Harley Street Dental Clinic – our FAQs about clear braces

In modern dentistry there are many orthodontic tools being developed in order to allow the straightening and reorganisation of teeth with the minimum impact on our daily lives, like clear braces W1. The antiquated headgear of the past is now very rarely seen in clinical practices and even traditional braces are becoming less common, with alternatives like clear aligners or ceramic braces becoming more seen and used in clinical practice.


In the development of orthodontic treatments, there has always been a desire to create a highly convenient yet effective treatment. The early designs of ceramic braces are almost as old as traditional metal ones, but these early glass designs were brittle and had an unfortunate habit of shattering under tension. Material science has made ceramic braces a more practical solution; made from glass polymers or sapphire crystal glass, this provides the toughness you would expect from a brace while maintaining translucency and subtlety for everyday wear. These clear or ceramic braces also allow for greater control over treatment by the dental professional, as they can be manipulated to a fine degree using clear or tooth coloured brackets and wires, and they are fixed.

As another alternative, clear aligner designers have tried to find a different way around visual problems, by doing away with the arch wire and brackets and simply using a plastic form to apply pressure to the teeth in order to rearrange them. Clear aligners are worn for a very short period of time, two weeks at a time, which allows them to be thin and lightweight. They are not expected to last the entire duration of regular orthodontic treatment, which could be anywhere between 6 to 12 months, as they are constantly being changed. But clear aligners are normally for minor to moderate misalignments of the teeth.

Many patients are unfamiliar with these newer treatment options and it can lead to general confusion about clear orthodontics. Here are our top FAQs about clear braces W1.

Could I get a clear brace?

It is very likely that you could use some form of clear aligner if you have already used standard metal braces or if your dental condition is not too complicated. It is also likely that a fixed ceramic brace could meet your requirements if your orthodontic misalignment is considered more complex. But, as always, you would have to speak to our dentist to receive a definitive answer.

Does treatment with clear braces hurt?

The nature of orthodontics is to move teeth over time through the consistent application of pressure. Teeth naturally move on their own but these motions occurred too slowly for us to notice on a normal timescales. Treatments will cause a degree of discomfort due to this pressure on the teeth. In the case of ceramic braces, the sensations you will experience as part of the treatment will be extremely similar to that of a standard brace, but on the other hand the adjustments performed using clear aligners like Invisalign are far smaller than that with a brace, making the treatment more tolerable.

How long is the total treatment time?

Treatment time in general is highly variable as it depends on how misaligned your teeth are when we begin. Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide an accurate prediction of total treatment time without performing a thorough assessment, as it will be heavily affected by your own orthodontic needs.

As a rough guide, 4 months to 2 years would be considered a normal treatment span of clear braces W1.

Are clear braces actually invisible?

No, but they are very subtle: both the ceramic braces and clear aligners are translucent. At any reasonable distance and in most situations, they will go unnoticed especially compared to more traditional orthodontics.

Enjoying your clear braces W1

For those people who need to straighten their teeth or realign their bite for an improvement in appearance and general wellbeing, using one of the many options that are available these days may enable you to actually enjoy your journey.


Although few people would consider straightening their teeth as an enjoyable experience, we have worked hard to meet the needs of our patients so that their treatment is, in fact, aligned to their wishes as it straightens their teeth.

By listening to the reasons why adults put off their treatment, by recognising trials that previous patients have experienced throughout their treatment and modifying devices to minimise or eliminate these features, we are doing what we can to make the experience more comfortable, more convenient and more available to those who need it.

If you believe that you need to straighten your teeth, whether you are a teenager or an adult, then we are confident that we have a solution that meets your very unique and personal needs. Why don’t you speak with one of our experienced team members who can guide you through the options that are available to you, so that you can see for yourself the choices that await you?

What are some of the features that modern treatments possess?

One of the major points of concern for both young and adult patients is their physical appearance throughout their teeth-straightening journey. Wearing visible braces can have an impact on an individual’s self-esteem and can potentially impede on their professional ventures, depending on their line of work.

