuss the everyday routines that can affect your dental health, such as alcohol and diet. Discussions like these can be so useful for the future of your smile, allowing you to avoid the obstacles of good oral health.

Is prenatal dental care that important?

If you are pregnant, you may already be aware of hormonal changes that can affect your health. Pregnant women are more prone to dental issues and for this reason, visiting the dentist in Harley Street frequently should be encouraged.

While it is always good to take good care of your teeth and gums, it is especially important to do so when you are expecting a baby. At Harley Street Dental Clinic we appreciate that many pregnant women are uncertain about the dental routine they should follow and our dentist in Harley Street is here to help.

Dentist in Harley StreetWhy is dental care in pregnancy important?

During pregnancy, you may experience a few problems related to your teeth and gums. For instance, pregnant women are more likely to experience a special type of gum disease. If left untreated, this condition can lead to premature birth and low birth weight. Moreover, morning sickness during pregnancy can erode tooth enamel and cause harm to the gums if your teeth are not properly cleaned by a dentist in Harley Street.

Is it safe to see a dentist while I’m pregnant?

Dental visits are strongly recommended for pregnant women during all stages of their pregnancy. Dental care during pregnancy is completely safe and your dentist in Harley Street will do their best to ensure that you receive modern, effective dental care, with special considerations for your unborn baby.

You can rest assured that we will never perform unnecessary procedures and we will protect your belly from radiation with special equipment in case a dental x-ray is required.

Elective treatments such as dental implants and other cosmetic dentistry procedures can wait until after you have your baby. It is important to understand that dental work can be done safely during your pregnancy, but if possible, it is always better to delay procedures until after the first trimester.

More importantly, you should notify your dentist about any changes you observe in your oral health during pregnancy, as well as about any medicine or supplements you may be taking.

We are here to help

To make an appointment with our dental team, please contact us today.

Choosing between different types of clear braces in Harley Street

When encountering the many different options for teeth straightening available, it can get pretty overwhelming. Different types of clear braces have different prices, maintenance needs, levels of visibility and treatment times. These, at least, are the most important factors to take into consideration when choosing clear braces in Harley Street.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, our braces assessment is designed to give you all the information you need to make an informed decision. Our experienced dentists have spent quite a few years successfully treating patients with braces. Their attention to detail and their passion for great patient care are second to none.

If clear braces are the best solution for you, our dentist will suggest a treatment tailored to your needs. Some clear braces have brackets, elastic bands and wires. Some are fixed. Some are removable. They are all less visible than traditional braces. If you are lost in a sea of information and need some help, here are a few different types of clear braces in Harley Street to consider:

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are smaller than regular metal braces and they are made of clear and tooth-coloured materials in order to provide a discreet look against your teeth. They’ll blend into the background instead of standing out.

Invisalign clear aligners

Invisalign is a popular teeth-straightening option for adults with crooked teeth who do not wish to have metal braces. With Invisalign, you receive a series of transparent, and therefore nearly invisible, removable aligners. These are custom-made for your teeth. Each aligner is replaced every 7-10 days as the teeth gradually move into the desired positions. Invisalign is a comfortable teeth-straightening method that requires little adjustment to your lifestyle and can positively transform your smile.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces have been around for some time. They look and use the same mechanics as the familiar fixed metal braces, except that the brackets and wires go behind the teeth instead of on the front. Moreover, lingual braces are customised to be attached to each individual tooth for a more comfortable fit. They can take a little getting used to at first but are hidden from view for the ultimate in discretion.

Achieve your smile goals by visiting a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

Do you ever dream of how it would be to have the smile of a movie star? Now you can get a step closer to your dreams with the aid of cosmetic dentistry without breaking the bank. Smiling is a unique attribute of every individual and a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can help you achieve a more confident smile that suits your facial structure.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetThe popularity of cosmetic dentistry in celebrity circles has boosted demand for aesthetic dental treatments since a bright and healthy smile is often the first thing people notice. However, professional cosmetic dentistry is not about copying the smile of your favourite actor; instead, it is about creating a smile that makes you feel better about your appearance and is tailored to your unique look.

When you visit Harley Street Dental Clinic for your first cosmetic dentistry consultation, our experienced dental team will take the time to find out about your personality and your idea of the ideal smile. They will then develop a personalised treatment plan based on your individual needs and wishes.

Misaligned teeth

Advances in cosmetic dentistry mean that if you missed out on treatments such as braces or removable aligners as a child, it is not too late to achieve a straight set of teeth. Straighter teeth is a major reason cosmetic dentistry is on the priority list of many people. Straightening your teeth not only benefits your smile but is also important for your oral health. Teeth that do not fit together properly are harder to keep clean therefore are prone to decay and gum disease.

Dull teeth

Are you often jealous when celebrities show off their perfect pearly white teeth? Teeth whitening is the most popular and most affordable procedure offered by a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street. This treatment involves either the use of custom-made dental trays under dental supervision or the use of a laser light to remove stains from the teeth.

