See your teeth through your clear braces in Harley Street

Braces still have a reputation for being great big ugly metal things that make you look dreadful and that’s not been the reality for quite some time now. Clear braces in Harley Street make the chances of looking like a railway junction much smaller for people with mild to moderate tooth misalignments. The problem is the image of the nerdy 13-year-old wearing giant braces is forever with us, with every rerun of The Goonies and The Brady Bunch.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, much as we love The Goonies, we see no reason why you should suffer the indignity of metal braces when there are so many great clear braces in Harley Street.

Braces consultations

We have a quite a few clear braces options and you will get to know all about each one when you come for a consultation with our braces dentist, Dr Emma Laing. Which clear braces in Harley Street are right for you depends very much on your alignment issues.

Fixed clear braces in Harley Street

Fixed clear braces feature clear ceramic brackets and wires that have been coated in a tooth-coloured material. They are cemented onto the teeth. They work best on mild to moderate alignment issues on the front social teeth, the ones that are most on view when we talk and smile. Treatment times can be only a few months.

Removable clear aligners

These are like mouth guards but made of very thin plastic. Patients receive a series of them and wear one after the other, each one for about 7-10 days, until the teeth are aligned. Treatment time is on average a year and once again, these are great for mild to moderate problems. What’s great about aligners is that they are removable for eating and cleaning.

Hidden braces

These are fixed to the backs of the teeth, next to the tongue, rather than on the fronts. They are ideal for complex alignment issues and feature brackets and wires. Treatment times can be longer because of this, sometimes two years or more.


Everyone who gets their teeth straightened needs to wear a retainer for some time afterwards. This keeps their teeth in place while the bone settles down around them.

That lovely smile? Yours, with the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

What do you notice within the first few seconds of meeting someone for the first time? Is it their handmade shoes? Their superior watch? Their wonderful car? Or is it their warm friendly smile and the teeth and gums that go to make up their smile? If their teeth are not so great, do you find yourself taking a bit of a mental step back from them? Do you wonder if they are reacting to your smile in a similar way?

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetIf so, then it’s time to get your smile to the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street.

Why smiles are important

Smiles are indeed one of the first things we notice about other people. Since primeval times, smiles have been a way of telling if a stranger is likely to be a friend or foe, and whether or not they are bringing disease with them. We may not mean to, but we still make judgments about people based on their smile. And it can affect how we treat them. That person with the dodgy teeth may not get the job. Don’t be the person with the dodgy teeth when these days, they are so easily turned into beautiful teeth.

What can the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street do for you?

Cosmetic dentistry treatments at Harley Street Dental Clinic can fix pretty much any dental issue, so there is no need to suffer anymore.

If your teeth are discoloured, they can be transformed. Surface staining is easily removed with teeth whitening treatments. These can be done in-house in little over an hour, or more gradually at home over a couple of weeks. Veneers can cover over intrinsic discolouration.

Veneers and cosmetic bonding are used to cover all sorts of imperfections: cracks, chips, mild twists, gaps, worn edges, too-small teeth can all be disguised with these great cover-up treatments that last for a good few years.

Gums can even be improved. Gummy smiles may require the removal of gum tissue that grows too far down over the teeth, or, if it’s a case of the top lip coming up too far when you smile, we can cut the muscle that is pulling it up.

Teeth that look great and work well

Teeth are not just there to make your smile fabulous, they are also there to bite and chew your food into a paste that can be easily swallowed and easily digested. Remember when eating your food, you only have one set of teeth and they are at the very beginning of your digestive system. If you swallow your food in big lumps, there’s nothing in your stomach or intestines to further break it down into particles of a size that can be easily accessed by your gut. If you don’t or can’t chew your food properly, you are depriving your body of essential nutrients.

Orthodontics in Harley StreetIf your teeth are not well aligned, it can be a hindrance to properly chewing your food, which is one reason to investigate orthodontics with us at Harley Street Dental Clinic in Harley Street.

Orthodontics are not just for children, or for serious misalignment issues. They are also great for correcting the position of teeth that are only mildly or moderately wonky.

