Vital care of your teeth

Visiting the dentist in W1 is an essential part of your overall oral healthcare plan. Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we provide a full range of treatments for people of all ages who want to look after their teeth and gums. Our friendly team offers tactful and reassuring services that will guide you towards a healthier dental future.

Dentist in W1There doesn’t have to be anything wrong with your teeth before you book an appointment with the dentist in W1. We are always able to take a look at your mouth and provide you with up-to-date advice, based on contemporary research, about how to avoid dental problems. Also, we can detect any signs of dental problems before you might notice them yourself at home. Our keen eyes, years of experience, and helpful technology help us to keep your mouth free from disease and discomfort.

A range of improvements

When things do go wrong with your teeth, we’re always able to reduce your discomfort and repair any damage. Tooth decay can make fillings necessary, and as a modern W1 dentist, we can use tooth-coloured substances, so your fillings won’t spoil your appearance.

Chipped teeth are a common issue, and we can use veneers to repair them. The veneer is a small and strong segment of porcelain, securely bonded to your dental surface. Shaped with precision, veneers restore the natural outlines to your smile.

Many of our patients want to address cosmetic issues at the dentist in W1. Teeth whitening is a popular treatment for people whose teeth have turned an undesirable colour over the years. This treatment is a straightforward and comfortable one, and the patient can choose the particular shade of white they’d like to see on their teeth. After teeth whitening at the dentist in W1, many patients feel more socially confident at important events like weddings or job interviews.

Looking up

We offer payment plans that allow you to pay for your treatment in instalments. This means you don’t have to wait and save up to access the treatment you need at the dentist in W1. We want to encourage all of our patients to look after their oral health.

Frequently asked questions about clear braces in Harley Street answered

The popularity of using subtle looking braces to straighten crooked teeth and resolve bite issues can be largely put down to how inconspicuous they are. Dental braces that feature clear brackets or tooth coloured wires in their design can form part of an effective treatment plan to provide patients with straighter teeth and a healthier mouth. We look at some of the most commonly asked questions and concerns put to us by our patients at Harley Street Dental Clinic. These range from how they work, and the materials used in their manufacture, to how to maintain them. Should you have any additional questions about clear braces in Harley Street please do not hesitate to contact us.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetWhat you should know when considering braces using the wires and bracket system

  • How do clear fixed braces straighten teeth?

This type of brace is similar to the conventional fixed metal braces, where brackets are secured to teeth using a wire system to connect them, with the main difference being that they are less noticeable. This may seem to many patients like a very traditional way of straightening teeth, but it remains one of the best systems to correct all kinds of misalignment issues, even in severe misalignment cases where other more recently discovered treatments may not be as successful.

Our dental practitioners will carefully position the brackets which work to manipulate teeth into the desired position. Over the course of the treatment duration, the wires will need to be adjusted (tightened) gradually for the process to work.

  • How long do wire and bracket braces take to work?

On average, the duration of treatment can be anywhere from 18 to 24 months depending on an individual patient’s misalignment issues and the brand of dental braces chosen.

  • Which materials are used to make this type of brace?

Clear dental braces may feature a clear ceramic material in its design or a plastic composite material. Some brands prefer the metal wire as in traditional metal braces, while other brands opt for a white archwire. The latter option is less noticeable but this influences the cost factor of clear braces in Harley Street.

  • How do I take care of my clear dental braces?

One of the top concerns of many patients is how to maintain or protect their dental braces. Clear fixed braces do require more special attention than other types of discreet looking braces. For one thing, patients have to be careful about what they eat. For another, patients have to be scrupulous in cleaning their braces, which can get a bit tricky.

Due to the nature of its design, which includes the use of brackets and wires, extra time and effort are required to take care of them. Ensuring the nooks and crannies and those notoriously hard to reach areas are thoroughly cleaned and free of food particles. Our dental practitioner will show you the preferred methods and cleaning techniques to clean braces and teeth.

In helping to maintain fixed dental braces, especially with the clear ceramic brands, we encourage our patients to avoid any types of food that may pose a challenge in eating and cause damage to the braces. These types of foods range from hard and acidic foods to sticky and chewy foods.

If you are not sure about which type of dental braces to choose: fixed metallic, fixed clear or removable invisible aligners –  one of our dental practitioners will be more than happy to assess your needs and make suitable recommendations. Call our clinic today to schedule a consultation.

