Worried about going for a check-up at the dentist? How our dental team in Harley Street can help you overcome your phobia

Many people convince themselves that the reason they will not attend their next dental check-up is because of finances, when in reality, the underlying reason for this active avoidance is often fear.

Dentist in W1Fear of the dentist is surprisingly common yet it can also feel isolating, especially if you have had a negative experience with a dentist in the past. Our dentists in W1 see patients everyday who suffer from some degree of dental phobia and can personalise their trip to the dentist’s chair to ensure that they receive the care they require, without causing them further stress and anxiety.

Indeed, our dentists in W1 want to help you overcome your phobia. They will provide you with the support you require, be non judgmental of the condition of your oral health and will discuss everything they are doing so there are no surprises – you will be in full control and can signal for them to stop the procedure at any time.

Ways we make you more comfortable

Of course, as each person has a fear of the dentist for a different reason, each person’s fear comes within a range of severity. Some patients may require a calmer approach from our dentists in W1 to make the experience easier, whereas others may require sedation for a basic check-up.

However extreme your phobia is, we aim to ensure that you are comfortable and calm throughout any procedure you undertake with us at Harley Street Dental Clinic and can offer you the following options.

Discussion and signals

If you simply require reassurance before undergoing a dental procedure, our dental team will be happy to meet with you prior to the appointment to get to know you and discuss with you how they will perform the procedure. You can even set up a signalling system, so they know when you need them to stop during the procedure.

Relative analgesia sedation

When you need a bit more help than a brief chat, we can offer you our gas based sedation, which will ensure you are fully conscious, but will render you unaware of the treatment that is happening and leave you with no lasting memory.

Before undergoing this procedure, inform our dental team of any underlying medical conditions you have, any medications you are taking and ensure you bring either a family member or friend to help you get home safely.

Intravenous sedation

We also offer IV sedation, but this procedure will require a consultant anaesthetist to perform the injection. This, like RA sedation, will ensure you are unaware of any procedures occurring in the room and will leave you with no memory of what happened during the procedure.

Before undergoing this procedure, inform our dental team of any underlying medical conditions you have, any medications you are taking and ensure you bring either a family member or friend to help you get home safely.

Booking a cosmetic dentistry consultation

If you are unhappy with your smile and are interested in improving the look of your teeth, then make sure to come into our practice, and meet a cosmetic dentist. Harley Street Dental Clinic has some fantastic cosmetic options available, which we administer alongside perfect transparency, and patient care.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetCosmetic consultation

If you are uncertain about what your teeth may need to look better, then come in for a cosmetic consultation, and we will be able to advise the best course of action for you. One thing that people may be uncertain of is which specific treatment they need in order to achieve their perfect smile, or what their ideal smile should look like. Thanks to our experience, and knowledge of cosmetic dentistry, we will be able to provide an astute consultation, and provide you with projections on what your smile will look like in the future.

Teeth Whitening / White Spot Treatment

Often, one of the main causes for people wanting cosmetic dental treatment, is the discolouration of the teeth. This can either be a yellowy-brown discolouration of the teeth in certain areas, or in some cases white spots or marks.

The white marks on your teeth can be caused by several different factors, but one of the main causes is too much fluoride, or commonly known as fluorosis. This is prevalent when your teeth are developing and will often leave small white marks on the teeth. It can also be a result of a lack of calcium, enamel erosion, and plaque, along with many other reasons, so there is no clear cause for this condition.

Teeth whitening works by using a bleaching agent to target specific areas of the teeth, and to be absorbed into the enamel, making all the teeth an equal, white colour. This treatment can be administered at home as it is extremely safe, but a dentist will be able to administer a specific shade and target specific teeth. Often, patients will have a few teeth that are discoloured that they want to target specifically.

White spot treatment uses a similar form of treatment, however, is more complicated than simply whitening the teeth, as the spots are often small and scattered. Each case will be unique; however, most treatments will use a series of pastes, creams, and topical treatments to target the specific areas. If you are looking to get your teeth whitened or improved by a cosmetic dentist, Harley Street Dental Clinic has a fantastic cosmetic dentistry range and will be able to provide you with a variety of options.

Gum Lift

In some cases, it is not the teeth that are responsible for an unattractive smile, but rather the gums. An excess of gum can contribute to a ‘gummy smile’, and while you may have perfect teeth, this may be more visible and noticeable. Therefore, during a cosmetic consultation, you may be asked about a gum lift. Each cosmetic dentist at Harley Street Dental clinic will be able to advise you on whether the treatment is right for you, and whether it is a necessary treatment to achieve your perfect smile.

