Dental implants in Harley Street: you are safe in our hands

As with any health professional, it’s vital that you feel you can trust your dentist. After all, sitting in the dentist’s chair with your mouth wide open is a very vulnerable position to be in. You want to know that whoever is rooting around in your teeth and gums knows what they are doing.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetThis is even more the case if you are having a lengthy procedure such as dental implants in Harley Street. Implant surgery takes, on average, an hour to 90 minutes, and is generally carried out under local anaesthetic, so you are awake the whole time. Many patients experience anxiety in such circumstances and one way to ease the mind and soothe the nerves is by working with an implant dentist who is experienced and knowledgeable. The more you trust in your clinician, the more likely you are to relax and feel safe in their hands.

Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, patient comfort is our number one priority. We do everything we can to create a relaxed and calm environment for you. That’s why we only employ highly qualified dentists who have a proven track record in their particular field of dentistry.

Meet the dentist

Let us introduce you to our dentist who fits dental implants in Harley Street, Dr Sunny Kaushal. Sunny has been working in this area for 22 years. A graduate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Sunny is also a lead tutor, lecturer and examiner for this prestigious institution.

He advises dental implant manufacturers, giving them the first-hand knowledge needed to develop the new, innovative implants that provide even better levels of care for patients. Sunny is also experienced in computer-guided implant surgery and loves to keep up with the latest technological developments. This is not just because he’s a techie: it’s so he can offer his patients the very best care possible and make the implant journey as smooth and easy as possible.

Drop into the surgery

We want your experience of dental implants in Harley Street to be an anxiety-free one. Visit us to find out more and chat with our experienced implant dentist today.

Prevention is better than cure at the dentist in W1

Dentistry is always going to have a certain element of having to fix problems brought on by tooth decay and gum disease, but more and more, modern dentistry focusses on ways to prevent dental problems.

Humans only get one set of teeth and making them last as long as possible is really important, especially now that it is not unusual to live as long as one’s 80s. That means adult teeth are having to last as long as 70 years. Can we do it? Can we get teeth to last that long? At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we believe we can with preventive dentistry.

Dentist in W1The motto of preventive dentistry at the dentist in W1 is ‘teeth for life’, and we have developed a range of services aimed at helping you hang on to your natural teeth for as long as possible. Let’s take a look at a few of them now:


Check-ups are how dentists find out if anything is wrong with your teeth: decay, gum disease, erosion, attrition, teeth crumbling or splitting. We also check for abnormalities in the soft tissues of your mouth and in your neck. We can spot things such as decay, gum disease and mouth cancer before you will be able to feel they are there. By the time pain lets you know something is up, it will already be advanced. Earlier interventions are simpler and cheaper.

Scale and polish

A truly preventive treatment, a scale and polish removes dental plaque and calculus, which are a build-up of bacteria, that, while harmless in themselves, give off the acids that lead to decay and gum disease. Most people need twice-yearly visits to the hygienist, but if you are pregnant, have diabetes or are a smoker, you may need to come more often.

Gum disease

This is a progressive disease. If you have the early stage, gingivitis, you will need treatment from the dentist in W1 to stop it becoming advanced, when the disease attacks the bone beneath the gums and your tooth roots.


If you grind your teeth at night, a mouth guard can be made to prevent you damaging your teeth.

The transformative effects of visiting the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

Keeping up appearances seems more important than ever. Maybe not so much as competing with the next-door neighbours, more being ever-ready to take a gorgeous selfie or be caught off-guard looking fabulous in someone else’s social media post. The pull to present a beautiful image to the world is as strong as ever. A key part of anyone’s look is their smile. Think about it. When you first meet someone, what is it you really notice and remember about them? Their clothes? Their hair? Chances are it’s their eyes and smile.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetA warm smile that includes the eyes has a deep effect on the human brain. Through our primal survival mechanisms, we are hard-wired to look for signs of friendliness and trustworthiness in others, and what better way to discern this than by checking out their smile? On a deeply subconscious level, we open up to someone who smiles at us, we can’t help it. And if someone holds back on a smile or covers their mouth, perhaps because they feel ashamed of their teeth, we don’t immediately feel so warm towards them.