As a result, clear braces W1 are fast becoming a popular option for many who wish to straighten their teeth discreetly. There are a vast range of different clear braces W1 that you may be able to choose from, depending on the severity and type of misalignment that you are presenting with.

It is important that you speak with us at Harley Street Dental Clinic about your desire to wear clear braces W1 so that we are able to work with this from the beginning. Options for both fixed and removable braces that are clear or invisible are available, so we do encourage you to enlighten us as to other expectations you might have that would make your teeth straightening journey that much more pleasant for you as well.

Let’s look at the different options

Should you be looking for a more generic and affordable option, then your traditional front-facing fixed braces can be made from clear or white materials that resemble your natural tooth colour. Although not invisible, this clear option can be difficult to see whilst providing our dentists with the device that they need to straighten your teeth correctly. Also a number of removable aligners come under the heading of clear braces, suitable for mild to moderate misalignments.

If you are looking for truly invisible teeth straightening options, then lingual braces although not ‘clear’ are the option for you. Not suitable for every misalignment, these fixed braces are attached to the back of your teeth and are coated in a plating to protect your tongue and limit the amount of debris and bacteria that might remain there after brushing.

What orthodontic issues can clear braces correct? A quick guide from Harley Street Dental

In the last decade, the world of adult orthodontics has boomed.


Far from only being able to offer metal braces, many dental teams can now offer suitable patients clear and invisible braces. As the name suggests, these orthodontic appliances are visually more discreet than metal alternatives, but can offer similar effectiveness when it comes to correcting misalignments.

While traditional braces are not normally removable, clear braces can be either fixed ceramic braces or removable aligners like Invisalign (commonly put under the umbrella of clear or invisible brace) and are therefore more suitable for treating a wide range of complex issues with subtlety. Here we concentrate on the fixed version of a clear brace.

If you want a straighter smile as an adult, our team may be able to offer you clear braces W1. Affixed to your teeth with clear or porcelain brackets, these braces are more discreet than metal options, while being able to offer you the results of a regular metal brace. Best of all, they offer the results in an accelerated time frame.

What are some of the issues that clear braces W1 are renowned for treating? Read on to find out!


If your teeth are overcrowded, they can be challenging to brush. You may also suffer from discomfort in your jaw due to the roots of the teeth rubbing together, so crowded teeth are far from being simply a cosmetic issue!

Clear braces W1 can gently move crowded teeth apart and, with the precision that can only be found with an attached brace, they can rotate teeth too if required, allowing for a more personalised solution to your orthodontic issues.


Gaps in teeth may be due to your teeth erupting at an odd angle, or may be due to overcrowding of the roots. Either way, a clear brace can be used to move your crowns together while also creating space beneath the gum line.

For extreme cases of gaps in your mouth, a clear aligner may be used after our team has used a more traditional means to create space in your jaw.

General misalignment

A misalignment is a protruding tooth or a row of teeth that just aren’t straight.

Like gaps and the overcrowding, these issues are usually beneath the surface and to correct them, you will need a fitted brace which can offer precision movement.

If you have a tooth that is protruding severely, then our team may opt to use a regular brace first and then move onto a clear option later in the treatment.

Bite issues

Overbites, underbites and crossbites are commonplace in the world of braces and a clear brace can treat most cases of bite issues.

This will depend on the severity and so, our team will need to assess the extent of your bite issue to determine the easiest route to straighten your teeth and get you the gorgeous smile you deserve.

Grinding or bruxism

Misaligned molars can cause nocturnal bruxism, which wears down the enamel and causes headaches. Treatment with a clear brace moves the teeth on both jaws together, preventing the need for sleep-based grinding and bruxing.

Need a discrete way to straighten your teeth? 5 advantages of wearing clear braces

When you were younger, the idea of wearing braces was probably off-putting due to the social stigma it carried.


As an adult, even if you have misaligned teeth, wearing a brace is usually less than desirable due to the required time, money and effort that is involved. And so, unfortunately, many adults could benefit from wearing braces that don’t and have to suffer the often awkward issue of having a crooked smile.