When to take your child for their first dental trip A guide to child dentistry by Harley Street Dental Clinic

When you have a child or children, you want what’s best for them.

Dental Clinic in W1From a young age, you take them to doctor’s appointments, check-ups with nurses and ensure that they eat the right foods to help them grow.

When you have an infant, it is all too easy to forget about the importance of dental check-ups. After all, it may seem odd to take a child to a dentist if they do not have teeth, but it is important that, from a young age, your child associates dental visits with being fun and pain free, or phobias and avoidance behaviours may begin, which can impact negatively on their long-term health.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we recommend that you and your child visit our dental clinic in W1 by the time your child is 12 months old and we can provide your child with toys, to create a more fun encounter, making the overall experience more enjoyable for them.

The importance of childhood dentistry

At our dental clinic in W1, our dentists firmly believe that prevention is better than cure.

This applies to all areas of life but particularly dentistry, as all dental issues are easier to treat if they are detected early.

With childhood dentistry, at our dental clinic in W1, our dentists strive to prevent issues like cavities from occurring in young children, but also work hard to prevent other dental issues that many parents do not realise can be detected under the age of 3 years.

Our dental team are able to prevent long term dental issues from occurring if detected early enough.


An incredibly common type of misalignment, overbites occur when the teeth on the top jaw overlap the teeth on the bottom jaw, when the jaw is closed.

Overbites can create issues such as mismatched bites, weaker bite strength and can have a visible impact on a child’s confidence if left untreated. Detected early, overbites can be prevented with the use of minimalist braces and aligners.


As the name suggests, an underbite is similar to an overbite, with the teeth on the lower jaw overlapping the top set of teeth when the jaw is resting.

Underbites tend to occur when the lower jaw is longer and when detected early, surgery can be performed to shorten the jaw, or the overbite can be corrected with aligners.

Cross bites

A cross bite occurs when the top and lower jaw do not align correctly. Often preventable with orthodontic braces, this can cause a condition known as temporomandibular joint dysfunction to occur, which can be a painful condition in the long term and has been linked to migraines.

At Harley Street Dental, we want to help your child feel comfortable at the dentist and aim to make their experience as pleasant as possible so that they feel confident about visiting in the future.

Contact us today for more information about our child dentistry treatments.

Losing a tooth

At Harley Street Dental, we understand that losing a tooth can be a traumatic experience. This can be a sudden loss of a tooth, or having a missing tooth for years, and perhaps feeling self-conscious. We want to ensure that you have the most calming but professional treatment possible, to the point where you no longer feel nervous about dental treatment. If you are nervous, then it is worth speaking to us first, and letting us know of your worries, and we should be able to allay them and advise you.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetReplacing a tooth

Replacing a tooth can be done in a number of different ways, and several things need to be assessed, before a replacement can be completed. Firstly, the number of teeth needing to be replaced needs to be assessed. A gap of several teeth may need a bridge or set of dentures; however, a single gap may be more appropriate for a crown or an implant. (A crown can also be a replacement for a tooth where the root remains, so a partial replacement of the tooth.) If you are interested in dental implants in Harley Street, then we have the facilities and the qualifications to carry out the procedure, which can be an extremely advanced operation.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are a relatively new treatment, which involves the replacement of the entire root of the tooth with a titanium screw, and then a crown inserted onto the implant to replace the tooth. Dental implants are extremely advanced and take an experienced dentist to administer. The implant is extremely strong, and with proper maintenance of the implant, it should last for life.

Process of having a dental implant

If you are looking to receive dental implants in Harley Street, then do not hesitate to contact Harley Street Dental Clinic for more information. Dental implants can be a daunting procedure, but they are extremely safe, and with the guidance of a trained professional they can be relatively pain-free.

Firstly, the gum is opened to expose the jawbone, and then a small hole is created in order to fit the implant, using a series of high-powered drills. Then, a specially designed titanium screw is inserted into the hole. The dental implant must now be left for a period of six weeks to six months. This is to allow the bone to grow around the implant and solidify the implant into the jawbone.

Uses for a dental implant

If you are interested in dental implants at Harley Street Dental Clinic, then we would recommend booking a consultation with us first, to determine whether dental implants are the best option for you. Dental implants can be extremely useful as anchors, to either a set of dentures or a bridge. Often, a crown is used, however a dental implant will not only provide strength for itself, but the strength of your entire mouth. It is also worth mentioning that as little as four dental implants can be used to replace an entire set of teeth for life!

