Restore your youthful appearance without surgery in W1

As we age, the collagen layer that supports the skin is gradually reduced. Moreover, stress, sun exposure, smoking and other factors can also contribute to the creation of wrinkles and fine lines on our face and neck. Luckily, thanks to non-surgical techniques, you can now rediscover the beautiful shape of your face and take years off your appearance.

Dental Clinic in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we believe that a well-rested, refreshed and rejuvenated look should accompany any dental treatment. For this reason, we offer BTX and dermal fillers in our dental clinic in W1. As dentists, we have an in-depth knowledge of the areas around the mouth so that we can fix your teeth without causing harm elsewhere. This knowledge makes us ideal candidates for administering BTX and dermal fillers in our dental clinic in W1.


Botulinum toxin, commonly known as BTX, is a natural, purified protein that is used to temporarily relax facial muscles that cause lines and wrinkles. BTX is injected directly under the outer layer of the skin, in the areas that are more susceptible to wrinkles caused by muscle movement, such as the forehead and around the eyes. BTX is painless, quick and safe. Results can last from 3-6 months and repetition of the treatment is encouraged for optimal results. BTX can also be used to treat certain medical conditions such as excessive sweating and jaw related issues.

Dermal fillers

As we age, the levels of natural collagen and elastin in our skin decrease, as our cells lose their ability to produce more of these substances. As a result, the skin becomes drier and less plump. By lifting, smoothing and filling targeted wrinkles and fine lines, dermal fillers add subtle volume to the face and can give you a fresher look. Just like BTX, dermal fillers are injected into the external layer of the skin and their effect is instant. Depending on the type of material used, dermal fillers can last from a few months to an entire year.

Get in touch

For additional information on BTX and dermal fillers, please call our dental clinic in W1 and we will book a consultation appointment for you.

All you need to know about invisible braces in Harley Street

If you are looking for a discreet way to straighten you teeth and improve your smile, you may wish to consider invisible braces fixed on the inside of your teeth. Also known as lingual braces, these braces are very discreet and suitable for teenagers and adults alike.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we appreciate that most adult patients do not like the idea of metal brackets and wires fixed to their teeth. Luckily, with invisible braces in Harley Street, no one will know that you are undergoing teeth straightening treatment.

Invisible Braces in Harley StreetWhat are lingual braces?

Lingual braces have been available for many years and are as effective as regular metal braces. Lingual braces work just like metal braces, but they are placed behind the teeth. They can fix a number of dental problems including (but not limited to) overcrowded, misaligned, gapped, rotated as well as twisted teeth.

Lingual braces require a high level of experience and sophistication and can only be administered by dentists who have been sufficiently trained in fixing dental brackets, wires, and elastics to straighten a patient’s teeth from behind.

Benefits of invisible braces in Harley Street

Lingual braces have many benefits compared to traditional braces. They are an effective way for adults to straighten their teeth without the braces being noticed by others. Lingual braces are also more effective than any other type of discreet teeth straightening treatment, because the dentist has control over the tooth movement. Last but not least, lingual braces are fixed and cannot be removed or lost once they are attached to the teeth.

Who is a good candidate for lingual braces?

Although most patients who can have regular metal braces can also have lingual braces, lingual brackets can cause problems with a patient’s bite. An experienced dentist will be able to determine if you may experience bite problems with lingual braces. In most cases, lingual braces can fix problems that other discreet teeth straightening options such as Invisalign cannot.

Get in touch

To learn more about invisible braces in Harley Street, give us a call and we will book a consultation appointment for you.

What are the benefits of visiting a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and the same applies to a smile. A healthy and beautiful smile gives a great first impression and can improve your confidence and self-esteem. However, not everyone is born with a perfect set of teeth. Luckily, cosmetic dentistry has evolved greatly over the years and cosmetic dentists now have the tools and experience necessary to improve any patient’s smile.

Visiting a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street is the first step in learning about the cosmetic treatments that can affect your smile in a positive way. Our experienced dental team at Harley Street Dental Clinic will examine your teeth thoroughly, discuss your dental needs and requirements and create a personalised treatment plan.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetHow can a cosmetic dentist improve the appearance of my teeth?