Luckily, there are now many ways you can straighten your teeth as an adult without the use of metal braces, which are just as effective and offer exceptional long-term results.

Our team is proud to be able to offer our suitable patients clear braces in Harley Street; with braces like Invisalign and the Incognito aligner, you can get the straighter smile you want without drawing unwanted attention from strangers. Easy to use and more flexible to your busy lifestyle, these braces can make an instant impact on your self-esteem.

But what are some of the other advantages of clear braces in Harley Street?

Better oral hygiene

Traditional braces can cause severe issues with oral hygiene, hence why many patients who wear them have to also attend hygienist appointments to keep their teeth clean.

As clear braces in Harley Street are often made from clear brackets and thin wires, they are easier to clean successfully, meaning your oral health doesn’t have to deteriorate while you get your new smile.

Removable (sometimes!)

While we cannot guarantee it, some of our adult braces in Harley Street are removable.

Invisalign is the most famous one, but other brands such as the Incognito brace are affixed to the back of the teeth, making them unnoticeable. After the assessment of your teeth, our team will determine which type of brace is the most suited to your specific issue.

Accelerated treatment

If you knew someone growing up who wore braces, you may remember that they had them for a long time.

However, with adult orthodontics, the majority of the appliances have an average treatment time of about 6 months, making them faster than the braces worn by children and teenagers. This is because unlike orthodontic braces which use force to move the teeth (tightening), adult braces use methods such as pushing to move the teeth. Treatment times may vary depending on the severity of the orthodontic issue being treated.


As there is no pulling or excessive adjusting required with adult aligners, they are often more comfortable to wear for many people.

While some will require adjusting, like the Incognito brace, options like Invisalign do not and move the teeth using a set of pre-made aligners worn in a specific order, so no force is used.

Excellent results

While you may be worried that the results won’t be as long-lasting, all adult braces offer exceptional results.

Many alignment issues which were once only treatable with traditional aligners can now be corrected with more subtle braces with the same long-term results. Great stuff!

Do clear braces cause cavities? A guide to looking after your clear brace from Harley Street

You may have heard of the famous invisible brace Invisalign. You may have heard of the Inman aligner. But have you ever heard of a clear brace?


Adult orthodontics is becoming more commonplace in dental surgeries and as such, more brands are becoming available. And as you would imagine, each brand of adult brace is designed to do a slightly different thing or handle a different type of issue.

If you need a significant amount of dental realignment performed that is too much for Invisalign to handle, then our team in Harley Street may suggest a clear brace as an alternative.

Practically invisible like Invisalign, these clear braces Harley Street are attached using clear or tooth coloured brackets, making them almost invisible. Used by celebrities such as Emma Watson and Drew Barrymore, you will achieve a smile fit for the red carpet when you wear these discreet braces. Perfect!

But, as it is usually a fitted brace and it is attached to the front of your teeth, how do you ensure that your teeth will stay in good condition while wearing it?

Use an electric toothbrush

If you don’t already use one, our team at Harley Street Dental Clinic advises purchasing an electric toothbrush when you begin treatment with clear braces Harley Street.

This will help you to remove microscopic debris from around the brackets, keeping your teeth healthy and cavity-free.

Attend check-ups

As with any brace, when you wear clear braces Harley Street, you will need to attend check-ups with our team.

It is important to not skip these appointments, as doing so could allow plaque to go undetected, which can create decay and gum disease. And of course, our team will need to check the progress that this brace is making regularly, so please keep all appointments with our team.

Attend hygienist appointments

As most clear aligners are fitted, you must attend hygienist appointments alongside regular dental check-ups.

Our hygienist in Harley Street will aim to keep your teeth free from plaque, and will also make sure that the earliest signs of decay or gum disease are spotted before they develop, allowing preventive measures to take place.

Avoid hard and sticky foods

Just like traditional metal braces, when you wear a clear brace, you will need to avoid eating certain foods.

We suggest cutting down on sticky foods and hard foods, which can cause the brackets of the brace to come loose. Sticky foods can also be harder to remove from the braces successfully and can create a sugary plaque which will lead to decay.