Do I need braces?

Braces are necessary for those who have crooked teeth, or their teeth are not correctly aligned. This can cause many issues over time, one of the main being tooth erosion, due to the teeth not aligning correctly. Tooth erosion can lead to cavities, sensitive teeth, and general pain, so it is important that you ensure you have the correct alignments. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we understand that braces can be a daunting issue, which is why we want to approach braces with as much clarity and kindness as possible. If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street for cosmetic reasons, then this is also something we pride ourselves in.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetFixed Braces

Fixed braces are the most common form of braces, and easily the most common. They are also the most effective, and are commonly used on teenagers, as their teeth are still growing rapidly, so it is important the brace can withstand and adjust with movement. Fixed braces have downsides however, such as damage to the gums. One of the main downsides, however, is their appearance. As fixed braces need metal wires, and are a permanent fixture, it is difficult to avoid them being noticed. This means that many adults who need braces may avoid them.


Invisalign provides a fantastic solution to this problem, creating an effective brace that is transparent, so it will be concealed on your teeth. This means that by wearing Invisalign braces, you will be able to receive dental treatment without anyone noticing, and therefore not worry about feeling self-conscious.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign works by first providing a projection of what your teeth should look like after the treatment, using extremely advanced technology. Then, a series of braces are produced in order to gradually adjust your teeth. Where fixed braces need to be adjusted and tightened, Invisalign braces are simply replaced for a new set, that is slightly closer to the final projection. The brace is replaced approximately every two weeks and will be a quick process. If you are concerned, or want to know more about Invisalign, then do not hesitate to contact a cosmetic dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic.

Wearing Invisalign

One of the great things about Invisalign is that it can be removed at any time. This means that you are free to eat and drink anything you want, without having to worry about damaging your teeth or the treatment. However, in order to be effective, Invisalign needs to be worn for at least 20 hours a day, so make sure that you don’t forget to put them back in.

Some downsides to Invisalign, are that it is unavailable for teenagers or children, as the treatment only works on fully grown teeth. Invisalign is also not as quick or efficient, and may take longer to produce the same results, which can be difficult if you are on a budget. If you have any queries, and want to speak to a cosmetic dentist, Harley Street Dental clinic is available.

Looking for a discreet alternative to braces? Reasons Invisalign at Harley Street could be just what you are looking for

In the field of dentistry today, there are many modern alternatives to traditional orthodontic braces, so when you are told you need braces to straighten your smile, don’t despair.

Dentist in W1Many adults and children alike wince when they are told by a dentist they may benefit from braces, with the majority of adults quite often refusing to undergo the procedure without first hearing of the different options available to help them realign their teeth.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, our dentists in W1 are proud to be able to offer our adult and teenage clients many different types of realigners and braces, the majority of which are discreet, but perform extremely well.

One of the most popular braces that our dentists in W1 offer to our patients is Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

The Invisalign brace is offered by our dentists in W1 to patients who have mild to moderate degrees of misalignment in their teeth. It is also useful for correcting issues such as overcrowding, protruding teeth and excessive gaps between teeth.

In essence, Invisalign treatment involves your dentist making a set of customised retainers or ‘braces’ to fit over your teeth at different stages of the treatment. Depending on the amount of work you require, you may need fewer or more aligners than the standard 7.

Before this begins, your dentist will take a 3D scan of the inside of your mouth and teeth, to determine how much work is required and using advanced 3D computer modelling technology, will be able to show you each stage of the realignment process, so there will be no nasty surprises during your treatment.

Invisalign braces are made from a thin, clear, flexible plastic, that fits snugly over your teeth and uses gentle force to reposition your teeth throughout the treatment. They are removable and therefore, do not interfere with dental hygiene or your eating habits.

Do they work?

One of the reasons Invisalign is so popular among our customers at Harley Street it because it is a fast and effective way to correct issues with tooth alignment in the mouth.

Each brace is designed to be worn for a set time, but as the pressure used by the braces to realign the teeth seems mild, it is hard to believe that this technique actually works but rest assured, it does!

Will I benefit from it?

Unfortunately, not everyone who visits our dental surgery in Harley Street is suitable for treatment with Invisalign braces.

Your dentist must decide if your alignment issues are mild or moderate for you to proceed with the treatment; if it is decided that you have more complicated or severe alignment issues or dental protrusions, your dentist may suggest you undertake a different type of treatment, typically traditional orthodontic brace procedures.

Invisalign cannot correct common issues like over- or underbites, so it is not suitable for treatment for people with these conditions.