There are many ways in which a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can improve your smile and improve your self-image. Cosmetic treatments can be used to address misaligned, cracked chipped, or discoloured teeth. These imperfections are fixed using veneers, teeth whitening treatments, tooth-coloured fillings and even the placement of dental crowns. Using a combination of these treatments, patients can also enjoy a full smile makeover. A cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can also replace missing teeth or improve the appearance of the existing ones.

During your consultation appointment and examination, you are welcome to discuss all your dental concerns with our dental team. We will then decide which treatment (or treatments) is suitable for you and develop an affordable treatment plan to help you achieve a beautiful smile. Combining treatments can also help have your teeth restored faster with several procedures in one visit.

Advantages of cosmetic dentistry

Correcting imperfect teeth can drastically improve your oral health and quality of life. Cracked, chipped, crowded, gapped and misaligned teeth are more likely to harbour bacteria, which may cause tooth decay and gum disease. Moreover, the appearance of our teeth is part of our body image, something people constantly battle with today. For this reason, it can’t hurt to correct an unattractive set of teeth, if it helps you feel better about yourself.

Do I need to see a dentist?

Just as taking care of your body is important, you must look after your teeth too. To maintain your oral hygiene successfully, it is important to visit a dentist in W1 regularly.

Many people may consider visiting a dentist to be a tedious task but neglecting your routine dental check-ups can result in oral problems like tooth decay, gingivitis and cavities, all of which impact your overall health. Visiting a dentist in W1 at Harley Street Dental Clinic also makes sure that you have a healthy set of teeth and no gum problems.

Dentist in W1Keep a strong set of teeth

You brush and floss your teeth daily. But do you think it is enough? The answer is usually no. This is because, even though you may clean your teeth regularly, they may still be likely to develop problems.

Most cases, especially in their initial stages of tooth decay, may not lead to any pain. Regular dental visits will allow your dentist in W1 to identify the signs of tooth decay or cavities.  Our dentists will also effectively remove the plaque and tartar that builds up on your teeth, and prevent further damage to them. This helps you maintain a strong set of teeth that can last you a lifetime.

Prevent gum problems

Regular visits to see us at Harley Street Dental Clinic will also help to prevent many gum diseases. By removing the build-up of plaque regularly, our dentists can stop gum disease from advancing. Likewise, if you are suffering from gum disease, either periodontitis or gingivitis, then our dentists will be able to provide remedies to treat these conditions.

Prevent dental diseases

Fundamentally, our patients visit us regularly is to avoid dental issues. At first, dental issues may seem minor, but they can lead to more serious consequences at a later stage and eventually damage your teeth permanently. Visiting your dentist in W1 will help you know if your teeth are in good condition or not. If there’s any problem, then it can be diagnosed in the initial stages, which prevent discomfort in the future and will also save you money on unnecessary dental treatments.

Benefits of dental implants in Harley Street

Do you have missing teeth that you would rather not replace with dental bridges or dentures? Then, you will be glad to know that dental implants are a viable replacement option. Dental implants look more natural than bridges or dentures, can last much longer, and actually attach to the jawbone.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic in Harley Street, dental implants are our treatment of choice for patients who have lost one, several or all of their natural teeth. Unlike conventional dentures and bridges, dental implants do not affect the health of your natural teeth and gums and do not require grinding down healthy teeth for support. Instead, they create a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function just like natural teeth.

What are dental implants?

For over 50 years, dental implants have provided patients with an effective and natural-looking solution to tooth loss. These small, titanium posts are surgically embedded into the jawbone to replace the root of a missing tooth. Because they are made of titanium, a material that is compatible with the human body, they have the ability to fuse with the jawbone and prevent its deterioration.

Dental implants are connected to replacement teeth with an attachment called an abutment. Replacement teeth are mounted on the dental implants after the healing period has passed – this can take from a few weeks to a few months. However, in some cases, dental implants and restorations can be completed in a single day. Replacement teeth can either be crowns, dentures or bridges.

Advantages of dental implants

Dental implants have many benefits, some of which may not be very obvious. When a tooth is lost, an empty space is created in the mouth. The jawbone in the empty space deteriorates due to the lack of stimulation caused by chewing and biting. If missing teeth are not replaced, the jawbone will lose its volume and density, and bone loss will continue to occur over the years, perhaps even leading to tooth loss. Dental implants keep the jawbone stimulated and help prevent bone loss, while they also help the bone tissue regenerate.

To learn more about the benefits of dental implants in Harley Street, give us a call today.

