How a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can change your life

Did you know that a cosmetic dentist can have a big impact on the quality of your life? If you think that dentistry is only about prevention and cure, you should consider cosmetic dentistry. Whatever the problem is that you wish to treat, a cosmetic dentist can help you find the ideal solution.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, there are several options to repair crooked, cracked, chipped, misaligned, discoloured and misshapen teeth. Our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will examine your teeth and face thoroughly and determine which treatment (or treatments) is ideal for your individual needs. Cosmetic dentistry is all about aesthetics and symmetry and we will do our best to help with the shape, colour and alignment of your teeth.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetStraighter teeth

Crooked teeth can be caused by various factors, including genetics, bad habits (i.e. clenching, grinding) as well as jaw problems. No matter the cause, crooked teeth are unattractive and difficult to clean properly. However, metal braces are not the only teeth-straightening option available. Your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will offer a variety of teeth-straightening devices including clear braces and Invisalign aligners. These treatments will help realign your teeth without making you feel that your braces are on display.

Whiter teeth

Yellow teeth never make a good impression. Luckily, it is very easy to get rid of them with teeth whitening. A popular and relatively inexpensive cosmetic treatment, teeth whitening allow patients to brighten their teeth by several shades either in the dentist’s chair or at the comfort of their own home.

Symmetrical smiles

If you have chipped, cracked, slightly misaligned, gapped, misshapen or permanently discoloured teeth, then veneers may be the appropriate treatment for you. Porcelain veneers will even your teeth in a durable, beautiful and discreet way.

Less sensitive teeth

If your teeth are too sensitive, you may wish to consider cosmetic treatment in order to cover exposed tooth roots and strengthen your tooth enamel.

Beautiful teeth can change your life

Cosmetic dentistry will have a lasting effect not only on your teeth, but also your daily life. A beautiful smile will allow you to feel better about yourself and more confident. We are here to help you achieve it.

Explore the possibility of clear braces in Harley Street

Having braces does not necessarily involve metal brackets and wires. There are many kinds of modern braces that are made from discreet materials to allow patients to continue smiling during treatment.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we appreciate the value of a beautiful smile and for this reason, we offer clear braces in Harley Street. Clear braces are either fixed to the teeth or can be removed when you eat or brush your teeth. Removable aligners are ideal for patients with minor teeth-straightening issues.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetAdvantages of clear braces

As with any dental treatment, most people want to be able to choose something that will suit their lifestyle as well as fix their dental problem. Clear braces have many advantages apart from aesthetics. Fixed clear braces in Harley Street, on the one hand, can be used instead of metal brackets and wires, providing similar results in a more discreet manner. Removable clear braces in Harley Street, on the other hand, are easy to wear, require very few adjustments and can be taken out throughout the day. Invisible aligners are easy to clean and are very comfortable to wear.

Disadvantages of clear braces

Sometimes, clear braces can cost more than traditional braces. However, at Harley Street Dental Clinic we offer convenient payment plans to help control the overall cost of your treatment. Moreover, clear braces can become discoloured when you consume highly pigmented foods and beverages. Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly as well as removing your aligners every time you eat or drink can help keep your braces looking their best. Our experienced dentists will offer tips and advice on how to take good care of your clear braces and make them look their best at all times.

Choosing the right option

By talking things over with your dentist in Harley Street, you will be able to choose whether clear braces in Harley Street are right for you. Our dentists will examine your teeth thoroughly, answer your questions and give you extra information detailing the advantages of each treatment. If you would like to learn more about clear braces and how they work, please contact us and schedule an appointment today.

Smoking and dental implant in Harley Street – increasing success rates

One of the most innovative developments in modern dentistry is the ability to replace missing or badly decayed teeth with titanium dental implants. These small, root-shaped posts are integrated into the jawbone and have the ability to attach to the bone tissue just like regular teeth. Unlike other restorations, dental implants are strong and resilient.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetCan I have dental implants even if I smoke?

Although dental implants have become standard practice in tooth replacement, they are not without limitations or complications. Smokers who wish to have dental implants in Harley Street should consult their Harley Street Dental Clinic dentist in advance in order to establish whether they are good candidates for this treatment. Smoking increases the risk for gum disease, oral cancer, cavities and peri-implantitis and can also compromise the healing process of dental implants.