So, you see, a visit to the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can have a big impact on your life. It’s not just about having a brilliant white Hollywood smile for the sake of it, or even for the selfie. It’s about feeling comfortable enough in your own skin to show off a genuine smile. This can help your relationships with others, personally and professionally, and also boost your self-esteem.

The cosmetic dentist in Harley Street has a range of treatments available to subtly enhance the natural beauty of a smile. These include:

  • Veneers
  • Teeth whitening
  • Gum lifts
  • Cosmetic braces
  • Ikon white spot.

Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we also offer smile makeovers. This combines two or more treatments to create an overall upgrade for the smile.

Our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street knows how important a smile is and how sensitive some patients feel about their teeth. We will work with you to find the solution that works for you and brings out the best in your smile.

Look and feel great with Invisalign in Harley Street

Invisalign in Harley Street is one of those brilliant dental treatments that not only improves the health of your teeth, but how they look too. This is why Invisalign is carried out by both our cosmetic dentist, and our teeth-straightening dentist.

Invisalign in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, Invisalign is fitted by Dr Emma Laing and Dr Justin Glaister.

Dr Laing is one of our braces dentists. She is highly qualified, having received a gold medal for best graduating student when completing her first dentistry degree. She also has a fellowship in dental surgery and membership as a braces dentist from the Royal College of Surgeons, and she received a Masters degree with distinction in 2007.

Emma is delighted to see the advent of appliances such as Invisalign, as it is much more comfortable and discreet than the braces of old. As well as being able to help resolve the health issues patients have with their wonky teeth, Emma also gets a buzz from seeing them walk away with a more beautiful smile that they feel proud of.

Dr Glaister is a cosmetic dentist. He focuses on the appearance of the teeth, and one way he does this is with Invisalign in Harley Street. While the treatment can have health benefits, it’s also used for mild to moderate cosmetic adjustments that improve the appearance of the smile. If you have crowded, crooked or gapped teeth, it’s worth checking out if Invisalign in Harley Street could work for you.

Justin is a graduate of the Las Vegas Institute of Neuromuscular and Cosmetic Dentistry and is also an instructor for the New York Advantage Group, which trains UK dentists in the latest cosmetic techniques. He has an international reputation and uses other cosmetic treatments alongside Invisalign in Harley Street to give you the best smile possible.

Call into our surgery today and find out if Invisalign in Harley Street is the most suitable way for you to improve the look and health of your teeth. Talk to our treatment co-ordinator and they will direct you towards which of our Invisalign dentists is the right one for you.

It’s all about you at the dentist in Harley Street

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, our focus is on partnership. We don’t view our relationship with our patients as one of expert talking to novice. We employ highly skilled clinicians who offer their knowledge and experience to provide quality treatments. And, we see that you also bring your knowledge of your body, what feels right and comfortable for you and your dreams and wishes for how you want your teeth to be. In our view, taking all of this into account makes for the best treatment outcome possible.

Dentist in Harley StreetWe create this relationship in several ways: the first is by providing a warm and welcoming environment. As soon as you step into our modern and comfortable dental clinic, you’ll feel at ease. While waiting for your appointment you can relax on our comfy leather sofas, take in the art and sculpture and enjoy a tea or coffee while watching TV.

Next is the friendly welcome you’ll receive from our reception staff. They’ll find out what services you are looking for and match you up with the relevant treatment co-ordinator or dentist in Harley Street.

Then we listen. We really listen. Our approachable clinical and management team will ask you what it is you want from your treatment at the dentist in Harley Street, and really hear what you have to say. Maybe you want to get back some self-esteem after suffering with a wonky smile for years. Perhaps you’ve had enough of loose dentures and want to be able to eat what you like again. Or it could be that you just want to give your teeth a good clean and maintain their excellent condition.

Then we offer you a thorough and professional treatment, that you are in control, every step of the way. Ask us any questions and raise any concerns, so we can amend your plan if needed.

Whatever your reason for being here, we don’t see that our job as a dentist in Harley Street is about teeth: it’s about people and the outcome we can get for you. There’s nothing we love more than seeing our patients smile a broad grin when they leave us. It’s why we do what we do.