Have you had a smile makeover? Top cosmetic dentist advice on how to protect your new smile

Home care following a cosmetic procedure is a critical factor in the continued success of the treatment. At our Harley Street Dental Clinic we find that our patients who observe a fastidious daily routine to take care of their dental health are able to enjoy their smiles for a lot longer. A common misunderstanding regarding cosmetic procedures is that they do not require such stringent oral health practices as natural teeth.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetHow to care for 3 common cosmetic treatments at home

Dental cosmetic procedures range from gum lift surgery to porcelain veneers to teeth whitening. Here’s our suggested guide to home oral health care for common cosmetic dental treatments.

  1. Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening procedures performed by a dental practitioner are the safest and most effective option to brighten teeth. Your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will recommend a cleaning and brushing regimen that includes proper techniques, products and tools. You may even be required to use custom made teeth whitening trays at home to continue the whitening process.

  1. Dental veneers

Seeing that dental veneers are an investment in the quality of your smile, they require special maintenance and aftercare to keep them healthy. Proper care will go a long way to keep your veneers looking their best. The following tips work best to preserve the longevity of your veneers:

  • Avoid grinding your teeth

One of the most destructive behaviours that affect veneers is to grind your teeth. Grinding can cause damage to the outer layer of the veneer by cracking or breaking the surface and may even cause the cap layer to separate from the natural tooth. One effective way to prevent grinding is to use a mouth guard when sleeping, exercising or playing a contact sport.

  • Avoid smoking and consuming excessive alcohol

Smoking will discolour veneers, causing them to become yellow. Excessive alcohol can damage the bonding composites that keep veneers and natural teeth together.

  • Avoid certain foods and drink

What you eat and drink can have a negative effect on veneers. Hard and chewy types of food place excessive stress on veneers that may result in them chipping or breaking. It is best to avoid: crusty bread such as toast, sticky sweets such as toffee and foods and beverages that stain (dark berries, tomatoes, red peppers and tea and coffee).

  1. Gum lifts

Cosmetic gum lift is a popular procedure that improves the appearance of a smile by getting rid of unsightly excess gum tissue. For more information on this procedure, please contact our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street.

The healing following a gum lift treatment is very quick. The following aftercare suggestions will help avoid complications and infections: an alcohol-free mouthwash should be used twice a day to rinse the mouth, brush teeth twice a day taking extra care to be gentle on the gum area, prevent plaque build-up by flossing properly and avoid smoking.

The most effective way to protect the quality of all dental cosmetic treatments is regular dental check-ups. These check-ups are important to ensure that everything is as it should be and further treatment be sought to prevent minor issues from becoming more serious. Haven’t had a check-up in a while? Schedule an appointment today at Harley Street Dental Clinic.

Find relief from sensitive teeth and sensitive gums at a dental clinic in W1

Patients with sensitive gums and sensitive teeth may experience discomfort and pain and should seek professional dental care. It is important to differentiate between the two conditions in order to provide our dental practitioner with a clear understanding of where the discomfort lays. It is only with a complete understanding of what a patient is experiencing can our dentists provide the appropriate treatment solution. At our dental clinic in W1 we provide our patients with a full range of quality dental services to treat various conditions. When it comes to good dental health, we believe that patients cannot be too cautious when certain symptoms arise and the earlier a condition is detected and treated, the better.

Dental Clinic in W1How to tell between gum sensitivity and tooth sensitivity

Gum sensitivity displays symptoms that are quite distinct. As these symptoms may suggest gingivitis – an early stage of gum disease, it is imperative that a patient schedule a check-up with a dentist as soon as possible. Common symptoms include swollen gums, gums that are tender to the touch, gums that bleed easily and if a patient has bad breath. Gingivitis can develop to advanced stages of gum disease where gum recession is a major symptom. Gum sensitivity as a result of gingivitis is usually due to lack of proper oral care, but may also arise due to certain medical conditions and tobacco use.

Symptoms of tooth sensitivity are typically experienced when eating and drinking cause pain and discomfort. A patient may feel pain when eating or drinking substances that are hot, cold, sweet or acidic. Pain can also be experienced when brushing certain teeth or when flossing. Causes of tooth sensitivity vary and can include cavities, grinding teeth, worn tooth enamel, loose fillings and exposed tooth nerves.

Treatment and prevention for gum and tooth sensitivity

As gum and tooth sensitivity can place patients at risk of developing serious dental issues, seeking treatment at a dental clinic in W1 should be a top priority. Many dental conditions can be entirely preventable and treated if a patient acts responsibly does not ignore symptoms.