Cut down on sugary drinks

Sugary drinks are everywhere these days and while they are good for an energy boost, they are not so good for people who are wearing fitted braces.

To keep your teeth in good shape while you wear a clear brace, cut down or avoid all sugary, carbonated drinks. This will prevent plaque from accumulating on your teeth and gums and will prevent cavities and periodontal diseases from forming.

Looking for a robust set of clear braces? A brief look at Incognito Braces

As adults, having anything that is less than discreet just won’t do!


And when it comes to braces and aligners, this is also true. While you may not associate braces with being discreet, there are many orthodontic options available that can straighten even the most misaligned of teeth without drawing unwanted attention. Some of these options are fitted and cannot be removed by anyone besides a member of our team, and others are designed to be removed as and when it is required by the patient.

At Harley Street Dental, we are proud to offer both. With our invisible and clear braces in Harley Street, we can offer you an accelerated treatment which will be both discrete and easy to fit around other life commitments. No long-appointments, no excessive tightening and no worries about giving up your favourite foods, we really can offer it all with our range of adult orthodontics at Harley Street.

In this article, we will introduce one of our more popular fitted clear braces in Harley Street; the incognito brace.

What are Incognito Braces?

Visually similar to traditional orthodontic braces, incognito braces are attached to the inner side of your teeth, making them almost impossible to spot.

And used in a similar way to traditional alternatives, these clear braces in Harley Street are designed to correct a wide range of dental alignment issues which could not be achieved with invisible braces like Invisalign.

Incognito aligners will need altering or tightening from a member of our dental team on average every 6 weeks. However, with our expertise, these appointments will not be too long and will allow you to get on with your day. We are also open on Saturdays if you need an appointment outside the 9-5 window during the week.

Advantages of this brace

As mentioned earlier, this brace can offer the same advantages as traditional metal braces, while being visually hidden.

However, they are also custom-fitted for your comfort, making them more pleasant to wear than traditional metal alternatives. And while many people brag about the advantages of having removable aligners, as incognito braces are fitted, it is less likely that they will get damaged or become lost!

Finally, with an incognito brace, our team is better equipped to target your treatment, making these braces 30% faster at correcting malocclusions than other types of clear and invisible braces.

How long will it take?

This will depend on the severity of the malocclusion being treated, but on average, this brand of brace takes between 12-18 months to straighten teeth.

Like all orthodontic treatments, you will need to wear a retainer once the brace is removed to prevent your teeth from relapsing.


The incognito brace is typically more expensive than regular metal braces.

However, at Harley Street Dental, we can offer our suitable patients’ financing options to help you spread the cost into affordable monthly chunks. If you wish to discuss applying for our payment plan, contact a friendly member of our team for information.

Five reasons for considering clear braces

Have you ruled out traditional metal braces because of how they look? You’re not the first patient to refuse conventional straightening aids based on their appearance.


We understand that sporting a metallic smile in the workforce isn’t deemed professional, which is why we have discreet alternatives on offer that straighten teeth just as effectively, such as clear braces in Harley Street.

In this article, we’ll discuss the advantages of wearing clear or translucent braces and how they compare to conventional straightening aids.

Reason One: translucent braces aren’t easily detected

The primary difference between standard braces and clear braces in Harley Street is the materials from which the brackets are made. With the latter, ceramics replace the metal of traditional straightening aid—the shade of ceramic blends with your teeth.

Reason two: an improved user experience

Our orthodontist will tell you that because less metal is incorporated into transparent orthodontic devices, the user experience is more comfortable, with fewer mouth cuts and irritations caused by rubbing against skin.

Reason three: enhances your smile and oral health

Most people choose to have their teeth realigned because they want perfect pearly whites and an alluring smile they won’t hesitate to show off.

That said, straighter teeth are easier to clean, and therefore, positively contribute toward your dental health. With crooked teeth, germs build up in the areas of your mouth that can’t be reached, resulting in a trifecta of infections that could otherwise be avoided.