It’s never too late

If you’re one of the many adults who’s unhappy with your smile, here’s good news. Orthodontics in Harley Street at Harley Street Dental Clinic are just as effective for older people as they are for the young.

In the past, many adults were discouraged from having their teeth straightened. Back then, it was assumed braces worked best for children whose mouths were still growing and wouldn’t be as effective in an adult mouth.

Orthodontics in Harley StreetToday, we know otherwise. Orthodontics in Harley Street can create beautiful, lasting smiles for adults, too – even into their 80s, so you will be thrilled to hear it’s not too late to get that perfect smile you’ve always wanted

Is it worth doing as an adult?

Many patients wonder if correcting their smile now is worth the time and expense. After all, you’ve lived with their crooked teeth this long. The answer is, resoundingly, yes. Bad alignment and related orthodontic issues can lead to many health problems as you get older. Correcting your smile is about much more than just enhancing your appearance.

Reasons to consider braces despite your age

Primarily, you will benefit from healthier teeth and gums. As well as this, straight teeth are easier to clean. Plaque that builds up on your teeth contributes to tooth decay and gum disease and this can cause tooth and bone loss and a host of wider health issues. Many of our patients are surprised in their later years to lose sound teeth because of unhealthy gums and bones.

Your jaw will be healthier, too. An uneven bite can lead to bone loss in your jaw and may be the cause of jaw joint issues. A bad bite also can cause headaches or jaw pain. Orthodontics in Harley Street can normally correct these problems.

Your self-esteem and confidence will also get a well needed boost. You may think you’re OK with crooked teeth, but if you purse your lips in photographs or cover your mouth when you laugh, you are more self-conscious than you may realise. A confident smile has been shown to increase self-esteem, which in turn can open career and social opportunities.

Is it important to visit the dentist in Harley Street while pregnant?

Between frequent visits to your doctor, getting ready for the little one and taking childbirth classes, your schedule can fill up quickly during pregnancy. So is it really necessary to visit the dentist while pregnant? The answer is yes. However, this is something that many mothers-to-be may not bother with.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer special dental care for pregnant women. Our dentist in Harley Street will create an individualised treatment plan and help you stay on top of your dental health throughout your pregnancy. Not only can you safely get cleanings and necessary dental work out of the way before you give birth, but a visit to the dentist in Harley Street can resolve any pregnancy-related dental problems you may be experiencing and help keep you and baby healthy.

Dentist in Harley StreetWhat dental issues is it possible to encounter during my pregnancy?

For mothers who have never had a baby before, pregnancy brings a unique situation. As your body progresses through each term, you will notice a lot of changes in your mouth as well. Your gums will become irritated and this can cause an inflammation, widely known as pregnancy gum disease. This form of gum disease can cause irritation, sensitivity, redness and possible bleeding. Moreover, studies have shown that women who develop gum disease and leave it untreated are more likely to pass it on to their babies, resulting in low birth weight and other health problems.

Another issue that pregnant women might encounter during their pregnancy is cavities. Between the need to increase your caloric intake and those strong food cravings, you are probably consuming more sugar and this can lead to the creation of cavities. Moreover, if you are suffering from morning sickness, the increased acidity in your mouth can also cause tooth decay.

Stay on top of your oral health

A healthy mouth is imperative for a healthy pregnancy, so in addition to visiting the dentist in Harley Street every few months, it is crucial to take really good care of your teeth at home. Brush and floss your teeth daily, limit sugary foods and drinks and avoid brushing your teeth immediately after vomiting because your tooth enamel is very sensitive at this time.

Invest in your oral health by visiting a dentist in W1

There are a few investments that just make life better, like a reliable car or a wardrobe full of good quality clothes. The same is true of your smile. People who invest in themselves by visiting the dentist regularly are more likely to enjoy a beautiful smile for longer.

Dentist in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we believe that prevention is better than cure and for this reason, we encourage our patients to visit the dentist in W1 at least twice a year. Many oral health problems can be avoided by good hygiene habits, including brushing and flossing. However, only a dentist can remove plaque from your teeth safely and look carefully for signs of gum disease or tooth decay. Moreover, our dentist in W1 will recommend specific options to help you achieve your dental and oral health goals. Here are some reasons why visiting the dentist in W1 regularly is important for your oral and overall health:

Long-lasting results

Patients with extensive dental problems are more likely to have successful treatment, when they seek the dental care they need right away. Begin by attending your regular check-up and cleaning every six months and we will implement a personalised treatment plan to help you enjoy a long-lasting, beautiful smile.