Most people can benefit from dental implants in Harley Street and smokers are no exception. However, smoking increases the possibility of complications and implant failure. Studies and clinical trials consistently rate smoking as the main reason behind implant failure. However, it seems that smoking does not interfere with the process of osseointegration – the process where dental implants are left to fuse into the jawbone. Rather, its damaging consequences seem to appear after the second-stage surgery. Smoking also causes more bone loss after implant placement, increases the occurrence of peri-implantitis and affects the success rates of bone grafts, if present.

How long after implant surgery do I need to wait before smoking?

Ideally, you should quit smoking if you are interested to keep your dental implants healthy and disease-free for years to come. However, if you cannot wait to have your next smoke, you are advised to wait for as long as possible before and after the surgery. Even if you take good care of your teeth and gums and visit the dentist regularly, there is no guarantee that your dental implants won’t fail if you keep on smoking. Some dentists may even advise against dental implants if you are a long-time smoker. It all depends on the condition of your gums and the state of your jawbone prior to the implant surgery.

Improving your oral health

Going to a dental clinic in W1 will give you access to many ways of improving your oral health. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we can transform your dental health and prevent uncomfortable problems from developing. We can improve your dental aesthetics and repair any existing damage to your teeth. We aim to provide you with a bright and healthy dental future.

Dental Clinic in W1Varieties of care at the W1 dental clinic

By examining your teeth regularly, we can spot problems before they develop into harmful conditions. This is why it’s important to get the help of a professional, and not wait until you feel something’s wrong before you visit the W1 dental clinic.

We can repair damaged teeth in numerous ways. Veneers are a solution for chipped or slightly misshapen teeth. They are thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded to your teeth with a strong adhesive. They’ll greatly improve your dental appearance.

Cavities can be filled with substances that mimic the colour of the surrounding tooth, thus minimising visual impact. If you need teeth replacing, we can customise your bridges or dentures to look natural in your smile. We also offer dental implants, which integrate with your jawbone, so you can enjoy biting into and chewing your favourite foods again.

Cosmetic and long-term choices

We provide contemporary cosmetic care at our dental clinic in W1. Teeth whitening is a popular option for patients whose teeth have turned an unsightly colour over the years. You can pick the shade of white you’d like to apply to your smile, and we’ll give you a specially-made tray to wear over your teeth. You can wear this tray for around an hour in one visit to our practice, or over several sessions in your home. Afterwards you’ll have a truly bright smile.

We can adjust the position of your teeth using discreet aligners and braces. This will increase your visual appeal and can also lead to a higher standard of oral hygiene. With fewer awkward spaces in the mouth where bacteria can hide, there’ll be less risk of tooth decay and gum disease developing.

Straighten your teeth

Having crooked teeth can be an oral health concern as well as a cosmetic one. Because awkwardly-positioned teeth are more difficult to keep clean, bacteria have more of a chance to build up and cause harm. Misaligned bites can put strain on your jaw. Small imperfections can be a visual irritation. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer several modern solutions for people who need an orthodontist in Harley Street. Our efficient and customised processes will give you a better-looking smile with better-functioning teeth.

Orthodontist in Harley StreetAn up-to-date orthodontist in Harley Street

The appearance of your teeth can be badly affected by small but noticeable imperfections, but there’s always a solution for whatever bothers you about your teeth. Our experienced team will ensure you feel at ease when you come to discuss your options with us.

Invisalign is often chosen by patients of the Harley Street orthodontist for its low-visibility qualities. In this innovative treatment, we take precise measurements of your mouth, and produce a series of transparent plastic aligners based on these measurements. You’ll wear a pair of your aligners over your teeth for a period of 7-10 days. Then you’ll wear the next pair in the series for another 7-10 days, and so on until the treatment is complete.

Invisalign doesn’t involve any attachments to your teeth, so you can take it out when you have to brush your teeth or eat. They’re a low-hassle solution from the orthodontist in Harley Street.

Using fixed braces

Our fixed braces are made of transparent or tooth-coloured components. Although they’re attached to your teeth, they’re not very obvious when you open your mouth, so your realignment treatment can remain low-key. We can also attach braces to the backs of your teeth. Their wires and brackets will apply gentle pressure to realign your smile without causing visual disruption.