Reason four: fits your busy lifestyle

Does your job require you to talk and lead people? Wearing Clear Braces in Harley Street will help you perform your role with confidence, knowing that your straightening aid isn’t tarnishing your reputation. Not many people will know you’re wearing the inconspicuous device.

Reason five: suitable for the majority of individual needing correction

Because clear braces work identically to metal straightening aids, it makes sense that the majority of orthodontic cases can be rectified using this device. 

When are traditional braces the better option?

Are you an active person who regularly plays contact sports, such as rugby or hockey? If so, a traditional orthodontic device made from metal might be a better match for your lifestyle.

Because metal is more durable, they are less likely to crack if it makes contact with a hard object, such as a ball to the mouth. And therefore, won’t cost you an arm and a leg to repair.

The cost of metal braces and the ceramic kind might be comparable. However, the latter might not be covered by dental insurance.

What are other discrete alternatives

You might find that clear braces aren’t suitable for your unique requirements or lifestyle, and with metal braces ruled out, what are the other straightening aids you might want to consider?

Lingual braces are similar to regular braces, only that they’re bonded to the back of your teeth and out of sight entirely.

If you’re after an undetectable device that’s also removable, Invisalign or clear aligners might be a suitable fit for mild to moderate orthodontic issues. Removing these aligners to eat, brush your teeth and play sports is a huge convenience.

I wish my smile was straighter

A smile can often be something that people wished would look different. You may find yourself wishing that your smile was straighter, brighter and whiter but you are unsure what to do to go after your dream smile. Clear braces in Harley Street could be the correct fit for you to achieve this very accessible goal. Many different ailments can be rectified by this treatment – this could be a crooked smile, a misaligned smile or an over crowded smile.


Many other patients have been impressed by the effects of this treatment and would recommend it to other people looking to improve the appearance of their smile. There has never been a better time to straighten your smile, so you could take advantage of this treatment option today and begin your journey to a straighter and ultimately healthier looking smile. This article will run you through some of the concerns that people have when considering this treatment as well as what you should do next if you think that this treatment could be the one for you.

I am worried about how my smile will look during treatment

Using braces to straighten a smile may be a daunting and frightening process. However, one thing you should not be afraid of when considering clear braces in Harley Street, is how your teeth look during the treatment. The clear nature of the braces means that you can straighten your teeth in an effective and discreet manner. Other people will not realise that you are having your teeth straightening.

This can allow you to straighten your smile in a highly efficient manner in a way that will not cause you discomfort or embarrassment. The clear braces will be able to straighten out your smile by using equipment that is specially moulded to your individual smile. If you think that this method of straightening a smile could be for you then you should consider reading onto the next section so you can discover how to best go about making your smile the way you have always wanted it to look.

What should I do next?

If you think that clear braces in Harley Street is the correct treatment for you then you should consider getting in touch with us here at Harley Street Dental Clinic. We can begin to work with you to discover exactly what your dental goals are and how we can best support you in achieving the smile that you have always wished you had. You can call us here at the practice today to begin to determine how to best go about getting you the smile that you have always wanted.

We take the time to get to know each of our patients so we can support them in the best way possible. We work hard to ensure that our patients get the highest regarded service and the best possible treatments. We want to work hard with our patients to get the best possible results so you can be happy with your smile again. We want our patients to have the best possible experience when they come into the practice and will work hard to ensure our environment is as relaxed as possible.

Want to know more about clear braces? Your 5 FAQs about the Incognito aligner answered

If you are one of the many adults who have misaligned teeth, it can seem like a tedious and expensive process to approach your dentist about having them straightened. Many adults hear the word brace and instantly envision large, metal aligners which will do little to boost their confidence in the short term. And, as the adult world is so based on appearances and looking professional, it is easy to see why traditional braces are rarely sought after. And this is before we get into the associated costs!


However, as the world of cosmetic dentistry has merged with orthodontics, there is now a solution for many adults with more complex orthodontic requirements, even if they don’t want to have large, metal attachments fitted to their teeth. Known as clear, cosmetic or even invisible braces, these options offer a discreet alternative to the well-known metal brace, meaning you can get a straighter smile without the unwanted stares.