Spread the burden

If your teeth are misaligned, it means that some of your teeth will be taking more of the strain of chewing, and that can be a lot of pressure. Did you know that the average adult male chew can exert as much pressure as 97kg or 200lbs? With that kind of force going on, you can see how, over time, it might cause the teeth taking most of the strain to crumble, especially if you also grind your teeth at night.

Getting your teeth aligned with braces or clear aligners will ensure that your teeth work properly together as a team to spread the burden of chewing, and, therefore, hopefully, last longer.

Easy to clean

The other important aspect of tooth alignment is that having teeth that line up next to each other correctly makes them much easier to keep clean. You won’t have to spend as much time poking around with interdental brushes to remove plaque hidden away in crevices, and, in the long run, this will also help protect you against decay and gum disease, and help you keep your own teeth longer.

How to prevent dental problems and save money and time

If you are not following a good oral hygiene routine and you avoid dental visits, chances are that a dental emergency will make you rush to the dentist in W1. Many people fail to realise that preventive oral care is a health investment, saving you much needed time and money in the long run.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are all about prevention and oral health maintenance. Dental care is not cheap, but you can cut costs by visiting the dentist in W1 at least twice a year and establishing a good oral hygiene routine at home.

Dentist in W1Commit to visiting the dentist at least once every six months

If your teeth and gums are healthy they will be stronger and perform better. Even if you brush and floss them daily at home using specialised products, your oral hygiene regime will be incomplete without a visit to the dentist in W1.

The dentist in W1 has all the right tools to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and can look for signs of decay and gum disease. If left untreated, these ailments can cause infection or even tooth loss. Overall, it is cheaper and simpler to have regular dental check-ups than have to replace your teeth.

Use your teeth for what they are meant for

Teeth should never be used as scissors, but unfortunately, many people use their teeth to cut things, tear things open and pop open bottle tops. This is unwise and can lead to tooth damage.

Improve your diet

Another thing to consider if you wish to cut down on your dental costs is to improve your diet. A diet full of sugary foods and drinks can cause tooth decay and demineralise your teeth leaving them exposed to bacteria. Instead, a nutritious diet can help keep your teeth strong and functional, enabling them to stave off decay and gum disease.

Learn how to clean your teeth properly

Brushing and flossing your teeth properly is imperative for maintaining a great level of oral health. Your dentist in W1 will show you all the right techniques to brush and floss your teeth for removing food particles efficiently after each meal.

You are never too old to straighten your teeth: adult orthodontics in Harley Street

All too often, the word ‘braces’ is associated with children or young adolescents and is reminiscent of ‘metal mouths’. However, getting braces as an adult is no longer a dental taboo since an increasing number of adults opt for a straight set of teeth and studies have shown that nowadays at least 20% of braces wearers are adults. This is mostly due to the development of less visible orthodontic options.

Orthodontics in Harley StreetCrooked and misaligned teeth are not just a problem during adolescence, despite what you may think. Ageing can cause teeth to become less straight.  At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we use orthodontics in Harley Street to treat diverse misalignment problems. If you are an adult with crooked, crowded or spaced out teeth then discreet orthodontics in Harley Street could be the right option for you. Adults looking for dental braces today will find more than just chunky metal ones.

Invisible braces: a whole world of options

There are many types of invisible braces and aligners available, the most common of which are clear braces, lingual braces, and Invisalign aligners. Clear braces work exactly like traditional metal braces minus the metal wiring. With clear braces, clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires move the teeth into alignment.

Lingual braces, on the other hand, are metal braces placed behind your teeth. Although their position in the mouth makes them virtually invisible, lingual braces may take some getting used as they are positioned next to the tongue.

Finally, Invisalign aligners are clear plastic custom-made aligners, which are used to gradually adjust the position of teeth. Invisalign is a very popular teeth straightening method among adults and perhaps for good reason since the aligners can be removed to eat and clean your teeth and are almost completely invisible to the eye. However, they must be worn for at least 20-22 hours a day in order for the treatment to run to schedule.

Although orthodontics can be effective at any age, be aware that sometimes it can take longer for adults to see results. To learn more about discreet orthodontics in Harley Street, please contact us today.

Important reasons to visit the dentist in Harley Street

Have you ever wondered why the British Dental Association and your dentist recommend you have dental check-ups at least twice a year? Regular dental visits are important for the health of your teeth and gums. And in between those visits, it is important that you maintain your teeth and gums, keeping them clean and healthy. If you need specialised care, your dentist in Harley Street will suggest specific treatment. Prevention is key to protecting your teeth, as the dentist will catch problems early on.