  • Practise good oral hygiene

This is the most common piece of dental advice many consider obvious, but which many people do not practice or it is poorly done. Patients should take care that they use the correct type of toothbrush to suit their needs; toothbrushes are available in manual and electric varieties with different sized heads and types of bristles.

Next to the toothbrush, patients need to be particular with the type of toothpaste used – fluoride is a key ingredient. Desensitizing toothpastes are also recommended to alleviate symptoms of tooth sensitivity as are fluoride gels. If not sure about what type is best, always ask a dentist for guidance.

  • Professional dental help

Seeking professional help is always the best course of action. Whether the symptoms are caused due to tooth decay, exposed nerves or fractured tooth, a dentist will be able to provide suitable treatment for relief and further preventative dentistry procedures like gum grafts in the case of gum disease.

For any painful sensitivity issues, contact Harley Street Dental Clinic for an appointment with a dentist to ensure your teeth and gums are in good health.

Three essential questions to ask when choosing dental implants in Harley Street

Tooth implants are the oft referred to restorative treatment to replace teeth that are either broken or lost due to damage and decay and when root canals are no longer a viable option. Only a consultation with a dental practitioner can best determine if this dental treatment solution is right for you. For optimal results, the key is to find a suitable dentist that is the right fit for you. In order to determine this likely fit, here are essential questions to ask your implant dentist when carrying out your research. When seeking a dentist offering dental implants in Harley Street, you will want to prioritise a practitioner with a long track record of success.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetSuitable candidates for teeth implants are those who have one or more teeth missing, experience difficulties in chewing food and those with loose natural or denture teeth. It is also preferable that implant patients do not smoke.

What to ask your implant dentist

In addition to the typical questions relating to a dental practitioner’s experience, qualifications and skills in performing a particular treatment option, there are other equally important questions that need to be asked.

  1. How do you construct a treatment plan suitable for me?

A dental practitioner will need to conduct a comprehensive initial assessment before being able to determine the most appropriate treatment programme for you. At our dental practice we include the following in our dental exam: examination of gums and gum tissue to determine their health, quality of bone structure and a thorough bite evaluation that assesses tooth wear as well as overall bite ability.

  1. Can I see before and after photos of tooth implant cases you have performed?

Actual before and after images of implant success stories of previous patients can be very influential when making a decision on a dental practitioner to provide you with dental implants in Harley Street.

  1. How long do implants last?

Teeth implants are designed to offer a lifetime of service; however, patients are reminded that they need to take proper care of their dental health to receive such a benefit. Due to developments in Implantology technology, equipment and processes, the survival rate of implants are very high. The crowns placed on top of implants last on average 10 to 15 years and may require replacing. Once again, proper home care influences the health of crowns. This means that you will have to maintain a healthy lifestyle (reduce alcohol consumption and eat a wholesome diet with plenty of vegetables) and be conscientious in keeping your teeth and gums clean by not only brushing and flossing as instructed by your dentist but, keeping to regular check-ups.

Do you have further questions? Remember to also include in your consultation the question as to whether you will require additional procedures in order to receive implant treatment. For example, do you need a bone graft performed before implantation? The best way to address any questions or concerns is to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists at the Harley Street Dental Clinic.

Can orthodontics in Harley Street improve quality of sleep?

It is a given that sleep is a critical necessity in maintaining good mental and physical health. Just a few nights of interrupted sleep can make this apparent. It is not only the number of hours of sleep that is important, but the quality of sleep which is an important element of a good night’s rest. Problems experienced when trying to sleep quickly impacts on the quality of sleep. Many reasons exist for the inability to sleep properly and these can include teeth and jaw problems.

Orthodontist Harley StreetThese dental related problems include breathing through the mouth, teeth grinding and Temporomandibular joint Disorder (TMD). If you experience any of the above issues disrupting your sleep, consult with a dental practitioner to help you find a suitable treatment or dental procedure to help you improve your quality of sleep. At our Harley Street Dental Clinic, our dental professionals are highly experienced in orthodontics in Harley Street enabling us to offer our patients a diverse range of dental services.