Our team is well versed in all things related to adult orthodontics, and when you come to us for clear braces in Harley Street, we will find you the most suitable option for your clinical needs. Whether it’s Invisalign, Incognito or Lingual braces, we can guarantee that we will find an aligner that will straighten your smile without breaking the bank. Perfect!

In this article, we will explore some of the most frequently asked questions about one of the most popular clear braces in Harley Street: the Incognito aligner.

Are they uncomfortable?

While all aligners take some getting used to, many patients have concerns that these clear braces in Harley Street will be more uncomfortable due to the fact that they are fitted. The initial fitting will be painless, but you may experience some discomfort on your tongue and your back or molar teeth for a few days.

Can anyone wear them?

Like most braces, Incognito aligners are not suitable for everyone’s needs. While royalty like Prince William has been known to wear this brace, it is not suitable for people who have complex orthodontic needs, such as misaligned jaws or extreme malocclusions. However, these things aside this brace is suitable for children, teenagers and adults, provided that they have good oral health.

Will I need to change my diet?

Like regular braces, with the Incognito brace, you should avoid sticky and hard foods that could damage the metal. With each adjustment, there may be some discomfort too, so sticking to softer, healthier foods is recommended.

Are they noticeable?

No, they aren’t! Incognito braces are fitted to the back of your teeth and so they are not noticeable when you smile or talk. Great stuff!

Will I talk differently?

As mentioned briefly before, any kind of brace, fitted or removable, will take some adjusting to – after all, you now have something in your mouth which wasn’t there before. You may have some minor speech issues in the first 2 weeks after the fitting, but this should fade as you become accustomed to the aligners.

Keeping mum with clear braces in Harley Street

If you don’t want people to know that you are straightening your teeth, perhaps because you think it might have a detrimental impact on your business or social life, then you don’t have to with clear braces in Harley Street.


We offer a range of different treatments that are discrete and comfortable, quickly straightening your teeth so that you can have that beautiful, healthier smile that you have always wanted.

You can’t deny it, people judge others on their appearance. Although we have become more openly accepting, learning to love ourselves for who we are, social media has had a devastating impact on how we view ourselves and others and we tend to unconsciously judge one another on how we look.

Our smile is one of the first things people see and this initial impression can say alot. People who do not have straight teeth are known to be thought of as less intelligent, less trustworthy and less attractive. Perhaps this is because in the past, those of a lower socio-economic standing were unable to get the correct dental care for themselves and their families.

These days however, good dental care is available to everyone. If you are still sporting crooked, gapped or crossed teeth, then it is time that you consider clear braces in Harley Street so that you can feel confident and comfortable in today’s society.

It isn’t only about appearances though

No. We urge our patients to consider straightening their teeth not because of how they will look and feel after their teeth are realigned, but for their oral and general health and wellbeing.

Straighter teeth are healthier because there are less hard to reach places to work at keeping clean. Teeth that are cramped tightly together or crossed over are more likely to harbour bad bacteria, plaque and tartar. This can lead to bad breath, cavities and if not treated efficiently, tooth loss.

The impacts of bad oral health reach far and wide, impacting on people’s mental health, heart health and gut health, to name a few.

The body is a holistic entity and by viewing it as such, we are able to address concerns within your entire self by correcting your smile. Often, it is as simple as straightening your teeth, using clear braces in Harley Street.

Why should I bother with clear devices?

There are many different options available these days, they can be fixed, completely invisible, traditional or removable. By working with our dentists and talking to us about your lifestyle choices and your wishes and goals, we can find a treatment option that fits in best with you, enabling you to enjoy your teeth straightening journey more.

Because we want you to feel positive and great about yourself, during and after treatment, with invisible options, you can confidently straighten your teeth, effectively and affordably, so that all boxes can be ticked.

Speak with us about your options. We believe you will be pleasantly surprised with what we can do for you and the health of your smile.