The importance of regular check-ups

Many of our patients here at Harley Street Dental Clinic ask us ‘How often should I visit my dental clinic in W1 for a check-up?’. Let’s just make this very clear from the beginning, one of the basic rules of successful oral health is this: you must see your dentist at least twice a year for a routine checkup.

Dental Clinic in W1Like many other areas related to your health, keeping your mouth healthy depends on the basic principle that prevention is always better than the cure. Let’s be honest, most of us don’t really pay attention to potential cavities, oral cancer signs, gum disease or anything going on in our mouths until it starts to hurt. And the pain can very quickly become excruciating.

Unfortunately, such pain only happens when any problem you might have has reached a critical or advanced stage and most likely will require medical intervention at Harley Street Dental Clinic in W1. This is a major point in regards to why prevention is so important in dentistry. Regular visits to your dental clinic in W1 can help you determine any sign of disease or eliminate the necessity for treatment.

Why choose us?

Our experienced and dedicated dentists can help you be up-to-date with your oral health status and prevent the need for serious dental treatment. Depending on the state of your oral health, we can either increase or reduce the frequency of your visits, the only way to be sure of what you need is by being checked out by our team of professionals at our dental clinic in W1.

Regular visits to see us can be helpful when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If your gums are swollen, or you have a chipped tooth, or if your teeth are sensitive to temperature, you need to come and see us.

Overall, how often you should visit your dental clinic in W1 comes down to your health, if you’re thinking of getting cosmetic dentistry, or if any abnormal conditions surround your oral health. Two regular appointments in the year should do the trick and is the standard for most of our patients here at Harley Street Dental Clinic.

How to know if you have gum disease and what to do about it

Because gum disease is usually painless and slow to progress, it can easily reach an advanced stage before you notice any problems. This can result in serious gum problems and eventually tooth loss. Removing plaque through daily brushing and flossing can minimise your risk of gum disease. However, visiting the dentist regularly for professional cleaning is the only way to avoid gum disease for good.

Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we believe that prevention is better than cure and for this reason, we urge our patients to visit the dentist in Harley Street at least twice a year. Our experienced dentists and dental hygienists will examine your teeth and gums thoroughly. Gum disease is easily treated at an early stage and for this reason, patients who are more susceptible to gum problems should visit the dentist in Harley Street more frequently than others.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is an inflammatory disease caused by the build-up of plaque on the teeth. The bacteria in dental plaque affect the gums and other tissues that support the teeth. There are two types of gum disease – gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that often goes unnoticed because it is not painful. However, if left untreated, it can develop into periodontitis. Periodontitis is a destructive form of gum disease that destroys the gum tissues and bones supporting the teeth, leading to further tooth loss.

Signs and Symptoms

Gum disease is more likely to progress painlessly, generating few obvious signs, even in the late stages of the disease. Although the symptoms of periodontal disease often are understated, the condition is not entirely without warning signs. Certain symptoms that may point to gum disease include gums that bleed during and after tooth brushing, red, swollen or tender gums, persistent bad breath as well as receding gums. If you experience one or more of the above symptoms, visiting your dentist in Harley Street is vital.

Get in touch

The first step towards a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule an appointment. Please contact our practice and our friendly team will be happy to answer all of your questions.

Get a more visible and vibrant smile with Invisalign in Harley Street

There are several reasons why patients of a certain age did not get the braces they needed when they were younger. For one, the cost was often one that could not be accommodated. In recent years, an increasing number of people reach a point in their lives where they want the confidence of a healthy and restored smile – especially when it can be achieved affordably. However, most adult patients do not enjoy the idea of wearing metal brackets and wires.

Invisalign in Harley StreetLuckily, dentistry has evolved over the years and now patients are presented with more discreet teeth straightening options than ever. Invisalign in Harley Street is the modern approach to achieving a beautiful smile. Our experienced dentists at Harley Street Dental Clinic will examine your teeth thoroughly and help you decide whether this is the right treatment for you.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign is a teeth straightening system that works much like braces, but without brackets and wires. This discreet method is made of plastic, transparent, customised aligners that are made for you to provide a realignment of your teeth over a specific period of time.

During your first appointment, we will take 3D impressions of your teeth, which we will use to create your customised aligners. You will wear each set of aligners for about 7-10 days before changing to the next set in the series. Treatment time is different for each patient. However, most patients have their teeth straightened with Invisalign in Harley Street in 12 months or less.