It is important to make regular trips to the dentist in order to ensure that your oral health is as good as it can be. If you are looking for a dentist in Harley Street, then Harley Street Dental clinic can provide you with a range of dental treatments, for both general and cosmetic purposes. If you have not had a check-up in a while, then it is important to do so, and we welcome anyone into our practice.

Dentist in Harley StreetPreventive dentistry

Dentistry is not entirely about treating issues but preventing them too. Therefore, preventive dentistry works to employ several treatments and techniques before they become further problems. One of the main causes of dental problems is poor dental hygiene, which can result in cavities. If left untreated, cavities can cause extreme damage and pain to the teeth, eventually resulting in tooth loss.

If you are concerned about your dental hygiene, then do not hesitate to ask one of your dentists about how to maintain a perfect dental hygiene routine. A good rule of thumb is to brush twice a day, and floss once a day, while also attending regular check-ups with your dentist.

A scale and polish treatment is also available at most dental practices, where they will be able to give your teeth a professional clean, and remove any plaque that may have been lingering.

White Fillings

If you are looking for a dentist in Harley Street because you are suffering from tooth pain, then it may be a result of a cavity. Cavities are caused by acid produced by bacteria in the mouth, that can thrive on particularly sugary foods. Many people may be concerned that regular fillings are unsightly, and as a result, may be averse to the dentist. Harley Street Dental Clinic, like many practices, has white fillings available, so they will be able to treat your cavity while maintaining the appearance of the tooth.

White fillings are made from an extremely dense substance, so will be able to withstand a lifetime of pressure and impact as you chew.

Root Canal

Root canal treatment, often just called root canal, is a treatment that involves the removal of the entire dental pulp in order to save the tooth. Root canal is necessary for teeth that have become decayed or infected and will not be saved by just a regular filling. A root canal involves the removal and cleaning of the inside of the tooth, and sealing, so that the potential infection is halted, and the tooth does not have to be removed.

A root canal will only be necessary if the root of the tooth has been reached. If not, then a regular filling will suffice. Special files are used to clean out the tooth during a root canal, and then pluggers are used to fill in the tooth. A filling material is then used to seal the tooth off, protecting it from further infection.

Leaving an infected tooth can result in serious complications, such as the growth of abscesses. If you are experiencing extreme pain from a tooth, and need a dentist in Harley Street, then we will be available for a consultation, or even emergency dentistry.

Looking for high quality cosmetic work around W1? Cosmetic surgeries we offer at Harley Street Dental Clinic

Until recently, trips to the dentist were seen as a bit of a chore. Biannual check-ups were the only reason most people visited their dentist, so many people felt ambivalent about attending their surgery for other treatments.

Dental Clinic in W1Today however, dental surgeries are becoming more popular than ever, due to the rise in cosmetic dentistry.

Although it is not a new treatment, cosmetic dentistry was once out of the price range of most people and was therefore undertaken by only the richest people in society. Today, as more private dental surgeries offer things like dental plans or monthly payments, more people are approaching their dentists to improve the aesthetics of their smiles.

At the world-famous Harley Street, our dental clinic in W1 is able to offer our patients many different types of cosmetic dentistry at an affordable price, meaning all you have to worry about is where you can show off your new smile.

Cosmetic surgeries we provide

Depending on the overall finished look you want to achieve with your cosmetic procedure, our team at our dental clinic in W1 can advise you which type of surgery will provide you with this desired effect and which cosmetic option you are suitable for.

Some of our more popular cosmetic surgery options undergone at our dental clinic in W1 include the following.

Tooth whitening

If you want to boost your confidence in a hurry, then teeth whitening is for you. At Harley Street, we offer both in surgery whitening and at home whitening options, depending on how many shades whiter you want your teeth to be at the end of treatment.

In surgery whitening involves your dentist painting liquid cleaner on to your teeth and then using a specialised light to clean off any stubborn surface stains and whiten the enamel. This process is repeated until the desired shade of white is reached.

At home whitening kits involve a customised plastic plate, that fits over your teeth and comes with a pre-mixed gel to wear overnight as you sleep. This typically takes 2 weeks for the effects to become noticeable.


Are your teeth too sensitive for bleaching?

Porcelain veneers are a fantastic way to whiten your teeth quickly and can also be used to fix aesthetic issues, such as minor gaps in your teeth, crooked teeth or to correct the size of uneven teeth.