Better smiles

Visiting the Harley Street orthodontist will improve your teeth cosmetically and functionally. The treatments do take time. You might need 18 months or longer to complete the process, but the results will last for many years afterwards. Our experienced dental team can guide you through this transformational time.

Can you visit the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street if you are a nervous patient?

Yes! Let’s get the answer out of the way up front because we want you to be completely reassured that all things dental are possible with support from the team at Harley Street Dental Clinic. Now that we’ve confirmed that for you, let us tell you some of the details about how we can support you in getting any treatment that you want with the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street.

Cosmetic Dentist Harley StreetA shift in perspective

If you are a nervous patient, it may be hard to believe that a trip to the dentist can be something you can look forward to and even enjoy. Sometimes, all you need to start seeing this possibility is a little change in perspective.

Often, worry about the dentist comes from seeing what we offer as something that is done to you because you have to. How do your feelings about visiting the dentist change when you consider that a cosmetic treatment is something that is done for you because you want to? Just the act of considering and booking an elective, beneficial procedure can be empowering enough to change your perspective.

Relaxation options

After you have managed to book your appointment with the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street, you do not then have to grit your teeth through your appointment until you get the result you want. You can look forward to plenty of support from our team to help you relax before and during treatment. We can assess you needs and offer you our techniques for working with nervous patients. These might include, but are not limited to:

  • Full commentary – some patients just feel odd about lying back and not knowing what is going on. The lack of control is what causes their anxiety. We can tell you what is happening at every stage and take regular breaks to keep you up to speed and allow you to ask questions;
  • Reduced light or noise – for some people, it’s all about a softer, sensory approach which we will accommodate where possible;
  • Sedation options – for more extensive procedures, you may wish to consider extra sedation on top of any pain relief that we offer. These techniques are specifically focused on supporting a calm state of mind.

Prevention is the name of the game

Being a dentist in W1 isn’t all about treating problems, filling holes or pulling out rotten teeth. What we really want to do is make sure you don’t get problems in the first place. The key to this is often patient knowledge and understanding. When you as a patient know about the dangers of gum disease or decay, it’s also likely you’ll want to prevent encountering them. Equally, when you know how to maintain optimum oral health, you can prevent these problems occuring.

Dentist in W1Keeping your teeth in tip-top condition

Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we want your teeth to be in the best condition they possibly can be. Our dentists are trained to be able to help you maintain good oral health. Visiting a dentist in W1 can help to spot early signs of tooth decay and gum disease that you might not be able to see at home.

Remember your check-ups

Your dentist’s advanced oral health knowledge and training can only help you to prevent issues with your oral health when you attend regular dental check-ups. We recommend you have a check over with your dentist in W1 every 6 months – 1 year, depending on the current condition of your oral health. During your dental check we can review your oral care routine to make sure you’re keeping your mouth in good condition. We will also be able to see if there is a spot you seem to be missing with your brushing or flossing and resolve the situation. If some of your teeth are a little twisted and hard to clean, we can help you straighten them out so you can floss and brush them more easily. If you do have areas in your mouth collecting plaque and tartar, we can remove the buildup to give you a fresh start again. Your dental check-up is the perfect time to address any concerns you may have about your teeth too.

Dental procedures available

We offer tooth restorations when your teeth need repairing, and cosmetic treatments for enhancing the appearance of your smile. Here are some of the treatments we offer:

  • White fillings
  • Crowns
  • Dentures
  • Implants
  • Bridges
  • Gum lifts
  • Veneers
  • Teeth whitening
  • White spot treatment
  • Teeth straightening

What makes dental implants ideal for you?

Ultimately, only you can make the choice when it comes to your tooth replacement method. Although there are several ways to get a new smile after you have lost a tooth or two, not all of them are the same when it comes to function. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we want to guide you towards the choice that works for you. We often recommend dental implants in Harley Street to people who want to completely restore their smile.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetHere we explore the questions that patients ask themselves when they are considering dental implants in Harley Street. The answers indicate whether this is the right treatment for them.

What is my budget?