Achieve better overall health

Staying on top of your oral health and follow the advice of our dentists, you are more likely to be protecting yourself from the damaging effects of gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health dangers. Gum disease has been linked to a number of health conditions, like diabetes, heart disease and extensive tooth loss. Monitoring your oral health at regular intervals, will also help you to keep on top of your overall health.

Set a good example

When your friends, family, and social circle see you investing in your smile with regular visits to the dentist, they will be reminded that good oral health and hygiene is important. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we welcome patients of all ages in our dental clinic, so feel free to recommend us to whoever you think may benefit from our expert care.

Discover the benefits of visiting an orthodontist in Harley Street

Orthodontics is a specialised branch of dentistry that helps people in recognising, preventing and treating problems related to poorly aligned teeth and jaws. An orthodontist is trained to fix a number of dental problems and will use various methods to make sure that your teeth will be straightened and aligned properly.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are passionate about creating long-lasting, healthy and beautiful smiles. Our lead orthodontist in Harley Street will examine your teeth thoroughly and discuss potential treatment options. The examination includes x-rays, photos and impressions of your teeth, which are necessary for developing the appropriate treatment plan.

Orthodontist in Harley StreetWhy visit an orthodontist?

An orthodontist can help remedy a number of dental problems, which include (but are not limited to) underbites, overbites, crossbites as well as crowded, gapped and oddly-spaced teeth. Depending on the severity of your problem, we can use a number of orthodontic treatments to suit your individual needs. While more discreet treatments like Invisalign can fix moderate dental problems, serious dental problems need to be treated with conventional braces. In any case, visiting an orthodontist in Harley Street is the first step in identifying the problem.

Benefits of orthodontic treatment

Orthodontic treatment has many benefits. People are very conscious of how their teeth look and an attractive smile can play an important role in improving your self-image. As far as health benefits are concerned, it is generally more difficult to clean your teeth when they are crowded and intersecting. Plaque build-up due to insufficient brushing is a major factor in tooth decay, gum disease and eventual tooth loss. Last but not least, a poorly aligned bite may lead to excessive or uneven wear of your tooth enamel.

Change your smile, improve your life

Professional orthodontic treatment has several important physical and psychological benefits for patients. Improved oral health, tooth protection, correcting jaw problems, greater self-confidence and better oral hygiene are just some of the important benefits of visiting an orthodontist in Harley Street. If you think your teeth might need some re-aligning, get in touch today and we will book a consultation appointment for you.

Restore your smile by visiting a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

An increasing number of people have come to realise in recent years what a difference having a healthy smile can make. Teeth whitening products and cosmetic treatments are widely available over the counter and online. More importantly, dentists offer a wider variety of services that aim to improve the aesthetics and symmetry of your smile. But what exactly is cosmetic dentistry and can it really help you?

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetContrary to popular belief, cosmetic dentistry is not only for celebrities and the wealthy. Modern cosmetic dentistry includes a wide variety of treatment options and price ranges that put a better smile within reach for many people. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, cosmetic dentistry has become popular over the years due to its transformative effects. From subtle changes to major oral surgery, our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will help you achieve your smile goals easily and effectively.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

While traditional dentistry is mostly concerned with prevention and cure, cosmetic dentistry focuses on the appearance of your teeth and gums. Advances in cosmetic dentistry in recent years, allow dentists to offer a wide range of treatments – from teeth whitening and veneers to complete smile makeovers. Cosmetic dentistry has been around for decades, but the materials used today are more versatile, natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing than ever before.

Our cosmetic treatments

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer many cosmetic treatments to cover all your individual needs. We believe in creating a patient-centered experience that is focused on answering your questions and making sure you truly understand the treatment options that are right for you.

Teeth whitening is perhaps our most popular treatment, as it allows our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street to brighten your teeth by several shades safely and effectively. Teeth whitening can be performed either in the dentist’s chair or at home. Dental veneers, on the other hand, improve the appearance of cracked, chipped, misshapen, gapped and permanently discoloured teeth. Last but not least, bonding and tooth-coloured fillings are a more attractive alternative to amalgam fillings.

Get in touch

To learn more about our cosmetic dentistry services or book an appointment with a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street, give us a call today.