Dental implants

Dental implants are becoming increasingly popular and are used to correct the appearance of gaps in your teeth caused by a missing tooth. Other types of dental implant prostheses include overdentures, dentures that are secured to your gums, and bridges, these can fill in the gaps caused by several missing teeth.

Smile makeovers

More personalised, a smile makeover can include all the aforementioned procedures, like whitening or veneers and more – depending on the final result you want to achieve.

Contact us today for more information about other cosmetic options we provide.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a relatively recent, and extremely advanced treatment that involves replacing the entire tooth. Dental implants can be expensive, however due to their longevity, they are cost effective, as a replacement will very rarely be needed. If you are looking for dental implants, Harley Street Dental Clinic has the facilities to administer dental implants. If you are concerned or unsure about dental implants, then come in for a consultation, as we will be able to run you through the processes and costs of the treatment, so you can then make an informed decision.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetFirst steps of the treatment

One of the first steps of the treatment, is to receive a dental implant consultation. This is to determine whether you are eligible or not for dental implants. Sometimes, for varying reasons, there can be insufficient jawbone in order to sustain the implant. If this is the case, then you may not be able to have implants. There are other options available, if you are not eligible, that will allow you to have a successful dental implant treatment.

Bone grafts

If there is not enough bone to support the dental implant, then a bone graft can help this, and provide enough foundation for the implant to remain secure. The bone can be taken from either your chin or your hip, or be made synthetically, and is placed onto the jawbone in order to provide a stronger foundation.

Sinus lift

Another reason why dental implants may not be suitable, is if the implant will invade your sinus cavity, and therefore be loose in the jaw. This can be rectified with a sinus lift, which will work to lift the sinus, and then fill the space with material that will then hold the implant in place. If you are concerned that you may not be able to receive dental implants, Harley Street Dental Clinic will be able to provide you with a full consultation and give you all the information that you need.

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants work by first opening the gums, and drilling directly into the jawbone, using a series of high-powered drills. Once a hole has been created then the implant is inserted carefully, so as not to damage any of the jawbone. Inserting the implant too tightly can cause damage, and subsequently a necrosis of the bone. Too loosely can cause the implant to fail. Once the implant has been inserted, the patient must wait from anywhere between six weeks to six months. This is to allow the bone to grow around the implant, securing it in place. The amount of time the bone takes to grow can vary depending on age, but still varies from patient to patient.

While you are receiving dental implant treatment, you will have a crown or bridge put over the area where you are receiving treatment. If you are interested in learning more about dental implants, Harley Street Dental Clinic is available to contact.

Dentistry at Harley Street Dental Clinic

Harley Street Dental Clinic is a practice that endeavours to put the patient first in all decisions. We are not concerned with anything but your oral health, and your comfort while you are receiving any form of treatment. We also like to be transparent, which means that our staff are open to any questions that you may have, and we want to answer them as clearly and succinctly as possible.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetCosmetic Dentistry

If you are in need of a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street, then we will be able to provide a wealth of experience in this field. Our dentists have an experienced knowledge of the face, and what treatments give what outcome. Therefore, after a consultation, you will be able to find out which treatment is best for you, and which treatments will complement each other on your unique face.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is the practice of improving one’s smile through several different treatment options. Many of them will not involve any form of surgery, but simply a makeover with the right treatments. One common example of cosmetic dentistry is the practice of teeth whitening. Teeth whitening works by using a special bleaching agent to target discoloured areas of the teeth and produce whiter looking teeth.

Smile Makeover

Many dental practices, such as Harley Street Dental Clinic, have what is called a ‘Smile Makeover’ service. We understand that you may not know exactly what treatment is necessary, and what you may need to achieve the smile you want. Therefore, with a smile makeover service, we will be able to make a full assessment of your mouth and be able to advise on the best course of action. We can also provide examples and projections of what you smile may look like, and therefore give you a good impression of our work. If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street for a smile makeover service, then we have all the facilities you need. Do not hesitate to contact us for a cosmetic consultation.

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry has many benefits that may not be as clear as general dentistry, although often the two overlap. Being confident about your appearance can have great psychological benefits, and many studies show that the first thing that people notice is a great smile. Therefore, cosmetic dentistry is extremely important for creating your true smile.

If you are also working or living in an environment built on meeting new people, such as business or client facing professions, then a strong smile can be extremely beneficial for persuasive reasons and can provide many benefits that may be unseen. Improved self confidence due to your smile may also be a huge benefit for building new relationships.

If you need a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street Dental Clinic we will be able to provide you with a fantastic service, that will be able to give you the most attractive smile possible.