How dental braces improve quality of sleep

Treatments aimed at correcting teeth and bad bite issues can provide a patient with sleep benefits that allow them to breathe better, improve airflow and as a consequence, sleep better. Dental braces can provide the following sleep benefits:

  • Improve airflow

Dental conditions, such as overlapping teeth, or when the dental arches do not correspond in alignment, can result in sleeping difficulties. The use of braces is a tried and tested treatment designed to correct bite issues and crooked teeth and ultimately, improve breathing at night. To find out exactly how braces can be used to improve airflow, speak to one of our dental practitioners trained in orthodontics in Harley Street.

  • Correct excessive overjet

Excessive overjet occurs when the upper level of teeth project more significantly forward than the lower jaw, resulting in jaw misalignment. For misalignment conditions, that are not very severe or complicated in nature, various types of braces can be used to correct this and open up the airways to enhance the flow of oxygen to the lungs.

  • Reduce stress on jaws

When jaw and teeth are not aligned properly, this can place pressure on the jaw and may even intensify teeth grinding. This stress on the jaw can produce symptoms such as headaches as well as pain in the jaw and neck area at night, rendering sleep impossible. One of the beneficial uses of braces is correcting misalignments to alleviate the stress on jaws.

Dental braces can do much more than give you a dazzling smile, these teeth correcting instruments can ensure you sleep better and wake up refreshed and relaxed in the morning. If you suspect your jaw or teeth misalignment condition is affecting how well you are able to sleep, schedule an appointment with one of our experienced dentists who will talk you through possible treatment solutions, including whether braces will help improve the quality of your sleep.

Dental care tips: Four ways to effective healing after extractions

Tooth extractions are sometimes the best possible option when saving a tooth is no longer possible. Once the procedure is performed, the next step is to ensure that optimal healing takes place so that our patients can enjoy a speedy recovery.  In order to facilitate this speedier healing process, we encourage our patients to look after themselves and protect the extraction site. As part of providing our patients with the highest standards in dental care in Harley Street, we offer comprehensive advice and care tips to implement a procedure to ensure patients recover safely and comfortably.

Dental Care in Harley StreetImmediately following the extraction, our dentist will apply pieces of sterile gauze to the site. The gauze should be kept in place until the dentist recommends removing it. The gauze is necessary to stop the flow of blood so that a blood clot is allowed to form. The blood clot offers a form of protection and initiates the healing process. Patients should take extra care to protect the clot from dislodging and from exposing the site which otherwise could lead to a ‘dry socket’, this is not only painful to experience but also risks an infection developing.

Try to avoid the following risky behaviours that may cause the clot to dislodge:

  • It may be tempting but do not poke at the extraction site with your tongue or finger or attempt to with any other object.
  • Refrain from eating using the area of the mouth where the extraction took place.
  • Avoid spitting which may dislodge the clot.
  • Do not brush over the extraction site.

Our dentists will take the time to answer any post-extraction questions you may have. This is just another way to provide you with quality dental care in Harley Street. In addition to this, the following dental aftercare advice for extractions is helpful in the healing process.

  • Keep the area clean

We advise that you keep the extraction site clean even though you may not be able to brush the area for however long the dentist recommends. You can manage this by gently swilling a warm saline solution over the area a few times a day for a few days. Take care not spit the solution out, but rather let it fall from your mouth.

  • Allow yourself time to recover

Taking time to rest and relax after this procedure is highly recommended for effective and quick recovery. If it is possible to take time off work, do so. It is also best to avoid physical activities such as strenuous forms of exercise and sports.

  • Reduce swelling

If any swelling occurs on the side of your face where the extraction was performed, ice packs can be applied to reduce the swelling. Swelling is rare for simple extractions but can occur if a more complex procedure was involved.

  • Avoid smoking

Smoking is not advised until the healing process is complete. The effects of smoking interrupt the recovery process and slow it down and there is the risk of infections.

Should a patient experience any discomfort a few days after an extraction, we advise them to make contact with us as soon as possible. Our Harley Street Dental Clinic offers after hours treatment for dental emergencies.

Moving to London and finding a new dentist

Roughly 200,000 people move to London each year, which means a lot of people need to find their new groove in the big city. That means finding their new favourite cafes, their new hairstylist, their new kebab take away, and their new dentist.

Dental Clinic in W1But finding all of these things can require a lot of trial and error and for some things, such as your dental health, error just isn’t something most people are willing to endure. That’s why you’ll want to find a dental clinic in W1 first time around that can offer you a high quality service, friendly dental team, and modern resources.

What can we offer international patients?

Our team at Harley Street Dental Clinic would be thrilled to invite any new international Londoners into our dental family. We can offer international patients a multilingual dental team, central location in London, and a modern service.