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign has many advantages over traditional braces. With traditional braces, you have to avoid eating sticky and chewy foods because they can easily become stuck next to your teeth. With Invisalign, you can eat whatever you want without restrictions. Moreover, you can remove the aligners in order to enjoy your meals without compromising your treatment. More importantly, metal braces make it difficult to brush and floss properly and you may end up causing one oral health problem while you are trying to fix another. Since Invisalign aligners can be removed for limited periods of time within the day, you can continue to brush and floss your teeth as you normally would.

Jawbone deterioration and dental implants in Harley Street

A strong and healthy set of teeth will not only help you chew your food properly, but will also help you avoid oral health issues in the long run. Healthy teeth and gums give you the ability to speak clearly and smile confidently. But your teeth may fail at some point in your life due to a number of reasons: age, trauma, poor nutrition, and unhealthy habits are the most common. Even if you have more than one missing or badly decayed tooth, you should not worry because dental implants will strengthen your jawbone and improve your quality of life considerably.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic in Harley Street, dental implants are our treatment of choice for patients who have suffered limited or extensive tooth loss. Unlike conventional bridges and dentures, dental implants become an indispensable part of the jawbone and create a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth that feel, look and function just like regular teeth.

How dental implants in Harley Street help your jawbone

Losing a tooth is not only about aesthetics. It can also affect your whole mouth over time. In addition to the visible gaps between your teeth, an empty space in your jaw will be created. This is where the root of your missing tooth was once anchored in place.

The roots of your teeth and your jaw have an equally favourable relationship. Your jawbone, like the rest of the bones in your body, goes through a process called remodelling. As older bone tissue is detached, newer tissue replaces it to keep your jawbone strong and healthy. This process is encouraged by the roots of your teeth. When you bite, the roots of your teeth press into the jawbone and this pressure creates stimulation. This stimulation encourages the growth of new bone tissue.

Dental implants are fixed directly into your jawbone because they are replacements for the roots of your missing teeth. Like your original roots, dental implants stimulate your jawbone to encourage new tissue growth.

As a result, your jawbone will fuse to the dental implants.

To learn more about tooth loss and dental implants in Harley Street, contact us today.

Join the white fillings revolution

There’s no getting around the fact that silver fillings are neither silver, nor pretty. You can’t help but notice them when one of your friends or colleagues is laughing. Having someone’s tooth decay history laid out in front of you whenever they laugh is grimly fascinating perhaps, but also rather off-putting. Maybe your amalgam fillings are stopping you laughing as much as you’d like because you are acutely aware of having your own fillings on display.

Well never fear, help is hand with changing from silver to white fillings in Harley Street. White fillings have been around for quite a long time now and have improved in quality so that now the material used is as good as, maybe even surpasses, the old-fashioned silver filling.

White Fillings in Harley StreetWhite fillings are more expensive than silver (which aren’t silver, but mercury amalgam), but you get so much more for your money.

Let’s take a look at the advantages of white fillings.

Tooth-coloured: white fillings blend in with your teeth, so that no one need even know that you have had a filling, or two, or ten. You can banish the glint of mercury amalgam by having all your fillings replaced.

Tooth-shaped: white fillings are made of a material that can be sculpted by your dentist here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, so that your tooth still has all the right contours, which are so important for proper chewing and to take care of your jaw muscles.

Stronger teeth: because white fillings are bonded to your teeth in a process that builds the material up in layers, your filled teeth are much stronger than when they are filled with amalgam. Amalgam does not bond with the tooth, just packs it out, and it can result in a weaker tooth than can crack or break at a later date. White fillings are very durable.

Less sensitive teeth: white fillings do not make teeth more sensitive in the way that amalgam fillings can, so you can carry on enjoying hot drinks, cold drinks and ice creams without having to be wary.

We can fill new cavities with white fillings, and we also offer a service to replace all your old amalgam fillings with white fillings.

Pain-free dentistry for children in W1

Studies have shown that 20% of school-age children in the UK are afraid of visiting the dentist. Unfortunately, this issue makes things difficult for the parents and dentists. Even worse, the anxiety can be detrimental to the child’s oral health when it prevents them from receiving necessary dental treatment. So what can dentists do to offer a pain-free experience? Laser dentistry may be the answer.