Improve your smile and your life by visiting the dentist in W1

Surveys in the UK have shown that nearly half of the population are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth. Visiting the dentist is not only a way to improve and maintain dental health and hygiene but also a viable means of correcting dental problems and creating a more confident smile.

When it comes to selecting a new dentist there are a number of parameters to be considered, the most important of which is finding someone who can meet your particular dental needs. For an experienced dentist in W1, you can look no further than Harley Street Dental Clinic.

Dentist in W1Our staff

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we ensure that your dentist in W1 is trained in current treatments available in order to provide you with modern, effective services. All our dentists observe the strict guidelines of the General Dental Council (GDC) and are particularly interested in promoting good oral health to the local community. Our staff will offer exemplary customer service for all patients, including those with dental phobia.

Our treatments

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, you will find a variety of preventive and cosmetic treatments suited to your individual needs. If you are not happy with the colour of your teeth, you may be interested in our professional teeth whitening. If you are missing teeth you can opt for dental implants, a good long-term solution to replacing lost teeth.

Alternatively, you can improve the appearance of your teeth with porcelain veneers. If your teeth are misaligned, you may decide to wear conventional metal braces or select invisible braces such as Invisalign.

Finally, we believe that a great smile should be accompanied by a fresh-looking face. We therefore provide various aesthetic facial treatments such as Botox and dermal fillers.

This is, of course, on top of comprehensive cleaning, scaling and polishing of your teeth, so you can avoid dental disease and ultimately spend less time in the dental chair.

We care for your smile

From routine dental check-ups and preventive treatments to cosmetic dentistry, we ensure that you will receive appropriate and reliable dental treatment at competitive prices. If you are looking for a dentist in W1, Harley Street Dental Clinic is the right place for you.

Keep looking professional with Invisalign in Harley Street

When you meet someone for the first time, you use the first few seconds of the encounter to make all sorts of snap judgments about them. Their hair, their clothes, their size, their smile can all lead you to fill in the gaps about their life that you cannot possibly know and then you will treat them accordingly. We all do it, it’s human nature, and back in the long distant past, those snap judgments kept us away from dangerous or diseased people.

Invisalign in Harley StreetCould an intrinsic awareness of this be behind our image consciousness? Almost certainly. And image consciousness plays an important part in whether or not people invest in getting their teeth straightened. The cost/benefit question associated with the making of this decision goes something like: ‘Is it going to be more harmful to my image to wear ugly braces for a number of months, or to spend my life with misaligned teeth?’

For people in jobs where they need to look competent and highly professional at all times, it can often be a better bet not to have braces. Metal braces have long been associated with adolescence and being awkward and friendless. None of which are great if you are a barrister, a police officer, or a doctor. It’s hard to be taken seriously when you have a railway junction where your teeth should be.

Invisalign in Harley Street to the rescue

Thankfully, you can get your teeth straightened and maintain your professional image when you use clear aligners made by Invisalign from us at Harley Street Dental Clinic. Instead of metal brackets and wires, you receive a series of aligners that look like mouth guards made out of very thin, transparent plastic.

The aligners have pressure points inside them that gently shift the teeth into alignment. You wear each one in the series until the feeling of pressure wears off, which takes 7-10 days, and then you put in the next one.

It’s hard to see the aligners over the teeth and they don’t interfere with speech, so no one will spot them, and you get to keep your professional image intact.

Come in for a consultation to find out more about Invisalign in Harley Street.

Going to the dentist in Harley Street

How do you feel about going to the dentist? Is it something you look forward to? Is it something you dread? Is it something you don’t care much about either way? If you answered yes to either of the second two questions, then you need to change dentists. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we think going to the dentist in Harley Street can be enjoyable and rewarding and not something to worry about at all.

Dentist in Harley StreetOur building

If you are into beautiful London architecture then you are going to love our renovated Georgian town house, which houses our team of 12 dentists spread over 5 floors. Our waiting rooms are stylish and modern but also very comfortable. You can relax on our sofas, help yourself to a drink and enjoy our art collection.