Dentist in Harley StreetChecking your teeth for tooth decay is just one part of a thorough dental examination at Harley Street Dental Clinic. During your dental appointment, the dentist in Harley Street will also assess the health of your gums and soft tissues of your mouth, perform a routine head and neck examination and examine your mouth for any signs of disease. Our dentist will then clean your teeth and provide advice for optimal oral hygiene at home between visits.

Benefits of going regularly to the dentist

Although many people avoid visiting the dentist for many reasons, such as dental phobia or expenses, dental visits are just as important as brushing and flossing your teeth. It is important to know that many dental problems do not become noticeable or painful until they are advanced. Not to mention that serious oral issues are often expensive to treat.

Dental visits on a bi-annual basis, help your dentist identify problems while they are still in their early stages. Taking care of a dental issue while it is still developing means that less work is involved, and hopefully, you can avoid more invasive and expensive treatments. So, visiting the dentist regularly saves you time and money in the long run.

Last but not least, even if you brush and floss your teeth twice a day, they can benefit from a professional cleaning. Plaque can still build up on your teeth and if it is left there for too long, it hardens into tartar. A dentist in Harley Street has all the tools needed for removing plaque efficiently during your visit.

Visiting the dentist every six months or so, helps prevent problems with your teeth, keeps your gums healthy and promotes good oral hygiene.

Is cosmetic dentistry a necessity or a luxury?

Visiting the dentist for regular check-ups saves time and money in the long run, but when is this no longer enough for your dental needs? If your teeth are crooked, stained, chipped or simply not as attractive as you’d like when you smile, cosmetic dentistry at a dental clinic in W1 can put an end to your dental woes.

In recent decades, cosmetic dentistry has become a flourishing and successful industry in the UK, as people like whiter and straighter teeth.

Dental Clinic in W1Cosmetic dentistry offers a wide range of treatments to accommodate a variety of dental problems. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, patients can expect not only to have their smile transformed but also to receive treatments with enduring and attractive results. The experienced dental team at our modern dental clinic in W1 will ensure that the risks associated with cosmetic dentistry will be very limited, if any.

From teeth whitening to porcelain veneers, crowns, gum contouring and invisible braces, cosmetic dentistry at our dental clinic in W1 offers a range of possibilities even for the trickiest of dental scenarios.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is the most common cosmetic treatment. It offers an easy, cost-effective and gentle way to remove stains from the teeth and brighten your smile. Presently, teeth whitening treatments are performed in the dentist’s chair with the aid of laser technology or in the comfort of your home with special whitening products.

Porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin, high quality, tooth-coloured cases that go over the front of the teeth in order to improve their whiteness, shape and size.

White fillings

Also known as composite fillings, white fillings protect decayed teeth to prevent further deterioration.


Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover the entire tooth. This gives it back its size, shape and strength and is also used to improve its appearance.

Gum contouring

Sometimes gums may rest too low or too high on the teeth creating visible aesthetical discrepancies in your smile. Gum contouring can alter the shape of the gums and re-contour the teeth to provide a more balanced smile.

Invisible braces

Invisible braces are ideal for adults who want straight teeth without the hassles of traditional metal braces.

Preparing for your cosmetic dentistry consultation

Planning an appointment with a new dentist can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you are visiting a cosmetic dentist for the first time. But as your consultation with a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street progresses, you should feel comfortable.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we pride ourselves on listening to all of our patient’s concerns and offering modern, effective dental care. Whether you wish to fix a minor flaw in your teeth or opt for a complete smile makeover, our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will guide you through every step of the process.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Harley StreetHelp us know you better

In order to determine the best treatment (or treatments) available for your individual needs, we need to know you better. Our dental clinic is a comfortable and relaxed environment where you will receive our focused attention. During your initial consultation, we will talk about your smile goals and we will ask you questions about your dental and overall health. Your consultation will help us understand your individual needs and any lifestyle considerations. You are free to ask as many questions as you wish and our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will make the proper recommendations.