Dentist in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we appreciate that children are not simply small adults and we take a unique approach to children’s dentistry offering more than a mini version of adult care. Children are afraid of the dentist and we do everything we can to make their experience comfortable and fun. Our experienced dentist in W1 will examine your child’s teeth carefully and will create an individual treatment plan. More importantly, since we use laser dentistry your little one is unlikely to feel any pain or discomfort in the dentist’s chair.

Benefits of laser dentistry for children

Laser dentistry is one of dentistry’s latest advances. The laser delivers energy in the form of light, and depending on the intended result, this energy targets the enamel or gum tissue. Unlike the dental drill and other dental instruments that may be unpleasant for a child, laser dentistry creates no heat or vibration, and makes the procedure quite comfortable for most children. Added benefits include fast soft tissue healing and more accuracy during treatment.

Laser dentistry at Harley Street Dental Clinic has a range of applications to benefit our patients, such as preventing gum disease and tooth decay. Our dentist in W1 is highly-trained in this type of treatment and will make your child feel comfortable throughout the procedure.

No needles, no numbing, no problem

Most children find laser procedures remarkably comfortable. They feel nothing more than the touch of the dentist in W1 and an occasional sensation of warmth. Moreover, laser dentistry preserves and protects the healthy tooth enamel with smaller, more controlled preparations. To find out if your child is a good candidate for laser dentistry in Harley Street, contact us today and we will schedule an appointment for you.

Why is it important to visit an orthodontist in Harley Street?

While most people know that there is a benefit from undergoing orthodontic treatment, some do not realise that teeth straightening treatment can offer much more than just aesthetics. Straight teeth are easier to clean and that can make them more resistant to decay and less vulnerable to gum disease and tooth loss.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are passionate about helping patients achieve straight and healthy smiles. Our experienced orthodontist in Harley Street will examine your teeth thoroughly, look signs of an irregular bite and help you determine which straightening treatment is right for you. Here are a few good reasons why you should visit an orthodontist in Harley Street.

Orthodontist in Harley StreetImprove your self-esteem

Patients with crooked, misaligned, crowded or gapped teeth are often reluctant to socialise, because of how they feel about their appearance. If you feel embarrassed because of your dental flaws, undergoing orthodontic treatment can do wonders for your self-esteem by taking all the stress out of smiling.

Improve your oral and overall health

Patients with many missing teeth often find it impossible to chew food properly. When food is not chewed appropriately, serious problems can develop with digestion and nourishment, which can have negative consequences on your overall health. Moreover, crooked teeth can harbour bacteria that can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. By visiting an orthodontist in Harley Street, you can receive the correct treatment and restore your oral and overall health.

Identify new problems

Your mouth and teeth are constantly changing, and this is especially true for children. Regular visits allow these changes to be recognised at an early stage, so that any adjustments to your treatment plan can be made. For instance, patients who have had orthodontics as children, may have relapsed and this can create the necessity for additional treatment.

Keep your dental costs at check

Untreated orthodontic problems can lead to extensive and expensive dental problems. Orthodontic treatment is an investment in your oral health, because it can keep future dental care costs in check and help you avoid unnecessary pain and discomfort.

Get in touch

If you would like to visit an orthodontist in Harley Street, contact us today and we will book an appointment for you.

Looking after your teeth during pregnancy

One of the greatest joys of being a woman is approaching motherhood. Although pregnancy can be a time to cherish, it also comes with its share of fears and concerns, like whether or not it is safe to visit the dentist. Mothers have to weigh up whether there is the chance of harm to the unborn baby, versus ensuring that proper dental hygiene is maintained, which is crucial for the health of both the mother and the baby.

Dentist in Harley StreetIf you are pregnant or suspect that you are, it is important to tell your dentist in Harley Street when you visit. Our experienced dentists at Harley Street Dental Clinic will examine your teeth, check your gums, remove any plaque and show you how to develop a good oral care routine.

Why is dental care during pregnancy important?

Pregnant women are more likely to develop problems with their teeth or gums. If you have an infection in your teeth or gums, the chance of your baby being premature or having low birth weight is higher. Moreover, pregnant women are likely to develop a special type of gum disease that only appears during pregnancy. If left untreated, gum disease can affect the baby and also led to tooth loss. Your dentist in Harley Street will carefully look for signs of tooth decay, infection or gum disease throughout your pregnancy.