Whether you are an expat for a short amount of time, or looking to stay in London indefinitely, our dental clinic in W1 is here to provide you with a wide range of services all catered to your individual needs. While we believe in preventive dentistry, we are here to help treat any dental aches, pains, damage or disease which you may already have.

We also can provide services for the whole family. We love helping children feel comfortable visiting a dental clinic in W1 and teaching them important oral hygiene habits from a young age can prevent oral problems later in life.

We also offer cosmetic dentistry such as teeth whitening, clear aligners for straightening your teeth and dental implants. We want everyone to enjoy their smile and feel beautiful every time they laugh.

Finding a new dentist is a top priority

Finding a new dental clinic in W1, right after moving to London, is something many people overlook, but knowing where to go in case of a dental emergency will save you time and money in the long run. It is also important to start a productive relationship with your dentist and keep up with routine check-ups to keep your oral health in good shape.

Comfortable repositioning of your teeth

At the Harley Street orthodontist, you can have your teeth repositioned using comfortable appliances with a very low visibility. Harley Street Dental Clinic offers a range of contemporary methods to enhance your dental positioning. You may want to focus on a few teeth at the front of your mouth. Alternatively, you may want to take a more comprehensive approach involving all of your teeth. We can meet your repositioning requirements whatever form they take.

Harley Street OrthodontistSome options

As a contemporary Harley Street orthodontist, we offer up-to-date treatments that are considerate of your lifestyle and social needs as well as your teeth. Technological advances help us to keep your treatment discreet. One example is the lingual brace. Like traditional braces, this appliance is attached to your teeth using wires and brackets. However, the Harley Street orthodontist will attach your lingual brace to the backs of your teeth. This innovation means your braces won’t be on display when you smile. They’ll get on with their work behind the scenes, applying gentle pressure to your teeth, to move them into more effective positions.

Moving on

Invisible braces are another kind of treatment available from our Harley Street orthodontist. These appliances are sometimes known as Invisalign. They are made of transparent plastic, and fit over your teeth without relying on any attachments.

The Invisalign process begins with a consultation. We’ll measure your teeth in detail with a digital scanner, and send these measurements off to the Invisalign laboratory. The laboratory produces for you a series of clear plastic aligners. During treatment, you wear a pair of these aligners for around 7-10 days, and then move on to the next pair in your series. Each aligner has a slightly different shape, so your teeth are gently brought into a better alignment as time goes on.

Some time is required for treatment at the Harley Street orthodontist to achieve its effects. Every patient has different needs, but the time invested is well spent. The benefits of straighter teeth will last for many years after treatment ends. Your smile will be much more appealing, while you may also find your mouth is more hygienic and your jaw is under less strain.

Why is it important to replace your missing teeth?

Missing teeth can happen for any reason. Whether the result of an accident or long-term dental problems, the reasons behind missing teeth can be diverse. Luckily, replacement options are available and dental implants are perhaps the most viable solution to tooth loss for reasons we shall explore below.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetHaving an incomplete smile is aesthetically unpleasing and can potentially harm your oral health. As such, there are many reasons to consider dental implants in Harley Street. Our experienced implant dentists at Harley Street Dental Clinic will help you understand why replacing missing teeth is crucial for the maintenance of your oral and overall health.

How does tooth loss occur?

Missing teeth are the result of many factors, the most important of which include bad dental hygiene, gum disease, trauma and old age. As patients age, their teeth become less stable and more fragile. As a result, they are more prone to tooth loss. However, age is not the most significant factor, as patients can lose their teeth during accidents. Overall, tooth loss is more commonplace than usually perceived and can happen for a number of reasons, many of which are not related to age.

Is it important to replace my missing teeth?

Replacing your missing teeth is important for many reasons. A full set of teeth is necessary for proper oral function. Strong and healthy teeth allow patients to chew and bite properly, control digestion and contribute immensely in the formation of speech. People with a few or many missing teeth, find it extremely frustrating to complete all of the above activities.

How can dental implants in Harley Street help?

Unlike conventional bridges and dentures, dental implants are firmly attached to the jawbone, preventing other teeth from moving around. More importantly, because they fuse with the jawbone and become an integral part of it, dental implants have the ability to protect the bone tissue from deterioration and even encourage its further growth.

The benefits of dental implants in Harley Street are significant, particularly for those patients who are missing many teeth. Dental implants are a tested, safe and effective way of replacing one, several or a mouthful of missing teeth.