Although everyone ultimately wants a new smile if they have gaps, there is no denying that cost can become a factor that overrides this desire. While there’s no current way to make dental implants in Harley Street a low-budget option, there are lots of ways to make you feel more comfortable with the investment you are going to make in your new smile. These include giving you details about the quality of the results and introducing you to our payment plan options, so you can spread the costs involved.

What benefits will dental implants in Harley Street bring me?

Dental implants are a highly successful treatment. Once they are in place, they can almost completely restore your dental function with very little ongoing input from you outside of your normal dental hygiene routine. If you have been placing restrictions on your life in terms of socialising, food choices or interactions, all of these can be lifted again once your dental implants are in place.

How long will all of this take?

Details such as length of treatment are understandably important when considering a procedure like this. Knowing that you can look forward to new teeth at known point in the future can help to start making it all seem real and help you make the decision to go ahead.

Dental implants at Harley Street Dental Clinic can be a life-enhancing experience and we look forward to sharing it with you and answering all your questions.

Efficient and discreet braces

When you straighten your teeth with invisible braces in Harley Street, you can have a comfortable and discreet experience of dental realignment. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we have a range of contemporary braces that use innovative methods to achieve very low visibility. They’ll turn your crooked smile into a great-looking one without attracting too much attention to your treatment. You can carry on working and socialising as normal while your teeth are efficiently realigned.

Invisible Braces in Harley StreetLow-hassle treatment

There are several types of invisible braces in Harley Street. To find out which one is most suitable for your needs, you’ll have a consultation at our dental practice. While you describe how you want to transform your teeth, we’ll take precise images of your mouth. Then we can offer the most effective ways to bring about the changes you need.

Incognito braces are a popular solution. They’re made of brackets attached to the teeth, joined together by wires. The innovation is that we put them on the backs of your teeth, so they won’t be immediately visible when you smile at people in Harley Street. Invisible braces like these ones put gentle pressure on your teeth to improve their positions.


Invisalign is another popular choice for people seeking invisible braces in Harley Street. In this treatment, you’ll be given a series of aligners. They’re made of transparent plastic and precisely shaped to fit your teeth. You wear a pair of these aligners for 7-10 days before exchanging it for the next one in the series. This continues for around 12-18 months on average, by which time your teeth will have taken up improved positions. These Harley Street invisible braces don’t need any attachments, so they don’t get in the way during tooth-brushing or meal-eating times.

Having your teeth straightened will not only make them look better, it can make them easier to keep clean, too. This means that your Harley Street invisible braces might reduce your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease. Together with the boost in self-confidence that often accompanies an enhanced dental appearance, you might find that discreet tooth realignment can transform your overall dental experience.

Modern dental care

Keeping your teeth and the tissues in your mouth clean and healthy is an important part of preventing decay. As well as this, looking after your teeth properly will keep them looking better for longer. However, you can only take things up to a certain point by yourself. You need the skills and experience of a professional dentist in Harley Street to really ensure your oral health is as good as it can be.

Dentist in Harley StreetDentists have spent many years building up knowledge of how to improve oral hygiene and give your teeth a long and robust life in London. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, you’ll find the full range of dental health treatments. No dental problem is too large or too small. Our patients opt for cosmetic treatments as well as urgent repairs.

Oral improvements

Our contemporary dental clinic is a relaxing environment in which to find your oral health solutions. If you come to us regularly to have your teeth examined, we’ll be able to spot the subtle signs that tooth decay is starting to happen. We’re able to do this before you’ll notice anything’s wrong at home. Early interventions can save you from having to have repairs later on at the dentist in Harley Street.

Teeth whitening is a popular treatment that makes a big difference to your dental appearance. The surfaces of your teeth can turn a funny colour over the years due to staining that is very hard to remove. We’ll give you a custom-shaped tray to wear over your teeth that contains a specially-made substance. This substance turns your discoloured smile into a dazzling one. You can even choose the precise shade of white you’d like your teeth to be.


For teeth that are damaged or decayed, we offer great-looking repairs that restore dental function. If you need a Harley Street dentist to replace your teeth, we can do this by several methods, including dentures and dental implants. We offer emergency appointments so you can see us on the same day you start to worry about your teeth. We also offer payment plans, to help you manage the cost of seeing a Harley Street dentist. Our dentistry aims to enhance your dental future.