Diet is important, too

As for diet during pregnancy, there are some important things to remember. Pregnant women should avoid soda drinks as well as sugary and starchy snacks because they can cause cavities. Also, you need to understand that your baby’s teeth are already forming and this requires an adequate supply of calcium. Calcium is found in milk, cheese, yogurt and leafy green vegetables. If your daily calcium intake is not sufficient, our dentist in Harley Street may recommend calcium tablets.

Maintaining good oral health during pregnancy

Dental treatment is safe during pregnancy and you run the risk of more serious consequences by avoiding visiting the dentist during this time. Most importantly, maintaining excellent oral hygiene and visiting the dentist frequently is the best way to avoid any serious dental issues during your pregnancy.

Rejuvenate your skin by visiting a dental clinic in W1

Over the years, advances in cosmetic dentistry have made it possible to achieve a beautiful smile in many different ways. But now that your teeth are looking much better aesthetically, isn’t it time to consider your face and the areas around your smile? Beautiful teeth are the attraction of your face, which can also be rejuvenated with the help of facial aesthetics.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer rejuvenation treatments such as BTX and dermal fillers, which are suitable for men and women alike. Our treatments in our W1 dental clinic are tailored following individual consultation with our patients. Whether you are looking to make your skin more clear and smooth, reduce wrinkles or restore volume to your face, our experienced dental team can provide a number of exciting solutions.

Dental Clinic in W1BTX

BTX (short for Botolinum toxin) is a protein that is used widely as a muscle relaxant injection for the treatment of wrinkles and deep lines on the forehead and around the nose. When injected in the face, BTX slows down the muscles which are responsible for face movements. As we age, skin loses its firmness, and wrinkles begin to form. BTX is very effective for slightly altering the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles. BTX injections are painless and can last anywhere between 3-9 months, but have to be repeated for optimal results.

Dermal fillers

As we grow up, our skin loses its natural elasticity and becomes less flexible. As such, lips can lose their plumpness, fine lines and wrinkles may appear around the mouth and areas around the nose and the cheeks can start to look sunken and dull. Dermal fillers, which are made from synthetic hyaluronic acid and elastin, are a popular aesthetic treatment used to restore volume to the lips and cheeks as well as reduce facial lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers are safe, long-lasting and offer natural results. Unlike BTX, which requires a few days after the treatment before the effects take place, dermal fillers offer immediate results that can last up to nine months.

Get in touch

To learn more about facial aesthetics offered in our dental clinic in W1, get in touch today and we will book a consultation appointment for you.

Enjoy the benefits of a complete smile with dental implants in Harley Street

Missing teeth should not take a bite out of your life. However, if you do not replace them soon, you may find tooth loss affects everything from your diet to your self-confidence and how you feel about speaking and smiling. For all these reasons, the benefits of dental implants are incontestable — especially when it comes to your health.

Keeping your natural teeth is always ideal. However, when this is not possible, dental implants offer you the next best thing. At Harley Street Dental Clinic in Harley Street, dental implants can help you maintain your oral health and function much like your natural teeth do.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetReduce the risk for serious oral health problems

Having missing teeth can compromise your ability to brush and floss your teeth properly. As a result, a build-up of plaque and bacteria can encourage gum disease and tooth decay, problems which may even lead to further tooth loss. For these reasons, dental implants in Harley Street can help prevent additional dental issues from developing.

Maintain your self-esteem

When you are missing one or several teeth, this can give your face a sunken look that makes you look and feel older. By replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, you can maintain your natural face shape and feel more comfortable with your appearance. Also, filling gaps in your smile with implant-supported crowns, bridges or dentures, can improve your self-esteem and boost your social life.

Protect the health of your jaw

Last but not least, missing or badly decayed teeth cause the jawbone to deteriorate as it is no longer used to support a tooth root. When this happens, it can lead to bone loss. Because dental implants are used to replace missing tooth roots, they can prevent the bone resorption process from impacting your appearance. More importantly, dental implants in Harley Street can help keep your jaw strong and regenerate your bone tissue.

Making the right choice for your teeth

Replacing damaged teeth with dental implants is the key to dramatically improving your oral health. It is important to remember that even dental implants require diligent care, therefore brushing and flossing at least twice a day is vital.