Our surgeries

We use modern equipment, bringing together what we consider to be the best brands and the most useful developments in materials and techniques.

Our dentists

We have a team of 12 dentists, most of whom have completed their general dental studies and gone onto to focus on a particular area of dentistry. They can call on the services of 3 consultant maxillofacial surgeons. Backing up the dentists, we have a team of three dental hygienists, two dental nurses, an operations director and two administration staff.

Our treatments

Our aim is to provide you with all the dental treatments you could need under one roof. You should never need to be referred to another dentist for treatment. Our thinking is that this saves you time and money and also builds trust between Harley Street Dental Clinic and its patients. We know that we are a large clinic so we make sure that when you come to us, your case is assigned to one dentist, who oversees the whole treatment journey, and liaises with other dentists that you may need to see as part of that treatment journey.

Your needs

Some things take a long time and you might be need to spend several hours at the dentist in Harley Street. We have recovery rooms if you need time between treatments, and we also have an interfaith prayer room.

New country, new healthcare systems, new dental clinic in W1

If you are a recent arrival to the UK, welcome! How are you coping with the systems here? Have you even dared try the Tube yet? How about finding a dental clinic in W1?

Dental Clinic in W1Arriving in the capital city of old countries in Europe can be pretty daunting. London, like so many European capitals grew up higgledy-piggledy. There is no grid system for the streets, the bus numbering system makes no sense, and then there’s the healthcare system. Wouldn’t it be nice at least to find a dental clinic in W1 where all the treatments you are going to need are available under one roof? Well, now you’ve made it to this article on the website of Harley Street Dental Clinic, you are home safe and dry and need never worry about finding the right dentist in London again.

A large team covering all aspects of dentistry

Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, our aim is to make sure that you can access everything you need in terms of dental treatment in one clinic. We have a team of 12 dentists, most of whom have trained to postgraduate level in one or two focussed areas of dentistry.

When you come to us for treatment, the dentist to whom you are first assigned will oversee the entire treatment journey, making sure that you see the right dentists for each dental need and liaising with them to maintain a good understanding of where you are up to in each stage.

No need for a language barrier

We also want to make sure that you are always in control of your treatment, so we will make sure that each dentist gets to know you before you start work with them. We appreciate that English may not be your first or second language, and we have a number of different languages spoken here.

No rush

If you are having longer treatments, we can offer you longer appointments and a place to recover, which means you can come in for one long visit instead of several short appointments. This service is especially popular with patients who need to get as much dental treatment carried out in one go as possible.

Solving missing teeth issues with dental implants in Harley Street

Having missing teeth is not a good idea. If you have lost teeth from the front of your mouth, you will be feeling very self-conscious about the gaps, and you will find biting into your food more difficult. Teeth missing from the sides and back of the mouth make it harder to chew. Gaps need to be filled so that other teeth don’t start to topple into them.

More and more people are choosing dental implants in Harley Street to replace lost teeth, and it’s easy to see why. Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we see people enjoying the benefits that dental implants bring.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetThe benefits of dental implants in Harley Street


Dental implants give the best stability. They are embedded into the jawbone, where they integrate with the bone, and this means they can withstand chewing pressures up to 97kg or 200lbs, which is more pressure than most men exert when they chew. This means that people can continue to consume a wide variety of foods, including all the crunchier, chewier foods, which tend to be more nutritious.


Dental implants last for at least 15 years. The crowns, which are made of dental porcelain do wear out after a good few years, but, if you take good care of your dental implants in Harley Street, there’s no reason why the implants themselves might not last for the rest of your life.


Dental implants can be used to replace one tooth, a few teeth, several teeth or all your teeth. One implant can hold up to three teeth on a bridge and there are ways to support an entire arch of teeth on just 4-6 implants. There are ways to use implants to stabilise wobbly dentures and even ways to use implants on people whose bone tissue has lost density and size.

Easy maintenance

Dental implants are easy to care for. There are no fiddly cleaning routines, just a twice-daily careful brush and floss to remove plaque and regular cleanings with the hygienist.

Jaw health

Dental implants help keep your jaw strong and healthy, which helps keep your facial structure intact and you looking more youthful.