An examination of your teeth and gums can take place either during your initial consultation or at a subsequent visit to the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street. During your dental examination, we will take impressions and x-rays (depending on the type of treatment you are after) and we will look for signs of gum disease and tooth decay. If you suffer from these conditions, they will need to be treated before you proceed with any cosmetic treatment. Once we finish examining your teeth and assessing your oral health, our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will make recommendations based on what you would like to gain from treatment, such as a straighter set of teeth or whiter teeth. After that, we will devise a treatment plan where all costs will be detailed. This treatment plan is not binding and you have no obligation to start right away. You can take your time and consider your options.

Contact us

If you would like to learn more about our cosmetic dental services, give us a call.

Benefits of Invisalign in Harley Street

Having straight teeth not only has aesthetic benefits, but also improves oral health. Clean, straight teeth and healthy gums reduce the risk of gum disease while enhancing your confidence and self-esteem. However, not many adults are keen on straightening their teeth with conspicuous metal braces

Invisalign in Harley StreetLuckily, Invisalign in Harley Street offers a viable alternative to traditional braces with added benefits. If you are considering Invisalign for straightening your teeth, then you are welcome to book a consultation with our experienced dentists at Harley Street Dental Clinic.

The downsides of metal braces

Metal braces have helped many patients straighten their teeth over the years and are used widely by dentists to treat many types of misalignment. While these metal braces are incredibly effective, they can also be unappealing for adult patients. Thankfully not all misalignment issues require fixed metal braces.

Invisalign aligners are effective in treating mild to moderate misalignments and are also almost invisible.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign in Harley Street uses a series of clear, plastic aligners, which straighten teeth over time. Each set of aligners has to be worn for a specified amount of time, before they are replaced by a new set. Over time, the aligners will apply just enough pressure to the teeth to push them into their correct positions. Invisalign aligners are removable, but have to be worn for at least 20-22 hours per day for treatment to be effective.

The upsides of Invisalign in Harley Street

One of the most important benefits of Invisalign is its near invisibility. Invisalign aligners are made of transparent plastic, and this means that patients will be able to smile with confidence throughout their treatment. Another major benefit of Invisalign is comfort. The aligners are made of smooth, medical-grade plastic that fits snugly over teeth and gums.

Finally, Invisalign aligners are removable, so you can take them out to eat, brush and floss. Infact to keep them from becoming stained, we strongly advise you to take them out whenever you eat or drink anything other than water. Many of our patients find this actually helps them avoid mindless snacking.

Discover the various health benefits of dental implants in Harley Street

If you are missing one or more teeth, you may feel uncomfortable with your smile. You may also have trouble eating, speaking, or laughing. Dental implants can improve your quality of life dramatically, since you don’t have to worry about them slipping or falling out from your mouth. Dental implants in Harley Street offer more than aesthetics and convenience. They provide many health benefits, as well.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, dental implants allow our dentist to mount replacement teeth directly into artificial, metal tooth roots that have been surgically positioned in your jawbone. Dental implants in Harley Street can be used to replace a single tooth or, using an implant-supported bridge or denture, replace multiple teeth.

If you want to replace missing teeth with the most secure solution, then dental implants are the way to go.

Bone loss prevention

When you lose a tooth, the bone that surrounds and supports your tooth diminishes. People with many missing teeth and long-term denture wearers can develop a sunken-cheeked appearance over the years due to the loss of jawbone density. Since dental implants are fused into the jawbone, they prevent bone loss and even encourage bone growth.

Healthy eating habits

By ensuring your remaining teeth don’t tilt or topple into the gaps left by missing teeth, dental implants also restore your natural chewing ability. This way, dental implants help you stay fit and healthy through maintaining good nutritional habits. Instead of snacking on unhealthy snacks, you can bite into crunchy fresh fruit and vegetables.

Protect your natural teeth and gums

In order for bridges to be fixed properly, your dentist will have to file down the two teeth on either side of your missing teeth. Wearing dentures meanwhile can cause the gums underneath them to become swollen, irritated or painful. Dental implants, on the other hand, fully restore your oral function without affecting the health of your remaining natural teeth or gums.

Are dental implants right for me?

Most patients in good general and oral health are good candidates for dental implants. However, the best way to find out if dental implants are right for you, is to book a consultation with our implant dentist.