No more awkward smiles

If you are one of those people who are afraid to smile because of excessive gum tissue on display in your mouth (‘gummy’ smile), you could consider reshaping your gums to create a more even and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Why we love white fillings

Time was, white fillings weren’t very strong and if you were a bit of a night-time tooth grinder, your dentist in W1 may have suggested you stick to amalgam for any fillings that weren’t directly obvious. Times have changed however, and now white composite fillings are strong, maybe even stronger than amalgam, and here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we think they’re fab.

Dentist in W1You can have new fillings or damaged fillings replaced with white composite, or we can remove your amalgam fillings and replace them with white fillings, which are made of a mixture of plastic, glass particles and a setting ingredient. More and more people are coming to the dentist in W1 wanting their amalgam fillings replaced because they don’t like the idea of everyone being able to see that tell-tale dark glint in their mouths whenever they laugh. With white fillings, your personal dental history stays personal.

But it’s not just about having better-looking teeth, white composite fillings have some great benefits too. Let’s take a look at them:

Keep more of your tooth

When we use white composite, we don’t have to remove as much healthy tooth material along with the decay as we do with amalgam. This means you get to keep more of your tooth, and that means it is stronger and won’t crumble as easily when under pressure from chewing. This is especially important with the back teeth.


White fillings actually bond with your tooth material, so there is a seamless join between tooth and filling. Amalgam, on the other hand, sits tightly packed inside the tooth and over time, it’s possible for decay-causing bacteria to sneak in around the edges and start to decay the tooth under the filling. This can’t happen with white fillings.

Better chewing surface

White fillings are put in in layers and each layer is cured with a UV light. Once the final layer is in and cured, the dentist in W1 uses a tool to sculpt into the shape of the tooth, giving you back the all-important mounds and valleys of the chewing surface. Amalgam can’t be sculpted. It can only sit flat inside the tooth.

A smiley destination

Change and transitions can be scary, but what about when they’re leading to better things? A trip to the dentist might not appeal to some people, particularly to patients who feel nervous before an appointment. The trouble usually seems to be the fear of the unknown, because you never know what the dentist will find, like the secrets behind your smile.

Orthodontist in Harley StreetVisiting the dentist does not have to be scary and uncertain, because at Harley Street Dental Clinic we make sure that you know everything there is to know about your own teeth. We treat all of our patients with respect and understanding, liking to make sure that we get to know you as a person.

Looking for an orthodontist in Harley Street?

So when it comes to the troubles that crooked or crowded teeth may be causing you, we want to help you find a solution. Teeth-straightening treatments are a part of that change, the sort of change that leads to a straighter and healthier smile. We are an orthodontist in Harley Street offering a range of teeth-straightening treatments, from the clear and removable to the entirely invisible.

Invisalign is the flexible alternative to traditional metal braces. This teeth-straightening treatment works as a series of clear aligners that gently move your teeth to their desired positions over time. These are made especially for your teeth to fit snugly over them, so they cannot be used by any of your friends and family.

Another alternative to the traditional are lingual braces. These use similar straightening methods to metal braces with wires and brackets. The difference between them is that lingual braces are placed on the back of the teeth, working to straighten them discreetly without you or anyone else noticing.

An orthodontist in Harley Street to smile about

Whatever teeth-straightening treatment you feel best suits you, the aim is to end your dental journey with a straighter and healthier smile. By moving your teeth to their correct positions and fixing issues such as gaps between the teeth, there is less room for plaque to build up. This can mean avoiding further interruptions to your smile with nasty problems like gum disease and tooth decay.

The power of smiling

Smiling is important for our health and happiness. It can brighten up the day of a stranger and it shows that you are content. While the health of our teeth should usually be prioritised, it’s just as beneficial for you to treat and pamper the appearance of your smile now and then. This is why you might be looking for a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street.

Cosmetic Dentist Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we provide all sorts of cosmetic treatments to enhance the look of your teeth. It might be that your teeth have become dull and lost their whiteness over time, and while red wine once seemed like a good idea, it has taken its toll on your teeth. This is why you might be considering a teeth whitening treatment, to make your grin gleam a little more. We offer treatment in the dental chair or give you a kit to take home, so you can decide which one best suits you.

The small fixes for big smiles

If you’re looking for a cosmetic treatment to fix a minor flaw in your smile, we offer veneers at our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street. These a thin, tooth-coloured pieces of porcelain are placed on the top of a mis-shaped or discoloured tooth. Veneers are ideal for filling in gaps between your teeth when braces aren’t quite necessary. Depending on you and what you and your dentist feel would enhance the beauty of your smile, we can give you a single veneer or a whole set. They aren’t mixed and matched to cover your teeth, but are chosen specifically to match your natural teeth in colour and shape.

An uplifting treatment

If you feel that your gum-to-tooth ratio isn’t quite fitting in with your ideal image of a smile, then we also provide gum lifts. This is where one of our friendly dentists will work to reshape your gums, using a laser to painlessly shift the gum line by increasing or decreasing it in length. This is an effective and efficient procedure provided by our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street, intending to help you feel more comfortable and confident when you smile.